1 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

From what I read it slow growing and pretty manageable as far as cancer is manageable of course. Hope he'll make a quick recovery, and start growing that magnificent beard back.

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I'm afraid the fediverse will need a crowdsec-like decentralized banning platform. Get banned one platform for this shit, get banned everywhere.

I'm willing to participate in fleshing that out.

Edit: it's just an idea, I do not have all the answers, otherwise I'd be building it.

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Those weird hairless monkies destroying the planet now reproduce at 10% of the speed.

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And so it begins, the marketing world has got its claws in AI.

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As a software developer I do not count sitting in meetings as productive work. Maybe 2-3h a day on average I'm left alone, in a state of flow and am really getting stuff done.

Had to call the police because some kids were vandalizing a subway station. While that was going on there was a dude on a bench quietly doing what I hope was stroking his pet banana in his pants. Yay society.

It's sad just how brainwashed this dude is.

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You won't get an attractive price for internet only. Those companies spend tons of money on broadcasting licenses, and as long as they do, you're going to pay part of that bill, whether you have a TV subscription or not.

If you spend a lot of time in the terminal zellij is a cool alternative to tmux.

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I had similar requirements. I switched to Baikal, which has been happily running in a docker container ever since.

Don't think I've seen fish shell yet

How linux works is a nice read, tells a bit about what's going on under the hood.

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You can use the f-droid store to find them. Its a play store alternative.

Quit my corporate job for a small place with a mission to do good. Never going back to bigtech.

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Im using borgmatic, a wrapper around Borg that has some extra functionality.

Very happy with it, does exactly as advertised.

Wireguard-easy is plain old wireguard with with a nice web interface for management, that's all.

The pig that wants to be eaten - Julian Baggini. It's a book full of fun philosophical thought experiments. Enriched my worldview, and sparked my interest for philosophy.

This man has left behind a concept that could continue to be used for generations. More than anyone could hope to achieve in a lifetime. What a legend.

  • jq - parse json
  • Lazygit - UI for git
  • Lazydocker - ui for docker
  • pass - command line password store
  • zellij - tmux alternative
  • starship - terminal customization
  • tealdear - tldr in rust
  • rm-improved - rm, but moves stuff to /tmp
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Anything can be abused, but you can also build proper safeguards.

They're both good at what they do. Personally I switched from pihole to adguard, only because adguard let's you use wildcard domains. This lets me point all of * to one IP address.

For clarity: I mean humans in general

My solution for a power efficient setup was to split it up: all the services I use but don't need all the time, like jellyfin for example, I host on my nas. I only turn that on when I need it.

The stuff that's running all the time, like home assistant, addblocker, etc, I run on a raspberry pi.

Might not work for everyone, but I'm happy with it.

alt+z for saving, I guess?

You have full control over what you block and whitelist. So if anything goes wrong, you can just troubleshoot it and whitelist if needed. If all fails, you can always (temporarily) turn off all blocking in pihole.

You are absolutely right, this is way better. Thanks!

You can have a local banlist supplemented by a shared banlist containing these CSAM individuals for example.

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Replayed RDR2 on the PS5, most fun I've had with a game in a while.

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I do exactly the same. I do not have a lot of data I feel a need to backup. I have a nightly job that zips and then encrypts my data, then rclones it to off site storage.

It's easy to set up and use, I'd recommend it.

I always use tldr for these things, super handy to have.

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I have one 3B running adguard and a wireguard vpn server. Another 4B doing the same, plus kitchenowl and home assistant.

I enjoy the discoverable UI, and the way it handles windows and panes. Overall I think its a cool project with a lot of potential.

The first time I felt like I spent most of my time in cutscenes and figuring out what to do. The second time I just plowed through the main story and enjoyed the ride.

Same here, really didn't have the feeling I was doing much fruitful work at all. So much energy spent in meetings, and political nonsense.

It's refreshing to just get to focus on getting things done.

I do think they're visual pollution and I don't like looking at them at all. That said, I do understand they are needed.

Just wish they'd find a way to stop birds from flying into them all the time.

I really enjoy alacritty, it provides you a terminal with nice defaults.

For a bit more base functionality, such as tabs or split panes, you could look into kitty or wezterm for example.

In the case of alacritty you'd need to look at other tools such as tmux or zellij for multi-terminal workspaces in one window.

Yeah sorry, I wasn't aware the AI wars already spread into marketing-land

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Software might actually stop developing new bugs. People will stop getting frustrated with technology, and world peace will happen.

You're welcome! For tmux check out pain control, gives some alternative and maybe easier to remember bindings.