
2 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The sicko in me hopes they spend the next two weeks linking every policymaker in the state to their pornography habits and just dump the whole dataset online. Yeah, it would probably counterproductive and not great for democracy but I wouldn’t it be the sickest burn of all time?

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If you want your shirt to be buttoned all the way to the top, I would recommend pairing it with a tie. In addition, I might consider a lighter shirt as the overall outfit is pretty dark.

Don’t stress it too much though, your outfit is perfectly fine! Go ahead and kill it!

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Tracked subs whos status has changed(quarantined, banned, etc.)

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Holy shit, the tl;dr bot has made it over. Thank the lord!

At least for me, its a threshold problem. The internet means that staying at home is always going to be at least somewhat interesting, which makes it a lot harder to take a gamble on a random late night outing. It’s not just staying out late, either—Gen Z shows declines in a whole host of risky behaviors. Smoking, alcohol, drug use, teen pregnancy, are all way down in our generation. In some sense, we’ve found a drug that we prefer to actual drugs.

Urim has been Israeli since the country came into existence, so I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. Unless your position is that all of Israel is occupied territory, in which case I invite you to take a look at what Palestinians did the moment they gained power over Jewish civilians and imagine that scene repeated across Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

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Temperature is average kinetic energy. It is very easy to put kinetic energy into an object and much harder to take it out. Microwaves do it by shining a “light” tuned to microwave frequencies on objects. So you can imagine the problem is about as hard as shining a lamp on something and having it get colder. Laser-based cooling methods do exist but they’re quite expensive and mostly operate on the atomic scale. For now, the best way we know of to cool large items in bulk is to put them next to something that’s even colder—in short, a refrigerator.

Good question! Because neurons differ widely in location and function throughout your body, there are a number of possible outcomes depending on what exactly you mean by “all”. I’ve listed a few of those outcomes below!

Every neuron in your entire body: you die.

Every neuron in your body under conscious control: you die.

Every neuron in your Central Nervous System(brain and spinal cord): you die.

Every neuron in your brain: you die.

Every neuron in your brain that’s not in your hindbrain: you still die, but slightly slower and more agonizing.

Every neuron in your cerebrum: you die, but going from seconds to minutes here is progress!

Every neuron in your frontal lobe: you might conceivably survive this, albeit with severe personality changes and massive cognitive declines. Then again, it’s almost certainly going to trigger a massive seizure. In which case you just die.

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Actual Facebook meme, but it confirms my biases, so upvote.

The lemmy.world admins have full control over all the instance’s data, including the accounts of everyone using the instance. They seem like nice people, but there’s no real way to enforce the conditions you’re proposing.

The ability to access a dopamine drip feed at any moment instantly kills any motivation to seek long-term pursuits, especially when there’s a learning curve involved.

I can’t even start new games these days because the thought of spending time being bad at something seems so awful compared to just watching someone else.

There’s a good smbc about this but I can’t find it.

.ml stands for Marxist/Leninist apparently. Communists try not to let idealism get in the way of practicality challenge(impossible)

To be fair this is a pretty crazy black swan event they couldn’t have possibly seen coming. But yeah, this is why novelty domain suffixes are novelties.

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If you remember those, you are now a depressed anxious wreck with a decimated attention span.

That is so, so cool.

Age verification for pornography has something like a 70% approval rating. It’s not a religious extremism issue, it’s a “normies don’t want or care about their freedoms issue”.

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This has always been easy for me because my favorite movie is "Speed Racer" which has like a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes.

A movie that was genuinely before its time. Would fit right in these days with "Barbie" and "Everything Everywhere All At Once".

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Passing through the airport should be no problem at all. As somebody who’s done a similar thing before, I can tell you that your aunt probably won’t run into problems. My bigger question is about the laptop you are looking at that is $30. It’s rare that laptops go for so cheap here, even used ones. I would advise you to investigate the seller to make sure they are trustworthy to avoid being scammed or sold a broken computer.

If your best examples of boring conversations are people talking about the weather, it’s you who’s having the boring conversations mate. That’s a pretty standard opening, your supposed to branch away from that one pretty quick.

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After 2008, interest rates were set to zero and basically stayed there for the next 15 years. What that meant was that investing your money in literally anything was better than putting it in a savings account or loaning it to the government (bonds). What thatmeant is that any company with a dream and a product found themselves swimming in piles and piles of venture capital fund funds. And all that money meant that customers were getting a lot of stuff at or below cost from companies that had lots of cash to spend, and no real concern about making it back. Now the free ride is over and everyone is trying to cash in, only to find that’s not as easy as they made it sound to their investors.

Enshittification is a sexy concept and I understand why everyone has glommed on to it. Unfortunately, the interest rate explanation is the much more complete and correct one.

I find that engaging with people as entities with rich inner lives that I can learn from no matter their appearance or background is a great trick for manipulating them into liking me. It’s crazy, 1-2 simple questions about their lives and then responding to their answers in good faith, and they’re eating out of the palm of my hand! Crazy hack, highly recommend.

