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Joined 1 years ago

Ouch time.

It's game Ogre, man! Game Ogre!

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The WOKE want to force their WOKE AGENDA on you or they'll ban you, claiming you broke their WOKE terms of service. Don't let the WOKE win!!11

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Especially when they talk about fleeing the country.

But they don't most of the time. If you aren't very lucky like with No Man's Syk or Cyberpunk, you are stuck with an abandonend pile of garbage. And even with those games, it would have been better for everyone involved if they were what they are now from the start.

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It's from the first generation of Pokemon. The egg mechanic came with the second generation.
The first generation even mentions South America, real world references weren't a thing in later generations either.

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There isn't a reason the company couldn't hire someone to do their job from an office in India or the Philippines either though.


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This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

I just keep the tab open so I never leave and thus never have to post. taps head

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I consider this a hate crime no matter the people.

So, uh, where does one find a cute (trans)catgirl?

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Oh, but I think he should be at the top of the list of people who go first. I'm sure he and 21 of his billionaire friends will surely pull through.

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You can still NAT IPv6

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Fixed that for you:

I'm sure they would be allowed back in, why not? But I doubt they'd get all their special treatements back.

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Huh, that was easy.

Err, I mean, hello there.

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I'm doing 5/6.

My bootloader is found. Luckily.

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It's also easy and free for the non gay people on your phone.

It's fun!

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They never are and this attitude is what got us in this microtransaction hell in the first place.

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Big and cuddly you say?
Maybe I should get one without being neither transfer nor femboy...

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Muscle mommies? Yes please! UwU

No. They could have taken a look at what their competition does and start from there. When I'd want to sell a new phone I sell one that has festures of a common phone these days. What I don't do is start with a brick of a phone and say "Please buy it, I have to play catch-up."

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No, no. Please continue to be Deutschdazzled.

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Game. It's in the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island. They found Mew in the South American jungle.
Also Major Surge is called an American IIRC and a war he fought in is alos mentioned.

Too late. We are everywhere already.

Helloooooooo nurse!

Ay Boss

Danger! High Voltage

^SCNR^ and probably NSFW

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Ah, the joys of multiclassing.

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Jokes on them, I'm not paying that shit. Yarr mateys🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

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Oh, there are more than enough football fans who whine about taunting or unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. Not only when the refs call is bullshit, but on principle. Sadly, there are more than enough morons around.

Not Paul, no. Leto II. on the other hand...

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She only has one after she sold the smaller one recently.

Also, she is getting memed now because her lawyers send that brain-dead letter to the dude posting the publicly available flight data of her jet on Xitter. Elmo already went through that phase.

U wot m8?

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Expensive mail.

Haha, it is!

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not into dudes. No matter how cute and fem the boy is.

Despite that I'm available for hugs for femboys in need.

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Meanwile Forest Knife-Ears in Warhammer:

Setting foot in our forest? Bad move!

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