In your opinion, which FOSS software is by many considered "old" or "obsolete", but are in fact, in your opinion, in many ways better than the newer alternatives? to Free and Open Source – 107 points –

I'll start:

  • RSS and blogs, news vs. social media
  • XMPP vs. WhatsApp/FB messenger/Snapchat
  • IRC vs. Matrix, Teams, Discord etc.
  • Forums vs. Social media, Reddit, Lemmy(?)

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It's hard to beat GIMP.

Hard to do anything with GIMP.



I've found that Krita is pretty easy to use and does most of the things I would otherwise have to use Photoshop for.

My kid uses krita with a drawing tablet, something I'm honestly not sure is even possible with gimp.

Seriously considering paying $10/mo for Photoshop just so I can replace my gimp with being encombured with bloat.

I mean, In general I hate the rent-your-software trend, but 10 bucks a month for Photoshop isn't bad and the FOSS alternatives are just not up to snuff for anything other than the most basic of tasks. I'm saying this as somebody who struggled through learning The GIMP years before I ever got my hands on a copy of Photoshop.

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