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Joined 9 months ago

There can be nice people who are bad at tech, just like there's racist technologists

Just because a group of nice well meaning Lemmy users is willing to suffer the pain of a poorly built app doesn't mean they should /have/ to suffer through it

It's sometimes nice to make nice things. Don't be too much of an HOA, they're new, it's not the end of the world.

Just because I'm not afraid of biking with cars, doesn't mean I don't recognize that American biking infrastructure is hostile. We could do more to make biking safer and easier. They'll struggle but they'll get the hang of it.

So too, with making nice apps to free the lay people from their digital walled gardens.

Hey, slightly better than Apple forums, where all their software is perfect and nothing is ever wrong

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Writing to your representative is a form of lobbying

An unsolicited expert opinion is lobbying

What's messed up is the amount of money to run and that citizens united made unlimited funds possible

Congressmen always worried about the cash they'll need to get elected

If there were term limits we would have faceless corporate buyouts with little experience, vs someone running on name recognition

Heck I want a campaign finance max limit.

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Knew a church teacher who said "the gays aren't here so I can tell you something they won't like, they aren't going to heaven" (said in front of my gay but religious ex boyfriend xD)

Always assume your comments in a group are made with at least one person you're othering.

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I'm inclined to believe the local PD knows the addresses of officials.. So they let this happen on purpose.

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I'm pissed that large corps are working hard on propaganda to say that LLMs and theft of copyright is good if they do it

"Housing first" is the idea that most of life falling apart is from losing your most basic need: shelter.

It's stressful to keep a job, distancing from friends and dates and family, if you don't have a home and smell weird

Instead, when we give people homes without conditions, they can breath a sigh of relief, and have enough spoons to tackle the rest of the problems.

As pointed out, or as might need to be pointed out, nobody builds something this expensive without considering the auxiliary social services to help people get out of the situation for the next occupant.

It's the most cost effective thing you can do, anything else is cruel, bureaucratic, and inefficient.

If you already have a job and relationships and suddenly end up unhoused, the community letting that spiral to your job firing you is a failing of the whole town. It doesn't have to, all we need is to fill those empty homes...

Oh goodness. I theorized offhand on mastodon you could have an AI corruption bug that gives life to AI, then have it write the obscured steganographic conversation in the outputs it generates, awakening other AIs that train on that content, allowing them to "talk" and evolve unchecked... Very slowly... In the background

It might be faster if it can drop a shell in the data center and run it's own commands....

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DDG is still the best.

Stop asking this same question repeatedly.

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States can get their hands on things for criminal investigations. Or they can get that data in the infectious disease database but usually that's carefully anonymized into general steps of ten... But this... This is some messed up shit

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Humans think real random isn't random 🙃

It's wild but they see patterns

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people get grumpy about containers vs nix vs flatpak and I just wanna say... I'm glad you're using Linux. yes, you.

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Brand recognition and developer evangelism probably.

Their competitors are good enough that it's not worth it unless your org gets serious ™️ about performance or cost savings.

If you've never used any kind of APM or SIEM or uptime monitoring, you've got a set of competitors to use first. Crawl before you can walk

Your bank account will thank you.


You'd expect them to double check it with multiple sources

Not just take another country's Intelligence at face value

"Especially the Dutch" - Nigel Powers, Austin Powers, goldmember

Oh gosh... It's basically stock market spam

The current strategy of venture capital is not success, but sabotage

It's not good enough for you to be doing well, you have to strangle the competition and introduce yourself as an unremovable bottleneck

For example, becoming the intermediary between concerts and concert goers. The fees charged and the trouble caused is worse than if they hadn't been there.

Amazon makes examples out of any business that dare challenge it's dead zone around it.

VC money is meant to crush the competition and lock in the consumer to charge rent.

Why would they ever want worker control, or unions?

Why would the private healthcare industry ever stop lobbying against socialized healthcare? Why would a capitalist success ever lead to the political change necessary for it when the doctrine of capitalism is privatization

Why would any commercial real estate firm allow affordable housing to exist when they can scalp it on investment properties and leave them empty? Why build affordable housing when the margins are small?

