This community only exists because the shower is one of the last places left where it’s still uncomfortable to use a smartphone. to – 135 points –

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Currently reading this in the shower...

One of those bags to keep your phone dry?

I have an old shitty shower/hot water heater it takes like five minutes for it to even get lukewarm so I usually dick around for five minutes while the water heats up

It’s weird, I read and respond to texts and listen to audiobooks on my phones speaker in the shower all the time. There’s a ledge outside of the water spray so it’s easy to navigate. I mean texts can usually wait but the ability to continue my audiobook from my headphones to my phone speakers for showering is key.

It's 2 am right now and I was sleeping terrible. So I took my phone to the shower, not really to get clean, but just for comfort.

Most phones made now it seems are rated for being able to go underwater. I wouldn't go swimming with mine or anything, but it often gets wet and it's fine. The touchscreen doesn't really work when wet, because it thinks it's being touched all over. That's the only part that needs to stay dry to operate in the shower.