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All PS3's could play PS1 games too

I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but the Biden administration has really exceeded my expectations.

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people put off buying homes and other big purchases because they know it will be cheaper later

What absolute drivel. This myth was obviously formulated by some wealthy economist who had only ever worries about purchasing vacation homes.

People put off buying homes UNTIL THEY CAN AFFORD IT. How many people does the author think are currently in the streets or renting for years just so they can save a bit on their mortgage? Completely garbage.

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I was having a hard time imagining which company this could be. Not that I'm a fan of Verizon or Comcast, but I think they know what side their bread is buttered on. Which one wouldn't?

Then I remembered Starlink exists.

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Queue all the people in the comments talking about ad blockers or alternative apps.

Those might be great (and ad blocking is important in general), but I've found I ultimately just watch YouTube less.

A good chunk of my favorite creators had been pushing Nebula for the past couple years, so I finally tried it out and it's pretty decent. I've even found new channels there that would have been buried on YouTube. Still tons of room for improvement for the platform, but it's functional now.

Other creators have their own websites with text content, or podcasts hosted elsewhere.

It's only a small handful of channels I check for on YouTube anymore. It kind of sucks that it's mostly small channels where video is a key component and they don't fit with the edu-tainment vibe of Nebula, and I don't know of another platform for them. Lots of DIY home improvement, self-sufficiency (not religious or conspiratorial lol), music videos, and channels dedicated to specific videogame franchises.

I know LTT has Floatplane too. I wonder if all of these other videos streaming options getting worse will start driving more people to smaller platforms.

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Crazy how just a few decades ago, announcing a plan to lower prices and sell to more customers would have been seen as desirable.

Shows his the relationship has been changed. It's no longer corporation vs corporation competing in a market for consumers.

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Interesting what I don't see in this article. There's a lot of different drivers for costs of car infrastructure maintenance. But one of the most important drivers is weight. It causes more stress on the road surface and decreases that lifespan.

I agree with the article, just weird that they left out the most compelling argument for a weight tax on ALL vehicles.

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I would totally be open to someone other than Biden running... If the DNC (or any party) had actually started promoting and positioning anyone good 2-3 years ago.

It's too late now. Biden is the guy.

And all the people on the Internet I see whining about how they don't like the choices available: if you actually want to do anything productive instead of just bitching you need to do the work in advance. Get involved with political organizations, campaigns, etc.

Even looking further ahead to he 2028 elections (assuming the US is still having elections)... Who is the DNC planning on running? Harris is cop who doesn't excite anyone. AOC is probably too polarizing to get moderate support, and is probably move valuable in Congress right now. Newsome maybe? I hate to throw out celebrities, but it's happened enough that it's possible and John Stewart seems like he might just go for it. Heck, even he is 62 right now, so he'd be 66 if he ran in 2028, and 67 by inauguration day.

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PlayStations are not sold at a loss either.

They usually start out selling for a loss, but Sony reduces costs and scales production so they're usually profitable (or at least even) after a couple of years. As far as I can tell the PS3 took the longest, releasing in 2006 and not breaking even until 2010, still 3 years before the PS4 launched.

It seems Xbox has always sold at a loss though.

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It's as if her lawyers watched Duke's of Hazard and thinks as long as they can get over the county line then Boss Hog can't chase after them

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The reddit issue screwed over end consumers and a couple of tiny app developers.

There's some big developers that use Unity. Pokemon Go is in Unity. Pokemon BDSP was in Unity: say what you want about the quality, but that's as still over 14 million games sold and I would not be at all surprised if ILCA was halfway through another Unity re-make.

These changes aren't just screwing over random individuals who like to play games. Not just indie developers either. Unity is looking to battle with billion-dollar corporations over this. I can't believe for once I'll actually be rooting for Nintendo's legal team.

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CVS BOUGHT my health insurance company earlier this year.

If we are going to be cursed with private healthcare, can we at least maintain a competitive market? Right now it's an oligopoly at best, effectively a private monopoly for a lot of people.

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You don't see the ultra rich getting fancy coffee from your local barista.

They pay assistants to do that for them.

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Just going to ignore how Biden has asked Congress to legislate a higher minimum wage and issues an executive order requiring a higher minimum wage for Federal contractors?

The Democrats have only controlled Congress and the presidency at the same time for about 4 months in the past 4 decades, beginning in September 2009. Before then... idk it would have been before Reagan. When was the last time the minimum wage increased? 2009.

"Both sides are the same" is a Republican talking point.

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Gomes then sued, alleging absentee ballot mishandling and supplying video footage showcasing Geter-Pataky, a member of the Democratic Town Committee, repeatedly dropping absentee ballots into drop boxes or handing them to others, who then did the same.

If I'm interpreting this correctly, it sounds like a couple of election officials just put absentee ballots in with regular ballots instead of... I assume they should have been set aside for vetting? The article doesn't say what should have happened. The article doesn't really go into the impact- seems like they just really, REALLY wanted to print a headline about Democrats meddling in the elections process.

When I think of "stuffing" I think of people creating wholly illegitimate ballots, which does not seem to be what happened here.

Also worth noting that this was for the Democratic primary for a mayoral position in 2019, and some of that info probably should have been in the headline.

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There's a large swath of what Gene Wilder might call "the common clay of the new west" who vote purely on who can appear to be the toughest. It's like some pack behavior of exerting dominance that you'd see in animals.

Uneducated, usually rural people who like Trump because "he tells it like it is" or "he's a boss who knows how to lead", when in reality he just constantly makes shit up and runs his businesses into the ground.

