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Joined 1 years ago

For Real. J6 built a gallows.

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Perfect for the emergency situation where you would need them!

I voted for that bowl of tapioca once and I'll do it again.

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That is the worst idea ever. When I drove a snow plow I would shift from forward to reverse and back hundreds of times a storm. Without taking my eyes off my surroundings.

easy peasy. just lift the 100 kilo chunk of iron with some tongs. /s

  1. manhole covers are heavy af
  2. if improperly handled they can take your finger in an instant
  3. that square cover might be able to fall into whatever it is covering.
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chill out, bud. Biden is an animate bowl of tapioca. Still gonna vote for him. The ability to honestly criticize the sitting president is a cornerstone of our freedom and I will vote for him to maintain that freedom.

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111 is always "eleventy first" to me.

Some watery tart lobbing swords about is no basis for a system of government.

We do. In specific circumstances. The conspiracy of chemtrails is that all airplanes are releasing chemical agents other than combustion products for nefarious purposes. They are getting downvoted for suggesting the existence of a technology proves its constant use.

All Airplanes release chemicals - True (exhaust)

Airplanes can be used to release other chemical agents - True (crop dusting, air show smoke, cloud seeding, firefighting slurry)

United Flight 237 is used to spread chemical agents - False

You're tearing me apart, Hamas! Ohai, Denny.

Heavy on the "peer", light on the "review"

I thought we were against putting trash in our water. I think bucket -> compost is better. There are plenty of strong backs that would love to put in the work for the benefit.

If the GOP could pull out of their southern strategy death spiral a lot of Biden voters would go red. Against all evidence many people still consider R to be better on their wallet.

the idea is old but the execution is new

Touche. So would I.

He's gonna cry himself to sleep on his huge pillagh!

Just make them swear in under threat of perjury. That shuts the clown up real fast.

Isn't the tesla underground deathtrap in vegas?

Reads like a Dwarf Fortress combat log

When I make them I do bisquick biscuits with a handful of shredded cheddar. A little melted butter and italian seasoning tops it off.

I worked as a handyman out of a camry. It is possible, but not pleasant.

It's like telling an office worker that they need to work at a coffee table.

We definitely need something better than "some asshole's vibe check", but honestly I think apathy is a bigger threat to Biden than Trump. I think Trump winning the polls will bring more turnout, and that turnout will be more "I have to vote for him again?" than "my faschi boy can do it"

Is that a picture of Rapist Allen Turner who raped a woman behind a dumpster?

Excellent analysis. Anecdotally it seems to me that unless the I25 corridor suffers some kind of world changing event, New Mexico is going to go to Biden. NM is purple for sure, but it went to both Gore and HRC. In the places I've been there it's only bluer now.

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You're one of today's lucky 10,000

Also CO went to Hillary in 16. CO will not go to Trump in 2024 even if he is on the ballot.

One last thought - even if Trump loses this bid to remain on the ballot, I sincerely doubt it would impact his chances of being the party’s nominee.

Objective reality hasn't played a role in their decision making so far.

No. I do contracting for high-end residences. I always knew there were two Americas, but seeing how some people got to respond to covid made it impossible to ignore. Biden, his donors, his competitors, and their donors live in a nation where the cut-throat competition is sporting and "rock bottom" is having to cook their own meals. You and I live in the other one.

If I can't put a service bed or a stake bed or a dump bed on it is it a truck? Why would I want a truck with a bed shorter than a loader bucket? We need electric trucks that can replace the thousands of 200,000k mile fleet vehicles out there. This is just a tall El Camino.

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Wasn't J'Biden the chair of the judiciary committee for the nomination of a couple of those clowns?