
31 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Otherwise known as the driver seat in my Volvo

I'll shame meds all day long because I am pissed off they force fed me them starting at age 7. I was strongly effected by the side effects to the point I truly believe it fucked my brain up a bit, but nobody seemed to care because I was quieter during class. I wasn't given a choice in the matter. I think it's ok to be against meds, and it's ok to be for them. They can do amazing things but they're not a fix all solution for everyone.

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I'm not forcing anyone not to take them, and I'm not judging people that do in any way shape or form. I think it's great that it works so well for so many people. I'm still going to voice my concerns because it's important to remember they're not perfect and they aren't the best solution for everyone. I wish someone spoke up for me about that when I was a child and no one was listening to me about the issues I was having with the meds. To me, it's not ok to assume every single person with ADHD will benefit from meds. Especially children.

Oh you can definitely punch Nazis in the face nowadays. Highly recommend.

Damn girl, you shoot with that ass?

They definitely know that it runs arch though

Open your third port


Brb making pumkin pigeon pie

It will continue after that, capitalism being capitalism

We're here, we fuck, we're queer, shit up

Wut? Why would you be fucked? I buy games with my VPN on all the time

14 more...

Jesus fucking Christ. Yet another reason not to eat there. I hope the kids wipe boogers over everything in the kitchen.

It's the feet btw

Do not the forg

I did it ^.^ (NSFW)

Thank y'all I feel so cute now!!

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This better not awaken anything in me

"The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four-Hour Giant, Today" the gang from it's always sunny wrote a book

Instructions unclear, dick stuck in toaster

Jesse Pilkman


They applied the smoothma

I've actually always wondered about this, thanks!

Antivaxxers, flat earthers

I haven't tried it myself but I've heard that using a good private tracker is safe without a vpn

It is Wednesday, my dudes

I finally found something that kinda worked after years of trying. Then I moved and I can't afford insurance at my new job. Guess I'll die gobless usa 🫑

It do be bike that sometimes

Y'all Goodman

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Veni vidi vented

Hi umm... I was just wondering were you going to finish that? πŸ˜³πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ


I'm having The Sims 1 flashbacks

I unironically love this

I believe I found it: Untamed, by Glennon Doyle


I've never heard of that. Pretty sure even if they cared about that for some reason, there would be nothing they could do about it. What are they gonna do, take you to court? They can't prove you weren't in the Netherlands.

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