
1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

None of the reviewers experienced the game with Denuvo. Reviews are a form of advertisement (good or bad)

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Some context regarding this meme. The police officer is a war veteran, who probably has massive PTSD and reacted accordingly.

Now why the hell would the police service hire a guy who is clearly unfit for service is a major American moment.

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Actually, the whole Privacy part is one of the biggest gimmicks Apple has ever pulled.

Sure, it doesn't allow Meta and Google to not allow data collection, but research indicates Apple continues to collect the same amount of data. In the long run, I'm sure that Apple would also use this data to serve ads in their own way, just that they'll call it "iAds", and fanboys would cream their pants

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The Gaza genocide did not start on Oct 7, much like the Russian incursion on Unkraine did not start in Jan 2022. Both of those are tremendous blights on human rights and should be equally condemned.

Of course, voting for Biden is the only stable option as much as one may lament that it shouldn't be.

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Ehh, that's ok. Slide out keyboards aside, having an on-display keyboard is a better idea by and large.

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I mean, a rapist actually became the President, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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The other candidate will also support the Gaza genocide. Again, it's unfortunate that both candidates are evil. And supporting the lesser evil is a bad long term strategy.

But, here we are.

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Anecdotal evidence, but I swapped out Google for DDG about 5-6 years back and haven't missed it. I do use Google sometimes but it's once in 4-5 months when DDG fails me, which is acceptable to me.

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Nope, that would be horrible.

One of the biggest draws of YouTube is that anyone can go and upload their stuff. We literally have youtubers who started out in their rooms with a webcam, and became big because of the quality of their stuff. This would put a barrier of entry for new youtubers to enter.

It's not privacy but exclusivity of data collection to apple

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Sorry if my message didn't convey this.

I didn't ask for sympathy for anyone on this. It's more towards the process is absolutely fucking broken. It was obvious that something like that can happen to any person with more than 2 brain cells. And yet, the decisions we were made to put a person in a situation where he was bound to fail.

The idea that people don't need headphone jack seems pretty weird. Phones removed the 3.5mm jack, so people had to buy Bluetooth headphones, because now there is just 1 port on the phone.

And now, because of this change, you're looking back and saying that that's a not needed feature.

Does that sound right?

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I guess accidents per thousand/million cars on road would be more representative.

Think of it like this, if ~70% of all autonomous driving cars were Teslas, and they have a ~70% contribution to the accident volume, then they're as bad as the competition.

I'm not saying Tesla's auto pilot doesn't have problems, but this particular metric is not the best one to say how it is compared to the competition.

Personal opinion: No manufacturer has an auto pilot capable enough to be on the road.

That's like saying people shouldn't have developed a vaccine for Covid, only because Covid will adapt to the vaccines at some point.

What do you want artists to do? Accept that all their future work is also used without any compensation?

As someone not from US, and generally interested in the specifics of gerrymandering, can someone share a link for the extent of gerrymandering in Ohio.

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Right. I'm sure Agent Orange wasn't the worst thing.

True anyways

From a technical standpoint, sure.

But there's a large amount of conversations that happens with Studios and Artists to make sure that the fees are negotiated properly. Sometimes large partners have a singular manager for their coverage. That could always balloon the org size.

If I take everything you say as true at face value. Then the business was a shitty idea. The owners of the company who have gambled away the VC money should be the ones on hook for it, not the customers.

It is the employer's responsibility to ensure their workers get paid. Period.

Having 2 different instances of the same app. Samsung provides this for most messaging apps.

I have a different take on this. Maintain a register for "Known Nazis" like they do for the sexual offenders.

While the general idea of Buddhism is pretty nice, there are some highly questionable aspects like women being impure by birth, and not being able to achieve Nirvana (eternal peace/heaven) either through rough tribulations or doing enough good to be born as a man.

Of course it's impossible to check if it was Buddha who said it, or it was added later by his people, but the above is something that isn't discussed much imo.

Very nuanced take. Really appreciate it.

Or in your style.

Your comment: 🚫🧠

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Linux does, but the question is if the proton layer optimization holds up for ARM processors as well.

For people down voting, please share your reasons for it. If there's something wrong with the product, sharing that info would be helpful.

Look at the history of XMPP, to give you a precursor of what to expect. There's no naivety here. Those who don't history are doomed to repeat it.

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I've been using a Galaxy Watch 4 Classic for about 2 years now. Apart from the usual scuffing, no other issues really.

Personally, I would say it shouldn't matter.

I wouldn't want to know the birth date of a person I was interviewing, and there's no need for my interviewer to know mine.

A keyboard is not just to enter text It can do a multitude of things like emojis. Good luck remembering all the mappings on a physical one, or you end up with having them eat screen space. Might not be your use case, but a vast majority of the world uses it.

Additionally, this increases the overall screen real estate. Aside for sliding keyboards (which I did add a caveat for in my original comment), a physical keyboard would be in the way for most of the usage an average person makes on the phone, like watching videos, looking at pictures.

A physical keyboard would probably weight more as well (this is just a guess, based on the idea the membrane, and additional circuitry required for a keyboard would be more than the weight of a glass panel).

A physical keyboard adds an additional point of failure on your device as well.

I'm not saying virtual keyboards are perfect. Like any other thing, there are trade offs to make. But in the form factor phones work in, a virtual keyboard makes more sense according to me. The best of both worlds would probably be a sliding keyboard, but that does add more weight to the device.

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You could put the jar of peanut butter on the scale and measure what amount you're taking out?

Thanks for making wild assumptions about what I use.

And also, incorrect usage of the strawman fallacy.

I hope you have a nice day :)

Are you going to go shit in their pants?

Hence you shouldn't use discord

Before calling Bullshit on people, you could've done a simple Web search.


I don't think Apple is comparable to Google and Meta, yet. Allow them sole ownership of data on the phones, I don't expect that to hold true in a few years.

I'm guessing you're referring to the GDPR guidelines (for EU at least, not sure what the equivalent California rules are).

LinkedIn is pretty useful fwiw

Spanish & Italian food is better for the most part imo.

Obviously Xenophobia isn't excusable.

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