0 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Either pay me for my data or go fuck off.


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That may get you shot.

Instead, read and react based on this article,is%20a%20crime%20in%20itself.

It's consistent with what I've seen other lawyers say and remember when the police are near it's always Shut The Fuck Up Friday.

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Oh for fucks sake

VW does parts pairing. It resulted in me having to get a new vehicle when my steering wheel controls and air ag stopped functioning. Turns out you have to program the clockspring with the old clockspring and bringing it to VW resulted in a 350$ charge for them to say "we can't fix this".

Fuck VW.

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I'll happily take the W.

At least we could tell Republican women "told you so"

Fuck the shareholders

Help me understand your perspective.

My perspective is, when Trump tweets/truthsocials anyone's name in a court case about him, said person and person's family receive death threats, bomb threats and other forms of intimidation.

So for this I see gag orders as important when used for good.

Providing two sources for sauce.

I see now that I had missed that part of the comment and I retract my statements. I'll leave them up for posterity though

Honestly, if you're going to be combative this is exactly the kind of thing to be combative about.

"Biden sucks!!! 1!" vs Dude I literally can not trust to leave at a 2nd round of 4 more years after throwing a temper tantrum worse than a 4 year old child losing at Monopoly.

Yeah I'll take more milquetoast president please with a side helping of respect for the rule of fucking law.

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Yeah, it's a good "playing with the gang" game. Friday night crack a brew or a blunt and just mindlessly shoot and laugh at dumb stuff.

Makes the challenge of me and my partner finding a unicorn seem easy by comparison.

I still remember a conversation I had with a psyche major who had no idea who Phineas Gage was and thought it was an unimportant minor footnote in psych. What a twat.

I'd like to engage in discussion with you, what exactly is slacktivism as you define it?

Update: 5 hours and no response to me but plenty of others in this post. Clearly not discussing in good faith.

Maybe now I'll finally be able to share my library with my partner

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Factorio is great on battery life until you start doing the mega factory things but that's post game which will take you a long time to get to

I'm rocking the Killswitch. I strongly recommend it. It's good for protection but also it's nice and grippy

Pretty sure the HRBT down in Hampton roads could cause such a blockage. We live in a capitalistic society, why spend a dollar to protect for a risk that could only happen once every couple hundred thousand ships tends to be the usual thought process unfortunately.

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Every day is Shut the fuck up Friday

Well, can't say I thought I'd be checking off double think on my bingo card today

What is this quote from? It sounds like my kinda humor

I brought it there after bringing it to my preferred auto shop. Guy did everything in the book with me there and told "yeah sorry man, you're gonna have to bring it to VW" after we watched the programmer failed multiple times.

Nah should be this new guy I heard about Narack Nobama

The peach tea is really good too. Light on the sugar

Gonna be real honest chief, I'm more scared of you going on a rampage because of your gun toting boogie man than I'm scared of your boogie man.

You wanna own a gun? Cool do it. You wanna own 50? I might raise an eyebrow, express a little concern but do it. (Every collector should raise an eyebrow at other collectors, it helps keep us in check). But man when you start sipping that fearaid please stay the fuck away from me. Nothing scarier than a gun owner preparing against an imaginary boogie man.

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First time?

Don't worry it's still recyclable

*Most people could. My library has some kind of fucked issue. Had to reach out to steam support who were absolutely useless.

I always figured parts of it collapsing would still block access due to large debris being in the way

I feel like there's a difference between "this car has a recall notice for this part, bring it to a shop near you for a free repair" and "yo dawg your acceleration pedal is broken"

You first dick nozzle.

Thank you for correcting my inaccuracies and not being a dick while doing so, I hope you have a good day kind stranger.

Unlike you, someone was kind enough to show what I had gotten right and what I had gotten wrong. I've thanked them for helping correct my knowledge. You, on the other hand, are welcome to shove it.

Hot take, considering how ridiculous prices have gotten for things like housing and groceries, maybe a recession would be good and help reduce those prices. I'm not an economist so very much spitballing

Perhaps reading everything someone has said would behoove you before you start insulting them.

Good luck homie!

Are you aware that China only leased hong kong to Britain? They didn't have much of a choice in giving it back to China due to the treaty. I linked a summary of the history for you below.

Edit: looks like some people don't care for inconvenient things like historical fact and upholding treaties between sovereign nations. Lol.

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That's a much more real and tangible threat than whatever the original post was alluding to.

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