Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny dead, prison service says

ArtikBanana@lemmy.dbzer0.com to World News@lemmy.world – 1215 points –
Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny dead, prison service says

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nah, the collective trauma of perestroika gave origin to putin. only in its chaotic environment would someone that is at the same time political leader, criminal leader and oligarch leader come to be. russian people do vote for putin and his party. criminals either work for him either get exiled(see wagner group), sometimes its even worse to them and their family. oligarchs either nut up or shut up, bought by the relative safety of their families living in western europe.

addressing the reactionary bullshit comment, i can only infer that admitting the mistake of perestroika is a disturbing experience for you. but i recommend adam curtis documentary "hypernormalization" to understand putin and a part of the russian zeitgeist.

Do you always talk down to people?

i always try not to and am always sorry if i come out as such.

Ignore him, you're the only one talking knowledgeably

yeah the other commenter forgets that one is not only writing an answer but also engaging in a larger conversation. let that one be a constructive one.