ACLU Warns Trump Win Would Herald 'New Era of Mass Incarceration'

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 420 points –
ACLU Warns Trump Win Would Herald 'New Era of Mass Incarceration' | Common Dreams

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Too bad we can’t actually talk about what should happen due to community censorship.

The patriotic thing would be to tar and feather politicians per history.

I prefer French history.

I don't think many people actually survived tarring and feathering. They'd probably have more luck nowadays though.

I suppose you’re right. Those burns would be pretty bad. I forgot tar would be HOT.

Here you are, saying things.... 🤷‍♂️

I’ve said nothing.

Try saying something then?

I wouldn’t want to break any rules.

Which rules? Rules 1-7 are only about posts and I'm sure you could make your point without using a url shortener.

If you’re being cryptic about the url shortener, I’m afraid it went over my head.

No, I was speculating on what rule you were thinking you would be breaking.

“Inciting violence” or “celebrating violence”