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Joined 1 years ago

They're getting private messaged by YouTubers

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No you don't get it, yanks are from the shining light of the world! The US is a perfect place that every other country looks up to, and even their problems are kind of cool!!!!

God I'm so sick of hearing about it 😂

Oh no mate, you've really upset the adult Batman fans

I understand that it's frustrating but getting this angry about anonymous strangers using reddit is a bit mental

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I literally just cancelled my membership with that shitty company yesterday! It sucks, I've used it daily for almost a decade, but I just can't really deal with my money going to such publicly malicious and stupid executives any more. They can't just not be arseholes for like two seconds.

Anyway, I need some alternative... Does anybody use anything else that they prefer? 👀🤞

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This kind of AI stuff bums me out. You get people legitimately sharing AI images (and potentially videos in the future) and saying "look what I made!". It's totally inauthentic.

My boss loves this shit, on the other hand. Looking forward to the day she can automate our jobs away, I assume.

Nice to see that even here - a shitposting forum - whenever anybody posts anything negative about America, yanks can't handle it.

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"voluntary mandatory"

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Honestly who cares? We're not on Reddit. This is a different place.

Oh. Oh well, time to drop insta - not like it's been particularly good in... Ever?

Super excited for these guys, and happy that they're happy too!

Corporate greed is ruining everything, as per... But hey! We have a cool edgy new tech term for it now!

16 miles. I was hungover, stepped out of my flat for a can of coke, and then just didn't stop walking until my headphones died. Took the train back home.

You're telling me a week of "protest" followed by gamers immediately forgiving the big corporation because they eventually backtracked didn't really change anything? :o

See you next week, when PSN accounts are required for Helldivers 2 again lol

Aren't people already begging leaders to help? But they're not listening?

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I hate when I can't Qwant "blubb" cos Bing is down

Who is even still using that shitty, shitty platform?

This is the only game I'm currently excited for. I was excited for Space Marine 2, until I saw it had a season pass and comes with day 1 DLC if you preorder. I am crossing my fingers that the publisher doesn't somehow weasel a season pass or DLC into this!!!

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100% agree. I work in web and I hate the trend of SEO-bait articles. They're largely totally unhelpful, too! I bet you could still find that blog, though, with enough time -- if you remember anything about it, that is!

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No, this didn't. I cancelled yesterday, after reading about them just bricking one of their peripherals without offering refunds until the legal system threatened them. It's just a straw that broke the camel's back situation, rather than one big thing - the Rogan situation certainly contributed, though.

Tidal sounds like a good idea, thank you!

Is that true? :o I thought the way nukes irradiated the atmosphere was through all the dust and shit thrown up during the explosion being blown around by wind currents? Has that changed with new nukes?

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King Ruud is good to us

Ew wtf is that thumbnail get it away

Correct, they are not artists.

Yeah definitely for me! It was like a kind of magic, finding these little communities and not being sure of what might be available online! admittedly though, I'm new to the internet so I didn't see the early days and it was probably a bit of childlike imagination. That being said, I'm saddened to see so many "why isn't this more like reddit" posts here; everything being centralised and "like reddit" defeats the point of federation, and there's nothing wrong with an internet where you have to browse to find your niche!

Is this really accurate? I get the feeling that most people don't really care about stuff like this, and don't want to be inconvenienced by having to leave Reddit and move elsewhere -- although it is interesting that mods in particular are leaving. I wonder what kind of effect that'll have down the road.

I really wanted to like KnowledgeFight, because taking the piss out of InfoWars is gold. But one of the hosts of KF seems to be maybe slightly deaf or something? He yells every single word and it's just like way too irritating.

Is there another podcast out there that tackles InfoWars but maybe at a volume made for human consumption?

I think this might depend on the app/instance you're using, but Jerboa and lemmy.world both seem to have the ability to collapse comments, for me at least!

Why? What do they know? :o

Yeah it looks fine tbh but the potatoes look genuinely uncooked lol

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The hero of the music industry? How do you mean? I'm not disagreeing with you re the pirating of mp3s, but I believe artists make far more in touring than streaming revenue - particularly with Spotify, which has very publicly been a sticking point in the past

Wait, so we're just reposting reddit posts on here? I'm not sure I understand the point of that.

No. We don't need to make Reddit again. Let's do something else.

Totally! I'm not sure I really understand why so many people want to turn the fediverse into Reddit; we tried Reddit, it didn't work, let's move on lol. What's Revanced?? I've been using YouTube less and less as the ads get more and more annoying, and I saw somewhere they even trialled placements of five unskippable ads in a row so that's nothing to look forward to - any alternatives, I'd be interested in 👀

Getchaself a wheelie bin lad

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Are you okay, man? 😂

It was a much easier fit rhythmically than "marmalading"

Why would your comment be deleted and banned? Lol

I get that, and it does totally make sense -- the main issue I have is viewing this as a strict "replacement" for Reddit. I believe we should be more comfortable with moving and "replacing" Reddit with something more like an alternative than a direct copy; Reddit fell apart for a lot of reasons, but we can at least point at one thing to change; centralisation.

I think we shouldn't replace like for like, but move on and find new things; whether that's Lemmy, or other alternatives. Some people prefer centralised forums, some people prefer more niche communities -- for me, personally, I like more niche communities -- but I think there's a way for us all to be happy without sacrificing the fediverse ideals.

I did try ESO for a few weeks but it just felt a little bit... Not TESy? Like the actual movement feels different, the combat feels different, it just feels like a bit of a different beast! It's fun for what it is though, for sure. What do you play as? :)

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