
1 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yeah... It's about "freeing yourself from Reddit's control"


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I'm honestly excited. He mentioned in the video how there will probably be some more experimental stuff, and I really like his experimental stuff. Money, for example, was really good. And there's still Lateral for us to listen to while we wait.

Once Valve releases SteamOS for other devices, they will be so much better. Assuming they actually switch away from Windows.

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Yeah. It's not even the fact that they don't implement Nearby Share themselves that's bad, it's that the restrictions they impose on apps means that an app can't even implement Nearby Share themselves

Oh I agree. Maybe not toxic per se, but extremely out of touch. I think what happened is it just became a bigger echo chamber, because from the already echo chamber reddit, all the people who are the type to switch to the fediverse (privacy focused, foss lovers) are on lemmy, with their opinions being spouted back at them, so it feels like everyone agrees, when really they're a minority.

The biggest differing opinion between reddit and lemmy that I see is lemmy's insistence that absolutely everyone should switch to linux. Of course I saw that on reddit a bit too, but it always had some pushback.

And of course there's also the ignorance of the fediverse's problems. Like people just can't comprehend why someone wouldn't switch to Mastodon or Lemmy.

This doesn't apply to all topics though. There is still some good discussion here. Sometimes it can be better than reddit.

What's weird is I don't experience this on hacker news. People seem to be a lot less out of touch, and have a wider variety of opinions. Not entirely sure why, maybe because it's had time to mature?

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the world also needs more concise games


those 20-40 hour masterpieces

...wait, concise?

I don't get how Americans are more scared of Australia's animals when they have goddamn bears! You can get an antidote for a spider or snake bite, you can't get an antidote for a bear bite.

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Nice. Won't be playing it till the full release, I still have Hades 1 after all, but all this attention will probably make the game even better than the original

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Ooh syncs saved posts as well! Definitely downloading this

Edit: Ah that's not ready yet. Still very cool

And then capitalism that made the company repeatedly ask for him to stop researching it.

You can send a screenshot of your rumor log to the Outer Wilds discord if you want a hint, they're always helpful. Or I can help if you want

It's a proper distro, that's just saying it's not THE official one

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Did N64 games work on the Sega Genesis?

No, but Playstation games did https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleem!#Bleemcast! And Sony sued them but failed

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I'm going to skip the sponsor anyway, SponsorBlock just makes it way easier. I don't have it on auto skip though, because 1: Sometimes they mark segments as sponsored that still have interesting stuff, and sometimes they do good sponsor segments, and 2: Maybe sometimes I'll be willing to watch it. For example, I always watch the end segment of Jet Lag.

So it ends up being not very different from skipping the sponsor. And besides, I never bought/used anything from a sponsor segment before SponsorBlock.

It would be especially cool for the other handhelds out there like the ROG Ally

To further explain, the joke is that "tomo tawa" could mean either "car" or "moving house"

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They're still being updated by people on GitHub https://github.com/C1710/blobmoji You can use them if your phone is rooted https://github.com/DavidBerdik/blobmoji There's probably also a way to use it on Samsung without root since they support custom fonts

Ehhh I don't like the new one. Calibri's better. I wish it had a better g though.

Yeah. The number one reason I won't subscribe is that if their library is missing a song, you can't even add it yourself. Both Spotify and Apple Music allow adding your own MP3s, how does Tidal not have that feature?!

it breaks the fundamental freedoms that make up "FOSS"

Why? All the license says is that if you provide it as a service you must release the source code.

It's not about worrying that I won't be able to do stuff again, just the existence of the ever-looming timer is stressful. And you have to water your crops every morning, and harvest them when they're ready. You can only plant certain crops in certain seasons. There are requests on the bulletin board that have time limits. Shops are only open on certain days, and I know if I don't do that thing today I won't be able to tomorrow because it will be closed. If the timer didn't matter, then there wouldn't be a timer.

