5 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So you really expect me to believe a lactating woman produces hormones?

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I think it's a way of denoting satire. The opinion given, like the grammar used, is intentionally bad. I think it originates with r/okbuddyretard where many of the posts are created in ways that mimic how 12 year olds on the internet speak.

Why does everything need to have personal gain to matter at all. I get the whole "no actual evidence" part. But if we actually see aliens and you're not impressed, I don't think we can be friends. Don't blame capitalism, you're just lame. Sure, there are real problems, but people throughout history have had it far worse and still managed to care about things outside of their own tiny microcosm. Many people enjoy these things not in spite of but because of their personal struggles, as they can act as an escape for a short time. If you're going to have economic troubles anyway, why spend all your time dwelling in it?

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Content leaving isn't a problem. If they give up some things they have more money to get the rights to other content, and usually by the time it leaves I've either watched it or don't want to. If it's one of the rare things I want to watch several times, I can just buy it. But cracking down on password sharing is ridiculous. They've been functioning fine with people sharing passwords. I bet the current pricing accounts for password sharing. But now people in college can't be on the family netflix? Pure greed.

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To start your Tesla you must now tweet the word "start"

So there was a time where the most common phrase among redditors was "the narwhal bacons at midnight" and during this time redditors were concerned about non-redditors pretending to be redditors to seem cool.

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Personally I won't mind marrying a woman that was any of those things. Preferably all three

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

Another elk at Rocky Mountain National Park

I would say that a species intelligent enough to believe in God could be divine. So I don't think orangutans or gorillas would be, but we have archaeologic evidence that Neanderthals had some form of religion, so they may also have souls.

Why don't more people move to Flagstaff if they want to live in Arizona? Further north and higher altitude means more reasonable temperatures. They have actual pine forests in the middle of the martian-looking desert. It's really cool. Plus, they're closer to both the Grand Canyon and the Antelope Canyon, not to mention the Utah national parks. But for some reason everyone moves to Phoenix and Tucson.

Kind of like saying the best birth control is abstinence. Technically true, but most people are going to have kids anyway. As long as we stay around replacement rate, which most western countries are at or below, having kids is a good thing so that society can keep going as people (ideally) retire. So while we're all still here, how can humans lessen our emissions. That's the question.

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I think the comparison is, in the eyes of Blamemeta, between a thing that is very severe and a thing that is somewhat less severe. If that's the case, equating the two must either exaggerate the severity of the latter or minimize the severity of the former. So I think Blamemeta is trying to say that it cheapens the severity of the holocaust, not realizing that the word "whitewash" implies that it's deliberate, i.e. that Acharnien also agrees that Russia's law isn't a big deal and want to use it to downplay the holocaust. But I think it's more likely they just meant to say "cheapens" instead of "whitewash" lol

Sure, but I don't think that a ribeye deserves the same untouchable nature as continuing the human species. Especially because if we get too many people choosing the child free route, suddenly your retirement plan will need to include a bullet. We don't have to all go full vegan, but would it be the end of the world to have a passing relationship with beans, or at least give the impossible whopper a try.

Why Rocket? Is it because of Guardians of the Galaxy or something else?

Lol. Lmao even

You forgot to switch accounts before replying to yourself lol

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Does this work for other colors?

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