Also smiling. Oh, and remembering people’s names. Those too.

Edit: Oh, and try not to smell. That’s one people struggle with for some reason.

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DIY EV kits are a thing, but a quick google shows some wildly varying prices. Probably depends on exactly what kind of car you are trying to refit and the performance you’re looking for.

Wait what? Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but this is what I got out of the article:

“We had anecdotes and preliminary evidence of a phenomenon. A robust scientific study showed no evidence of said phenomenon. Therefore, the phenomenon was previously real but has now stopped.”

That seems like really, really bad science. Or at least, really really bad science reporting. Like, if anecdotes are all it takes, here’s one from just a few weeks ago.

I left some Andrew Tate-esque stuff running overnight by accident and ended up having to delete my watch history to get my homepage back to how it was before.

And announcing exercises with America!

Looks like it requires some basic OCR and pretty beefy image analysis(assuming the right side is presented as an image). Well within the bounds of modern computing, but expensive enough that you’d be hard pressed to generate thousands of spam accounts. Captchas are less about completely preventing computers from signing up and more about making it inconvenient and expensive enough that most people won’t bother.

Listen to experts. Stay off of social media. Get used to visualizing the average commenter on anything as a middle schooler. Talk to your friends about important topics. Learn how to vet sources. Challenge your beliefs. Recognize what cognitive dissonance feels like to you and seek it out. Focus on things that matter to your life. Read all the way through articles.

It is very important to understand that the most apocalyptic visions of a climate change future are unlikely. Credible prognoses of the future predict that the world will suffer, and development will slow, but overall humanity will survive and even continue to grow.

I say this not to deny the effects of climate change, but because I sincerely believe that people use apocalyptic predictions to justify slacktivism. By deciding that the world is doomed, and they will go extinct regardless of what they do, people absolve themselves of their responsibility to agitate (including violently) for change. The world is genuinely unrecognizable compared to even 10 years ago, let alone 50. People are far more resilient than the worst predictions give them credit for, and even marginal victories will have real consequences for the future that we will live to see.

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Oh, absolutely. I think that’s the ideal state, everybody hosting their own local instance for a couple hundred people, all indexed with everyone else. Long way to go before we get there though.

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How do you disable YouTube shorts?

As for your question, boredom isn’t a bad thing. Have you tried using that time for meditation/introspection?

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There is a riddles sublemmy, just fyi!

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Meme of guy looking at two buttons:

“Psychology is junk science!”

“This confirms my biases!”

In the nicest possible way, this is a skill issue. Get better at having conversations.

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no Mare Nostrum

Missed opportunity tbqh

Do what you have to. At the end of the day nothing is coming with you to the other side.

That being said, CS is remarkably flexible to accommodating a naturist lifestyle. Try it out in bits and pieces before you settle on the wild life. It’s not one or the other, people can and do get both.

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Each individual actor in the system has less incentive to provide value and no incentive to maintain continuity. As a result, you are basically reliant on a small number of unconnected and pseudonymous volunteers who could walk away at any time. Add to that managing a server with thousands of users is basically a part-time job with little pay and you have a system that is sustained by the kindness of a couple dozen strangers.

I originally wrote this for !noncredibledefense@sh.itjust.works but it works pretty good for me too:

NATO Astronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?

NATO Astronaut 2: Nope.

Astronaut 1: It kinda makes you want to...

Astronaut 2: Break into a song?

Astronaut 1: Yep.

I love the trenches,

I love the roadside mines,

I love blown bridges,

I love when turrets fly.

I love the whole world

And all its sights and sounds.

Boom-de-yah-da, boom-de-yah-da (twice)

I love my plane-fus,

I love nuke submarines,

I love logistics,

I love democracy!

I love the whole world

And all its craziness

Boom-de-yah-da, boom-de-yah-da (twice)

I love dictators

(I like to watch em hang)

I love Three Gorges

I love when things go bang!

I love the whole world

It's such a brilliant place

Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da (repeating until fade)

EULAs are not legally binding and any court and credit card company on the planet would accept that you had a reasonable belief that you would be provided the services that were offered when you paid for Reddit Premium.

I enjoy boxing immensely. Not only is it a full body workout, but there is something deeply, instinctually satisfying about punching a bag really hard. Ive fallen off the wagon recently, I should really get back to doing it.

Zoomers when something takes more than 5 seconds to happen:

(All the links below are NSFW, by the way.)

Just a random patch of red on the ground, nothing to see here!

This is a muzzle flare of peace!

Just a coincidental head injury.

Random mass casualty event in a Beijing hospital from the same day at the same time.

A smear of red paint on the ground, of course.

This guys just feeling tired, I guess

Saying the TSM didn’t happen because everyone was killed in the streets next to the square is as disinformative as saying the Holocaust was exaggerated because most of the killing took place in countries outside of Germany.