Don't get me wrong, I like Stardew Valley. But I stopped playing it, partly because I found it too stressful. Which isn't great cause people always advertise it as this really relaxing game, and I'm sure it is for them, but I guess my brain just works differently. And I really want to like Stardew Valley more, I want to be able to play it and relax.

I'm not even trying to minmax or anything, I try to take my time, but it doesn't really work. I can't just ignore the timer, cause then I'll pass out and wake up with hardly any stamina.

Edit: Also "you can just focus on one thing" sure, but then what do I do for the rest of the day?

Making your own protocols means vulnerabilities are more likely. Better to use one that's been tested and audited (unless it's following something like this EU thing of course)

I'm definitely waiting. If I have a craving for some Hades, I still have the first game

That's impressive, getting the dogs to all sit at the table at once

The app also doesn't let you add your own music, though... Very annoying, cause some songs aren't on streaming services

The email vendor doesn't really matter though unless you are sending or receiving emails. Phone numbers require you to pay a carrier every month. And while most people have phone numbers, some don't, especially children.

My mum used iMessage to communicate with my sister before she got a phone number. If she switched to Android, I guess there's Google Chat, but you know how Google is with their chat apps.

Ideally you'd be able to choose between phone number OR email. Like iMessage.

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Then why did you ask for proof lol

I bought the Zenfone 9, but now the new Zenfones don't have headphone jacks, so I don't know what phone to buy when I end up needing a new one. There seems to be no phones with headphone jacks that aren't huge, except for the budget phones

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A year? You'll put your content on Mastodon but won't let us communicate properly for a year? Why? You shouldn't have released the first part yet, federation for Threads obviously isn't ready.

Also what does she hope to accomplish? Even if it is just a phase, why would that change anything?

I love it because I never use liked songs (I don't understand how people do, using the same playlist forever. Do your tastes never change? Idk each to their own).

So it means 1: I can easily add songs to multiple playlists at once. I have 4 different playlists that I listen to, and sometimes a song fits all 4, and it used to take 12 taps to add it to all 4 (tap dots, tap add, tap playlist, 4 times). Now it only takes 6.

2: I can now see if the song is already in a playlist. Before the only way was to try adding it to the playlist and see if it warned me of a duplicate.

3: Now I can see at a glance if it's added to a playlist. If it's added to 1 playlist then it's probably added to all the playlists it needs to be.

And you can still add songs to your liked songs in 1 tap. I feel like the reason most people dont like it is because it's a change that they aren't used to.

But really, the ideal solution would've been if Spotify just added a settings option to change it back to the old way. But Spotify seems to be vehemently opposed to options.

Also, what's way worse than the new like button is the stupid "smart shuffle". I just want to turn off shuffle, but now I have to press it again. And it's also really buggy, it will often display shuffle as off when it's really on smart shuffle, so I get unpleasantly surprised with some random song I've never heard. I really wish there were third party apps for Spotify, cause the Spotify app kinda sucks

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Ah right. You could do a paid Redis service if you use the SSPL license though, right?

I played this once. It's very fun

That's not why people want an open source game engine though, they want it to be open source so that they can't do a unity

I agree the phrase "open source" is a bit confusing

Chants of Senaar too. I feel like the only game in the image that has you doing that stuff a bunch is Outer Wilds

Huh, I thought they didn't. Maybe I'm confusing it with the Google Pixels, I switched away from them because they don't have headphone jacks anymore. I feel like there was something about the new Zenfones that I didn't like, idk

It's very good. I wish there was a way to sync podcasts without hosting a gpodder server. There is supposed ot be a free site, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.

Still not worth paying the insanely expensive subscription to sync on pocket casts though. I might try to selfhost gpodder soon, I just need to fix my internet so I can port forward.

Yeah I'm honestly super surprised they didn't remove it. I guess that's a definite sign that they didn't remove anything

Not for me, Discord is slow af on my laptop. But do definitely agree it's Discord's fault in this case

No, cause Wikimedia wouldn't let him buy it in a million years