I think these people will see Biden's remarks and Trump getting upset at them and view it as a sign that Biden is "tougher" than Trump. Which is dumb, but if it means a more progressive government and avoiding the regression under Trunk I'll take it.

Why is this story suddenly getting posted to dozens of communities that in seeing in my feed?

It's one 73 year old tribal elder who complained that today's youth don't respect tradition. This same story has been pre-printed for thousands of years.

Sweeney does not want to contribute in any way towards making the steam deck more profitable.

I think he actually wants a monopoly. He wants to be, functionally, the only digital storefront on PC. And doing anything that could help Valve, even in another market, would detrimental to that goal.

I just wish she would make the intelligent move of resigning.

Or that she would have stepped down after her last term. Or an earlier one.

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This happens again and again and again. At every level, public and private.

The answer is not "filter these people out of these jobs" because very often they have no prior records. Or sometimes someone gets phished. The answer is to stop enabling this in the first place.

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Also he voted FOR the bill they accused him of trying to sabotage.

All of Biden's "lies" are the equivalent of when my mom describes an event that happened "a week or two ago" that was actually 3 months ago. They're minor unimportant details, or just simplification for the sake of giving speeches.

I keep scrolling through all and seeing this re-posted over and over again, so to save anyone else the trouble- the NY Times interviewed one 73 year- old tribe elder who complained about the youth not following traditions.

I think we're done here.

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Pokemon Sword and Shield.

Rose is trying to move the country off of fossil fuels and onto sustainable green energy. Somehow Gamefreak manages to portray this as being a terrorist and extremist. How dare he try to move Galar away from coal?

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As an accountant I've listened to several colleagues talk for hours about dialing in their W-2's, some even under withholding and making quarterly payments to make up the difference. Calculating exactly what they are saving and investing that into a seperate account.

Probably spending more in fees than they're saving. Let alone the time invested. I'm perfectly fine with the government slowly accumulating 1% of my income extra over the course of a year and sending it back later personally.

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Seperate Activision from Blizzard while you're at it.

Peel Zenimax off and break it further apart.

All these mergers... I've yet to see a single one end up with positive outcomes for the consumer, the employee, or really anyone other than the shareholders.

Are they going to call it Cabracadabra?

This is, quite literally, a comically bad idea. This has literally been used as a punchline in fiction.

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You realize Biden broke Trump's record for executive orders and appointments, right?

He did a ton of work, most of which was reversing Trump's damage to Federal agencies like the EPA.

He also gave out stimulus. Student loan forgiveness was struck down by the Court, but they are putting together a secondary option. They've started to look into re-scheduling marijuana.

I don't love everything he's done. I could point to the railworker strike or foreign policy in the middle east as things I don't like. But he has far exceeded my expectations for both accomplishing goals and for those goals being further left than I expected. He's only done "nothing" if you decide to conveniently ignore all that he's done.

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The railworkers got their sick days:

Maybe try talking about things you're informed about instead of spreading lies?

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She's 96. She should have retired when Bush was president of that was her concern.

Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I don't think they ever will.

It's probably not going to be a whole city at once. It's going to be a building here, a building there, barely escalating beyond local news unless it's a famous building (Mar-A-Lago?). There's going to be more and worse hurricanes, but climate deniers will point out how they weren't as bad as Katrina or Maria or Sandy. Insurers have already started leaving those areas, changing policies, and/or hiking rates.

The big exception will be if another New Orleans levy breaks. But people will blame the very idea of that city existing below sea level as being an inherently bad idea (which.... I don't think is entirely wrong) and use that to deflect away from the influence of climate change.

People still denying climate change today are either financially invested in doing so, or will need a ridiculous and dramatic event to convince them. Something like you would see in a disaster movie, like a 300ft tall Tsunami.

The article notes that Jeffries has been described as more available for "a quick text", among other things.

Does Nancy Pelosi know how to text? My own grandparents are slightly older and still view texting as some sort of weird fad that only teenagers do.

The Dems lost control of the house at mid-terms, and they only have a razor-thin margin in the Senate of 51-49 if you count the 3 independents as Dems (which is fair as they caucus together).

I don't see any domination, at least on a national level.

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"Playable" is doing a lot of work.

Don't get me wrong: I've played through games with it and it's really great. But there's a ton of glitches and games that don't play well. In another 5 or 10 years (hopefully I've upgraded my hardware by then) it'll probably be great. But today it's reserved for enthusiasts who enjoy tinkering with settings or playing less demanding games.

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This looks like it exactly matches the comforter from a hotel I stayed at recently. It was a "Tru by Hilton"

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Ah yes hardcore gamers, truly the most oppressed minority.

Passenger rail, in the places it's successful, is often seen as a service rather than a profitable private business. Similar to the mail, or the billions of dollars that go towards car infrastructure.

The question shouldn't be "why aren't the private entities paying for it" but rather "why do private industries own this?". Look at the UK: they famously privatized their rail network and it's gone to shit ever since.

It's not in that source, but other sources like this one cite Tsainama Marubo (the main tribal elder who gave all the quotes) as being 73 years old.

Seems to me like the Times found some old guy to complain about the younger generation, which I imagine helps to sell a lot of physical copies of the Times.

Why do all of these articles always assume all vaping is nicotine-related? It's exchanging the words "e-cigarette" with "vape". Seems irresponsible of the author. It's like writing an article on the dangers of squares and mixing in the word rectangle

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