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Joined 2 months ago

That would be called “election interference”

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If you still have a Twitter account, you are a piece of shit. That goes for everyone of you

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Now THAT is a headline.

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Ahh yes, another court in the pocket of corporations.

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I think this is the first time Google killed a plan to kill.

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They are just desperate to find a Liberal child molester

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We don’t deserve Bernie. He’s too good for us 🥲

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You can’t communicate reality to a person who actually thinks “antifa” has a membership list and regular meetings.

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Officials are trying to determine why Crooks opened fire at the rally… even with access to the gunman’s family and friends, his phone and the phones of some of the people he communicated with, investigators have found little information pointing to a motive.

They are seriously out of touch with this country

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The Supreme Court will say sexual abuse and rape is totally cool for a political figure.

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They’re all thinking, “hurry up kid, shoot him”

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I guess going after the low hanging fruit makes people think something is being done, while the billionaires jet off with their millions in stolen covid money.

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Freaky Friday actor Jamie Lee Curtis

She’s staring at the screen blankly thinking, “That’s my legacy? Really?”

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Sounds like you didn’t comprehend their comment.

the profit is the data they use to make money elsewhere. They take a loss to not pay taxes. Companies need to pay off the top.

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He got 150 days and five felony counts for staging a hate crime on himself. Let’s just keep all that in mind when Trump doesn’t serve a day in prison

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Charging more?

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Anyone Elon Musk dislikes is a friend of mine.

Anyone Elon Musk likes is my enemy.

This is hanging above my shitter. You’ll probably enjoy it.

Eewww. Phrasing.

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Theoretically, he could have them all killed and it’s not a big deal because he can’t be prosecuted for things while president. Whooopsie.

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Plasma is quite nice now.

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Invested in the future of your children, not in the country for everyone else. I’d say you should get fewer votes because you’d be biased.

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Yeah. Written by someone who doesn’t really understand the internet.

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To distract people from the reality that the ruling class is ramping up their efforts to gain authoritarian control in a significantly large number of countries lately.

Don’t forget convicted “sexual abuser!”

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If they play it right, maybe. But I’m not sure two women, one of them black, is going to win over those “undecided” votes. Those states aren’t the most progressive places.

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It was cool back when there were valid reasons for character limitations. But I agree, url obfuscation was often used for less savory reasons.

Pretty sure that warrants a second attempt.

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Pretty good test to see how easy it would be to shut the world down. Uninstall CrowdStrike.

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That couldn’t possibly leave Gaza… no way……

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This is both awesome and frightening for many reasons

Dismantle Microsoft.

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He can’t handle that he will lose to a woman. He’s got nothing to fight her with except insults about women.

It’s called Ms. PacMan over there

Haha. Takes fire. Careful Elon, you’re not Iron, man.

Too bad we can’t actually talk about what should happen due to community censorship.

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I think he also has selective memory when it comes to whatever works in his favor at the moment.

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Elizabeth Francis says the key to living a long life is to ‘speak your mind and don’t hold your tongue’

We should respect our elders!

So they also assume women shouldn’t hold positions in government?

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