
0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But have you given your friends any pop quizzes though?

It's desktop extensions. Most mobile browsers only support a subset of all available extensions (including Firefox!). Now, Firefox will support its whole library of extensions.

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I think he was taking the piss out of your use of "organism" instead of "organization".

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Is it more anti competitive than McDonald's only selling McDonald's burgers

Yeah, it's more like the next time you go to Wendy's, McDonald's will follow you and try to lock the doors before you go in.

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Cool, thanks for letting me know

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We have a cat that came from the breeder knowing how to play fetch. But more than that, he's also very energetic and we don't always have the time to play with him. One day I was particularly lazy, and instead of throwing stuff around the house I was just tossing the ball to him high in the air. Not only did he get that we were now playing "catch", but later on I found him gripping the ball in his mouth and "flicking" it up in the air. Now, when he knows we can't play with him, he essentially plays catch with himself.

Weren't you just gatekeeping Microsoft-hate-threads?

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Why is it when someone has no argument left they always resort to calling people "kiddo"? Is there like a "losing a fight" manual where you guys get this from?

They only mention "open extension ecosystem"

  • The title: "Prepare your Firefox desktop extension for the upcoming Android release"
  • End of the first paragraph: "Here’s everything developers need to know to get their Firefox desktop extensions ready for Android usage and discoverability on AMO…"
  • End of the second paragraph: "so why not start optimizing your desktop extension for mobile-use right away?"

also I haven’t found an extension not working on mine yet I have even installed a flash player extension for flash games on my browser so no opinion on those statements

And those were installed from the mozilla addon library? With full support for a mobile interface? And you tried every extension available?

I have even installed a flash player extension for flash games

Flash used to be a mobile extension...

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there are already many forges hosted through i2p, I imagine the same can be said for tor. That doesn't mean the host can't ban you there as well though.

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The moon would affect the tides regardless of how long it's been there. Calculating the effect of the moon's gravity on the earth is a standard exercise in a graduate classical physics course. In essence, the moon's gravity "squashes" the earth at the two poles, causing tides at the nearest and farthest end of the earth.

And I'm over here meticulously organizing my music library into folders by band, album, year, etc...o the humanity.

beets, it's a life changer

Whereas Android phones tend to have sharper corners, for whatever reason.

Because Apple has design patents on those corners. Samsung lost a lawsuit about it and almost had to pay out a billion dollars.

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There are countless other video streaming services.

There are government websites - including my state's dmv - that exclusively use youtube. You're being disingenuous when you're saying you can just use another streaming service (and I don't believe you don't know it).

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How is ESO outsourced? It's made by a studio within Zenimax that was basically created just for that game.

There were/are many genocides over the past 70 years for which the US had/has the chance to intervene. If this was really our goal, why haven't/don't we step in for them?

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tee-hee it's scared and regressive

The efficient solution to that problem is governments using a different platform that's actually neutral.

First time I've heard public services called efficient, but ok.

I'm not being disingenuous. I watch videos on a bunch of platforms. It's easy.

We're not talking about you here. You're purposely ignoring the problem, and therefore being disingenuous.

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Oh okay! just the... reliability... of a... demand? a demand which... starts with "I think"?

Well good thing your pointing is so reliable!

Public services aren't efficient, but they can surely change themselves more efficiently than they can force a multi billion dollar company to change its ways.

[citation needed]

I'm surprised you're not more worried about the government outsourcing its functions to a company you seem very suspicious of.

You're the one talking about all the alternate video services you use. I just dont want a monopoly.

If the government decided to have vital public meetings only in a private venue you have to be a member of or something, the proper fix is not to force the club to accept everyone, it's to have the government stop having vital meetings in private places.

wut. Not having meetings in private places literally is making sure the 'place' accepts everyone. Do you even read what you're saying?

I also don't see a problem because everything of value these video streaming services offer is replaceable by one of the many other streaming services. The fact that YouTube is the biggest or most recognized does not change anything for me. The fact that there is some content that is only on YouTube doesn't, either.

Well, you totally missed the point then.

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Where the hell did you get HTML from? /s is a tag literally made to denote that a given text is sarcastic. It's one of the few good things to come out of Twitter?

...that is much older than Twitter:

This symbol is an abbreviated version of the earlier /sarcasm, itself a simplification of <\sarcasm>, the form of a humorous XML closing tag marking the end of a "sarcasm" block.


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Only because he'll get a ticket if he's caught not wearing his seatbelt.

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Bring your own bags => cashiers toss stuff into cart and break things, because you have to bag your own stuff.

Cashiers bag stuff => less things break, because stuff is bagged then put in the cart.

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Different commenter, but I'm on android 13 and private browsing works just fine for me. Private links are kept in a separate 'group' from normal tabs, and you're given the option to choose if you long press on a link.

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To follow up on what the other commenter said, the term "Jew" started as a label for Judahites outside of Judah (part of the historical kingdom of Israel)


i didn't necessarily mean copyright holders could find you, i just meant you're still at the mercy of the host (unless that host is you)

This is exactly my experience as well. Same inciting incident.

If anything, I would guess probably reddit since it kind of evolved from the early forums where it came from. Twitter has (had?) a much larger userbase though, so that's not a bad guess either. 🤷‍♂️

open air concentration camp

Not necessarily totally relevant to your point, but I keep hearing this and... what exactly do people think concentration camps are? Giant tents? Repurposed community centers?

I'm not sure I could point to one that wasn't "open air"

Do you mean you're given a choice in Firefox or in other apps? I meant being presented with a private/regular mode choice when opening from other apps, like sharing a link or using "open in browser".

Oh I see, I'm talking about where everything is in firefox, though if you mean just on the regular context menu of any link I don't see that for chrome either. In fact it looks like the only way to do it in either browser is what you said: choose in the settings to either have plain tabs or private by default. Now I'm curious how you managed to do it in other browsers.

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Ah, that makes sense. I still miss the text reflow that browser had, but I've long given up on finding a replacement for it.

After slavery, they were simply brutalized, raped, murdered, butchered without any protection whatsoever.

What exactly do you think masters did to "disobedient" slaves?

I see, that explains the confusion.

Costco recently came to my country and it feels so incredibly weird to wait for someone to first unpack your stuff and for someone else to scan it, and then someone else packs it again.

I'm in the states, but I still kind of feel weird having them do this. That said, they're much faster at it than me and lines are always huge, so they probably prefer it this way.

I just realized you're not the same person, but your response is still weird given the context of the conversation.

Original below, but ignore it I guess.

Because at some point people have to figure out their own shit for themselves.

Uh...The question was "why is the US so involved with Israel," and you replied it's because the US is against genocide. So then, 'shouldn't Israel be figuring its shit out' without us?

We usually get involved when things get extreme, or when someone's trying to keep us from the oil (just keeping it real).

Agreed, but I'm not the one picking favorites here.

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You should have deleted your comment.

It literally said "ignore this."

Seek help.

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There is no monopoly in video streaming. Not even close.

Ah, you're one of those people. Okay.

It's so much more obvious to make a statement sound insane or to use /s.

Also, would most of the world even interpret that emoji as "eye rolling?"

You only interpret '\s' as sarcasm because of html and sarcasm beginning with the letter 's'. If you don't think pictorial eye-rolling 'looks' like sarcasm, just consider it almost like hieroglyphs.

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Wow, it's like you ignored everything I just said

Yup, seek help.

Dude, i wasn't even trying to talk to you. I thought I was talking to the other guy, which is why I left that there. Calm down.

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