Clothes to ADHD – 829 points –

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I think they mean plenty of non-ADHD people have haphazard clothes cleanliness policies as well, so they feel this isn’t an ADHD meme.

Pretty much all ADHD symptoms overlap to a degree with non-ADHD people, though, so it's kind of unreasonable to say that means it's not ADHD related. It's not like developmental disorders compartmentalize themselves neatly into one category or severity of symptoms.

Yeah, I’m fairly ignorant to it all but it seems like a lot of ADHD symptoms are typical issues all people deal with, just amplified?

Pretty much, both in intensity and frequency. And when it's something that someone without ADHD might be able to deal with or overcome fairly easily, depending on the issue for people with ADHD it can be much more difficult to do.