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"thank you, doctor"

"no sir, thank you!"

he was like 24-25 when Wolfenstein 3D came out (having designed like half the levels) and continued on, being an integral part of Doom, Doom 2, Hexen and Quake

fasterthanlime is so cool btw

it's 2024

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a comment on that site really condescendingly claims this is how he would have handled it and that a script could be written in half a day to do the work.

my understanding is that an emulator effectively recreates the hardware's different components in software so that from the game's "perspective" it's running on a real machine more or less.

This process instead decompiles the game code and recompiles for a new target machine.

I suspect one can't just pump out a script in an afternoon to do this, but I am curious what is the complexity here?

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I studied news journalism in college and they kinda hammered in that in news journalism it's more important to communicate information consistently and to target a wide audience than it is to make "good writing."

There are style guides you have to follow and words like "slammed" end up getting used a lot despite not quite being accurate because they're words that are used a lot.

The other thing is that usually the person writing the headlines isn't the journalist.. and sometimes they do a lot of versions of the same headline and when people click more because of the word slammed it ends up sticking.

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Instead, she suggests pigs could be genetically bred to have a less violent reaction to CO2

there's a lot of messed up shit in that article but this is so sinister

did anything ever happen after the videos were released?

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I keep seeing clips of this one specific robot and it just seems like it's an LLM. The comments on the clips are always people seemingly really believing it's thinking and is alive.

This robot makes me think there is a percentage of the population that believes we already have true general AI and I can see how people like that would think having it do a commencement speech was a good idea.

The university probably got paid for this, right?

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that reminds me of a meeting I was in with the CEO of the company I worked for and we went around the room sharing our hobbies. Everyone said things like reading books or baking or playing video games or whatever.

The CEO said collecting vintage cars.

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of all the things scientists do, making robots that can do dangerous or even tedious labor isn't that bad.

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hah, this was me with Grooveshark.

and then I lost everything when it shut down.

and then me again with Google play music. "upload your music, we'll keep it for you"

and then I lost everything when it shut down.

"oh it's ok, you can just use [new service], it's better anyway"

it just isn't the same, you lose stuff everytime. I don't think it's worth it.

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I think you're confusing not enjoying small talk with isolation

idk, I'm a meat eater and if it wasn't for vegans evangelizing I really wouldn't know how messed up meat production is. We allow some seriously cruel shit to fellow sentient beings, far beyond just killing them, and no one wants to think about it.

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Huntsville is actually a really cool area although you could argue it's because the cool NASA stuff is there.

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this makes so much sense, how do you know all this?

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I feel like your examples aren't quite what OP was referring to. Those games have pretty great gameplay

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I always felt like dodging projectiles and not needing to worry about vertical aiming was the best part of doom.

It also translates to controllers well too vs the hit scan skills required with modern fpses along with the ability to aim on the vertical axis

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why would someone intentionally harm like this

I flew around 26 times domestically last year and most of the flights ran out of space. It's really common for the airline to ask for volunteers to check their carry-ons. If you aren't in the first 2/3rds of people on the plane, you'll likely be forced to check your carry-ons.

This problem has gotten worse over the years because airlines have increased the prices for checking your luggage so many people opt to bring carry-ons instead.

ooph, I just started trying to make a mobile game in Jan 😬

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remember how white vehicles were always covered with dead bugs? and how people used to put nets on their front bumper?

is this where we post our Ferris plushies 👀

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Americans have really white teeth compared to the rest of the world, especially in hollywood

I was driving my brother in law and he was trying to tell me some news he heard but couldn't get the specifics so he spent ten minutes searching tiktok for it. I couldn't believe it

can't both be true though?

isn't this just the original comic?

I like Bevy a lot. Should you use it in your next commercial game? That's debatable (although I'm trying to 👀). It's definitely a lot of fun to use with its ECS focus if you're wanting to just make games for fun or whatever.

OK OP is a weirdo, my bad

  1. do not check anything
  2. do not put anything in the overhead storage unless it's a suitcase
  3. if you're bringing a backpack, put it "upside down" under the seat in front of you. the floor is gross, don't put your backpack down and then put that grossness against your back when you get off the plane
  4. if you're in the back half of the plane, be ready to volunteer to move to an exit row just in case the opportunity presents itself before the plane takes off
  5. if you're scared of flying, know that the plane is shaped physically to stay in the air. Why do paper planes fly? because of their shape. Real planes are shaped waaay better.
  6. only get water, no ice
  7. write down where you parked or take a picture and know how you'll get back
  8. have your first meal planned when you arrive at your destination
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From someone who tried making an app that uses NFC, it's all over the place and inconsistent; might be good to have a bit of a reset.

this hit me hard on multiple levels. There was a lot of live performances and remixes on Grooveshark that just don't exist anymore.

But, I also lived where they were headquartered. They had started a "Grooveshark university" for local programmers to learn the ropes and it was really cool. I was self-taught but learned a lot from that experience. Such a shame

it's a beautiful city, but those crosswalks are so annoying

If I see you standing around taking pictures and videos with your phone I'm going to assume you're just in it for your Instagram posts.

This is good advice, but seeing historical footage of protests is kinda cool though, tbh

the scientists build the robots. Society and its corruption will determine how they get used. I don't think it's a reason to not build robots or to say they're not worth making. At some point in the future, society may collectively improve and the robots will be there to use.

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I know this is gonna sound annoying but I just use vim for stuff like this. Even notepad++ has a macro thing too, right? My coworkers keep saying how much of a productivity boost it is but all I see it do is mess up stuff like this that only takes a few seconds in vim to setup and I know it'll be correct every time

these methods don't account for all the variables that reality has. People across all boarding groups will be late, there will be people that need assistance from flight attendants, there will be people who want to switch seats to be near their family, there will be people who can't sit in the exit row, there will be people who need to use the rest room, there will be people who've never been on a plane before.

There is no great, full proof way to handle it because people are unpredictable

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I did that in Detroit last year. Lucked out by getting an airbnb. Hotels were so crazy expensive. Streets basically shut down, full of people before and after the concert

thank you! every time I see this I get upset.

You could just as easily have a confusing sentence with the Oxford comma like this

"We invited JFK, the stripper, and Stalin."

is JFK a stripper?

It doesn't matter, it's the author's responsibility to write things unambiguously.

Sorry if that came off the wrong way, I'm pretty frustrated with Unity myself. I'm just pointing out the difficulty it would be to avoid Unity games. I think donating to other engines and supporting developers who use other engines might help, but Unity is just too engrained in the industry it'll be years before it actually loses its grip and you'd really just be hurting developers and not Unity by boycotting their games.

do you know what an analogy is??