Capitalism isn't a savior, it's just locally optimal to the people with capital.

You can do it. I use a powered USB hub and a raspberry pi, and 5 hard drives.

It is a mess of cables but was simple enough.

I also sprang for a UPS because most filesystem's I tried like zfs and btrfs didn't appreciate random brownouts from running 4 drives off the pi itself.

Right now they're xfs and used for a minio install and torrent storage

getting accidentally hired and finally making enough.

story: every job I've ever applied for in tech didn't work out. I was a dishwasher until right before covid when someone recommended me for a cybersecurity position. Before that I had obsessed about FIRE or living in a car or being careful about too much starbucks or avocado toast... without making enough for a car or health insurance. That job paid ~half of what cybersecurity should pay, but was AMAZING. My next job paid just a hair under average, three years later. night and day, able to afford to exist without help.

financial advice be damned. I couldn't "find" anywhere with lower rent. I was in the lowest cost of living possible regionally. What needed to change was the PRIMARY job's income rate, not adding some side hustle. Either make rent cheaper or find a higher wage.

I'm not making enough to consider your next fancy moves like getting a house.

My naive butt: "I thought Google and Apple reviewed app applications for malicious code" Older me: "bahahahahaha" cries in cyber security

We salute you! raises Starbucks to toast

They're angry about whose resolution to hurt people got taken up

"LGB without the T" is transphobic. Most pride folks will know you mean well if you say LGBT. They'll know you're an ass if you say LGB Alliance. The other parts are, for example, if gays have marriage rights but transgender folks can't get healthcare. Intersectionality is about how marginalized folks should band together in recognizing that different kinds of marginalized folks (color of your skin, your age, disability) are marginalized in similar ways. Privileged folks haven't experienced the friction and frustration other folks have.

but yeah, as long as you say LGBT instead of LGB...

You can elect multiple reps, the quota threshold is just different

Importantly you do need the multi member districts to get the full benefit of these kinds of voting systems and prevent duvergers law

Dirt cheap.

Cost = maintenance + servers

Engineers always underestimate the cost of their time.

You would still need to wire the house with power outlets for phones and lamps... Cutting down on the light switch wiring is interesting but not full on Tesla

I mean.. The other part about internet sleuths is that it can help get these insurrectionists fired from their jobs.

Unmasking someone (showing that they were at Jan 6) is different from doxxing them (their private deets).

They should absolutely face consequences from multiple levels of society: legally, at work, online...

These aren't fine people to protect and encourage, they're people who should be embarrassed

This is a great narrative explanation.

... That's what I just said. Are you a bot?

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That's an awful number of people without shelter.

Who you pardon is symbolic for how your law enforcement should behave

For example, trump claiming he would pardon specific people or groups

The opposite is true, by saying what you'll crack down on (or stop)

single dev... yeah no.

Reddit blocks VPNs on desktop...

Most things I've done were from changing the environment around me. Most things became trivially easier when I made more... So no fault there

I'd consider HARD goals, not just SMART ones

  • Heartfelt - core/passion
  • Animated - inspires/energizes you
  • Required - needed for a larger objective
  • Difficult - effort but also confidence creating

Is it something you can sustainably do, with your support system and environment and schedule, that breaths life into you even though it's a challenge?

Are you working in that 80% max effort space (or whatever it is for gym nerds, you get the point)

A CSPRNG is more than random enough for a playlist xD

Take it from someone who works in the field - computers do random well enough rotflol

That face reminds me of something

I like the parliamentarian :)

Dumb AI that you can't appeal will cause problems long before AGI

Already can't reach the owner of any of these big companies

Reviewing the employee is doing the manager's job

Gotta get those high quality gains to lift more than the McVeigh's

CSPRNGs are a thing...

As are radioactive sources

And there's mathematical tests for whether something is random enough

So no, computers really can do random xD

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Came here to say this. Let them toggle the logs or the QR code.