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Joined 8 months ago

we shall seize the means of communication.

it means you'll have to be a registered member to have access after it goes private.

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trying to conflate dangerous political stances with harmless social faux-pass is a normalization technique used by the far right pretty often.

yeah voting for policies that de facto decrease the life quality of a large number of people, needlessly, is the same as farting in public. how cute and quirky.

Hamas committed genocide.

nice thesis you got there.

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of course he is lying. how do you sell furniture if you are homeless? what furniture do you have to sell? where is it stored? how do you transport it?

lots of questions that make this account dubious at best.

“It wasn’t ruthlessly scientific.”

nothing about economics is scientific. economics is modern day astrology, it uses math but it all comes down to belief.

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are you sure? the israelis call the palestinian rockets terrorism.

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dude just pirate the game and pay when it is on sale. gabe will aprove because he hasn't fixed the "i have no money" issue.

seems to me israelis are using terror to achieve their goals. death threats supported by the idf seem pretty terrifying to me.

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thats is the true tragedy,mr troll. it isn't hyperbole. hk is responsible for millions of deaths and lived in luxury until he died of old age. thats like hitler living out his days in some german village after ww2

i always try not to and am always sorry if i come out as such.

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nah, the collective trauma of perestroika gave origin to putin. only in its chaotic environment would someone that is at the same time political leader, criminal leader and oligarch leader come to be. russian people do vote for putin and his party. criminals either work for him either get exiled(see wagner group), sometimes its even worse to them and their family. oligarchs either nut up or shut up, bought by the relative safety of their families living in western europe.

addressing the reactionary bullshit comment, i can only infer that admitting the mistake of perestroika is a disturbing experience for you. but i recommend adam curtis documentary "hypernormalization" to understand putin and a part of the russian zeitgeist.

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bob still needs those 1500 in food stamps while working 15h week... the system works, for a few...

him dying of old age is a spit on humanity. babies get killed all the time and yet this psychopath lived a luxurious life after being responsible for the death of millions of people.

he may be dead, but even is death is a blight upon humanity, because he is, imho, one of the few people that deserve the death penalty for his crimes.

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how did they gather so many hostages? if they massacred every man woman and child how can hostages be real?

you lost the plot. your thesis has no ground basis and is all feelings and nothing more. terror attack? yes. genocide? not even close.

at least you say hamas, and not palestinians.

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are you 100% sure that elevators don't travel any distance? or are we going to argue semantics over what distance is or isn't.

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it will need a boycott and sanctions on the international level for israelis to change. netty is in power by a coalition of parties that gained voters after this. no consequences, and israelis won't change their behaviour.

so are you gonna argue or just ad hominem.

i guess you picked the perfect username, the lack of self awereness is impressive

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how am i defending them? what money have i send them. how much money have you sent israel?

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i think evs are still too expensive for the common uruguaian(?) wallet. so they still use oil for cars. but 4 months 100% renewables is great news.

how people fail to grasp the meaning of this expression, beautiful in its simplicity, still amuses me to this day.

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being unethical is profitable, my good sir.

ships are huge and slow moving targets. with american intel and western weapons ukraine can deny the use of the crimea port to the russian navy.

according to whom? seems to me they are fighting a terrorist state.

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cool israel elected official, members of the israeli parliament called for the "glassing of gaza". idf drops bombs everywhere in gaza, something like a glassing of some sort. so they are fighting a terrorist state. this is a fact. are you going to call terrorists those who take arms against a terrorist state? how does that work?

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pay the creators not the marketeers...

lol. just because a large number of people believes something doesn't make it true.

that is the beauty of truth, it endures in solitude until the lies have no more souls to eat. in the end it will shine bright and cast the light on fact that israel is a terrorist state. so you are like the slavery supporters.

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i count ukraine war victims as murdered by putin. either russian or ukranian.

idf: we have investigated our actions and found no wrong doing. k, bye.

short memory you have

hk was a symptom. nothing more than a tumour that broke the skin that is the disease that is the united states current policies. mr troll, the more i think about the more i question why is gwb still free? mr. troll have you shaken hands with hk?

capitalism actually encourages both. as they are profitable activities.

economics can use the scientific method but is not nor will ever be a science.

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voting for a fascist is voting against future elections... just giving power to those who must never, ever, have it.

yeah the other commenter forgets that one is not only writing an answer but also engaging in a larger conversation. let that one be a constructive one.

if rules are in the way of profit it is not profit that is going to lose. this was, is and will always be the core problem of capitalism. it is profitable to break the rules.


he was protected by the united states security. a mass murderer responsible for the death of millions of people, had the protection of the security forces of the united states. he was invited to the white house to give advice a lot of times, he was invited to parties all the time.

this is fucking surreal. the guy was responsible for millions of deaths, and there he was getting rich because he gave talks about being a fucking psychopath. and he did this in the most prestigious universities of the world.

if you really think about it, if you really take your time to understand, this whole thing is beyond fucked up. and there is this guy complaining about a title. which takes the situation from fucked up to absolute absurdity. its just absurd. i'm not even mad, i'm baffled.

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and you have to trust the artisan. lots of vultures wearing dove feathers these days. 100% sure you pick it or people you actually know. a well organised ecoturism can make this happen. finally 100% ethical chocolate.

if they start to go to the meat of the subject they get fucking reckted trying to justify the current actions of the israeli gov. so they go for the bullshit...