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Was there not some issues with the animal trials last year or am I misremembering?

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Eventually I will get to there but I see it as part of the grieving process for my lost communities for now

Even if alternatives die though, we could force google to sell off portions of itself to up and coming orgs/options like they did with AT&T. Or put in privacy protections that will allow alternatives to begin again and grow.

I don't understand the ins and outs of it all but we can't let fear of it taking too long or alternatives dying stop us from fighting monopolies and privacy protections.

I find this so frustrating. Because the ADHD can cause anxiety to be worse so by just addressing the anxiety you aren't addressing the whole picture. At least offer some testing/ off label non stimulant options.

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I just had full blood work done in August when the fatigue was starting to get very noticable. all levels considered normal.

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Haha I was thinking of using this as a way to avoid a task In dreading.

I use jak sie masz. The phrase from Borat which apparently also means how are you in polish.

Yea. The AI got pissed where I was at because I had bought lunch and placed my utensils that come with it in the bag withput scanning them. They simply are provided with the hot food counter food for free.

Ooo ADHD person here working in Neuroscience. I love to see articles and research like this.

Oof me this morning. I pulled into work and was not sure how I got here and promptly fell asleep in my car for an hour. I still feel like shit but at least I am slightly more alert.

The combo of prolonged high stress and lack of sleep is killing me

Currently reading this in the shower...

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How do I explain it to my dog who chose not to drink water all day, despite having access to it, then slurps all of at once as loudly as possible right as I am going to sleep? She would just think I'm telling her to not drink water.

Ok wait so is it one reply to this? Or multiple replies to this? For instance I want to do the unsung hero thing but what if I think of a good meme? Should that be one post or should it be separate?

Also what does that mean for this reply? Should I edit it and include my actual post or a new one?

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I'm using habitica but honestly I hate the app and there is some drama there that may make me leave. Also I have integrated all my calendars so it is all linked to my Google calendar and shows work and personal. And Trello it's a virtual kanban board with cool integrations

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Me.. right now... Oh god someone send help

Fair enough but you should be able to undergo testing/evaluation without monetary or personal hurdles.

Ex boss (still friends with) who has been officially diagnosed said that to me. She had seen me in a work setting and knew

Man the first song takes me way back and I had never heard the last one but I love it. Thank you.

While true there are some groups people and politicians are trying to make it be better and change things like that. I can't think of anyone in SC that is doing that (though I admit I don't keep up with their politics outside broad nationwide headlines)

Definitely not what I was expecting and definitely what I needed. Thank you!

Aw this is sweet. I hope he knows how you feel. And it's so great to hear people doing things in the way that works best for them rather than how society seems it should be.

I don't know. I find this refreshing. I had been a major lurker on reddit but here it feels like its truly a community, but maybe that's the novelty of it.

R/earthporn, r/lab rats, r/Superbowl, r/pitbulls

Ooo I'm in love with this. Thank you

Same here. Heard it for the first time when I saw local h live.

Sort of. There is body doubling on the ADHD discord but I really need like someone to check in every week make sure I'm getting stuff done so it's only partially helpful.

Im using it to keep track of buying a house with my partner (there are so many little steps) and I love being able to leave comments so I remember or so he can update me on stuff.

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I know there is a book community already. https://lemmy.world/c/books@lemmy.ml Im sure it wont be a curated as bettermentbookclub but its a start.

If nothing else it's started some discussion and some community engagement. I left reddit in the reddit debacle and sometimes miss the engagement that was there.

Aw man I haven't even thought about that sub til now. It was my morning coffee scroll. It will take forever to build something like that here.

There is already an illegallysmolcats https://lemmy.world/c/illegallysmolcats Im sure the rest arent far behind.

Never heard of buzzkill but after looking it up I am a hundred percent in. I have a friend who only texts in tiny short bursts of 200 one sentence texts.

Yea Trello can be daunting. My old boss had us use it for a while so I sort of had to learn it. Since then I've managed to do a lot with powerups to make it work better for me but the set up took some time.

I was using Evernote but it just became a cluttered mess with all my notes

I don't really have a lot to contribute, its only recently I went from being a lurker to really engaging with the community on Reddit, perhaps here I will feel more like engaging instead of just doomscrolling until my eyes fall out.

Thanks! its so stressful and we are just getting started.

Man I am in neuroscience and I keep asking for deadlines. It's not happening no matter which pi I ask and I am frustrated about it.

Ooo getting fancy. I haven't done vlookup in ages. I'm not even sure I could remember how.

I had mixed results with the community. I got some great articles that I was able to share to raise awareness, some great book recommendations for everything from coping with stress to fiction to distract myself to useful sustainability topics.

But it also wreaked havoc on my mental health overall and I got downvoted for trying to find environmental communities that werent just big corporations in disguise or ineffective at their goals.

Overall definitely not going to miss it but a community that isn't afraid to talk about collapse while still trying to find some solutions (even if just small individual solutions) would be welcome imo.

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Other than pysch/ pnp like suggested have you thought about a therapist that specializes in adhd? I hear (still struggling to find one myself) that those who specialize in it can help a lot. Maybe see if there is an adult ADHD support group in your area?

Hm. Top scifi recommendations are going to be Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (you probably already read that one though) Hyperion by Dan Simmons The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is on my to read list. Parable of the Sower (its not really scifi but is good fiction that looks at our world post climate issues from the eyes of a 15 year old)

Not a book but an amazing three season sci fi series on Netflix is Dark (its German, the dub is not terrible)

Fantasy Recs: Any Ursla Le Guin Shadow and Bone (it has a netflix series too) Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrel (Regency novel but with magic) Anything by Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea (retelling of Korean folk myth that is a little romancey and not super deep but I thoroughly enjoyed reading especially since I was not familiar with the myth)

Recommeded by r/collapse (I have yet to start any of these) When things fall apart : heart advice for difficult times by Pema Chodron Where the deer and the antelope play : the pastoral observations of one ignorant American who loves to walk outside by Nick Offerman Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond (volumes 1&2) Duino Elegies by Rainer Maria Rilke, as translated by S. Mitchell Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet by Thich Nhat Hahn Prosper by Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart The Fifth Sacred Thing A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers Station 11 How to Prepare for Climate Change by David Pogue The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of Our World by Iain McGilchrist

Non-Fiction: Deep Ecology (I will have to check my bookshelf for the author) The Sand County Alamac by Aldo Leopold Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation (funny and educational about mating habits of other species framed as an advice column)

Anyway I will edit and add to this tonight or tomorrow to add things I am forgetting from my bookshelf (if I don't remember to edit give me a poke, ADHD makes things hard)

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