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”Because I had to use complex mathematics to derive your house number among all of the unnumbered houses on your street."

Wouldn’t even be able to do that in the neighborhood I grew up in. They numbered the houses in the order they were built/the lots were purchased and that wasn’t often next to each other lol. So 64, 67, 88, 90 are next to each other for instance.

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Too bad we can’t adopt the Japanese “-san” honorific, as it is gender neutral!

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Took me a bit longer than I expect to find it but here it is:


“Wanna know the first thing I’m gonna do in the springti—“

Knew it must be Not Just Bikes before even clicking!

They acquired Alien Blue, but what they put out under “Reddit” was not Alien Blue in the least bit. They basically bought it to kill it. I had Alien Blue. :(

Additionally, I’m not flipping light switches while controlling a giant machine capable of killing people. Not sure why they compared the two.

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When discussions like this happen I think it’s good to actually suggest alternatives!

I don’t listen to audiobooks, but a lot of people I know use libro.fm

Also your local library probably partners with Hoopla and/or Libby which allows you to borrow audiobooks straight to your PC/phone!

It took me longer into my adulthood than I’d like to admit to learn to just shut up and keep it to myself when this happens.

They may be confusing it with the family plan? Which is $23 for up to 5 people, which imo is a pretty good deal if you know 4 other people to go in on it.

Rainwater typically has a TDS of 20 mg/L or less. Fresh water from lakes, rivers, and groundwater is more variable, with TDS ranging from 20 mg/L to approximately 1,000 mg/L. Brackish water is, by definition, water with TDS exceeding 1,000 mg/L and ranging as high as that of seawater, at approximately 35,000 mg/L.


I think the above comment was kind of blowing the comic out of proportion—I mean it’s a 4 panel comic it’s obviously not going to be able to give great nuance but I think it’s easy to read it as “proper” queerbaiting.

Anyway, the Wikipedia page has a good list of examples if you’re interested in mainstream examples.

Ones that stick out off the top of my head I’ve personally watched were Sherlock, and Teen Wolf and Rizzoli & Isles to a lesser extent.


The thing is I don’t think a majority of people pay for Prime for Prime Video. I obviously have no statistics for this, but I think Video is just a “bonus” on top of the shipping. I don’t know anyone who uses Prime Video as their main source of streaming.

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It’s my understanding it’s not inherently sexual, is it? I mean I know that’s what we see a lot of online but I didn’t think they were all horny about it. So for some portion is just kinda like LARPing?

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Participating states The Direct File pilot will be available to eligible participants in these states:






New Hampshire

New York

South Dakota



Washington state


The pilot is not an option for you if you did not live in one of the 12 participating states in 2023.

Damn I don’t qualify. I hope it goes well in those states and expands.

Editing for formatting.

Harlequin Great Dane, to be more exact! Nice pattern.

However, before deleting an article, CNET reportedly maintains a local copy, sends the story to The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, and notifies any currently employed authors that might be affected at least 10 days in advance

From the article, CNET is archiving it on Wayback themselves.

No, Tumblr nests the original the furthest in. The opposite of places like Reddit/Lemmy, where they nest subsequent comments down. So the furthest to the right is the original comment, and each step out is a new response to the original.

  1. Gas station “supplements” are a surprisingly large market; apparently a source of erectile dysfunction pills and energy boosters for truckers
  2. It is not an opioid
  3. Opioid opioid opioid
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I assume they’re reading glasses, because at least when I wore glasses before LASIK I would know immediately if I wasn’t wearing my glasses. A lot of people hang their reading glasses on their shirt collar or on top of their head, I could see them falling off while pulling something out of the oven without realizing.

At first when I read subway I thought you mean public transport and thought “that’s no small task!” When I realized you meant Subway the sandwich shop I was sad that a town didn’t even have a Subway??? They’re a dime a dozen!

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When I was a kid my dad forbade me from calling him “dude”.

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I googled and apparently the ganguro style has died out which makes me feel old.

Wasn’t on any sort of grid pattern either. The roads just kinda meandered around willy nilly and would sometimes loop back on itself with random “bridge” connecting roads which I know isn’t extremely uncommon but definitely added to the difficulty of navigation.

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Build the house around it. Notice the tile does not carry under the boulder.

I read it as the second owner would have to pay for it themselves to (re)unlock it. So Tesla would get paid twice for the feature in one car.

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I mean it was an actual thing too though!


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I’m currently reading a book called The Wager and I’m learning a lot about ships. Apparently like even your average ship was basically rebuilt each year because they just fell apart constantly. So I guess like all ships are Ships of Theseus.

I think some people have not had much interaction with young kids. Sometimes they only want to watch one. single. thing. over and over and over and over again.

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Also Turkey (the bird) has to be the most hilariously named bird. Different languages attribute the bird to a different location.



But English, Turkish, Hindi, and French aren’t the only languages with geographical confusion over the origin of this gobbling bird. Irish and Welsh call it after Turkey, but that’s probably just borrowing via English. Armenian, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, and Russian also refer to it as some sort of Indian bird, while Dutch, Indonesian, Icelandic, and Lithuanian get slightly more specific with their inaccurate Indian geographical references and call it a bird of Calicut. Khmer and Scottish Gaelic, on the other hand, call it a French chicken, Malay calls it a Dutch chicken, and various dialects of Arabic refer to it as a Roman, Greek, or Ethiopian chicken. The most sensible of the geographically confused names are the languages that name it after Peru, including Croatian, Hawaiian, and Portuguese. I mean, at least Peru is on the right continental landmass, even if it’s home to the Incas while it was the Aztecs who domesticated the turkey.


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I haven’t watched their videos in a long time but I actually listen to a few of their podcasts… damn how wild. One of their podcasts posted on IG they’d try to keep going.

The fake typing is the worst. It just sounds like someone slamming random keys.

I genuinely love the cacophony of cicadas and I live in the Midwest so I’m thrilled for this!

Abortion implies fertilization. Your typical carton of eggs comes from chickens that have not been near a rooster and therefore won’t have been fertilized. They’re just completed menstruation.

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I think they mean plenty of non-ADHD people have haphazard clothes cleanliness policies as well, so they feel this isn’t an ADHD meme.

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Can one run for president “early” if one will be old enough during election/potential presidency?

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Also, if they genuinely wanted to make it more affordable up front in order to get the safety device in more hands, they could charge a chunk initially and then a regular payment plan for so many months. Not paying in perpetuity or we disable it.

Source anime please?

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I’ve caught myself doing it multiple times in one message before. 😔

Do you know what the hell it was used for?? Did they like…pin old school Map Quest instructions to it?

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