recursive_recursion [they/them]

@recursive_recursion [they/them]
19 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

P.D Volunteer Community Team Lead, Hobbyist Game Dev, Software Dev 2024 Graduate.

help me help you🤗 (recursive recursion) ♻️ - is my motto

Please consider donating any and all support is appreciated!


Intel really set themselves up for a perfect memefest😂

If I recall correctly, Canada got rid of carrier lock-in several years ago

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fuck yeah✊

oh god this reminds me of Japanese man who married Hatsune Miku in hologram form can no longer speak to his wife of four years.

"The doting husband has gained thousands of followers on Instagram by sharing insights into his life with Miku, but things took an unexpected turn during the pandemic when Gatebox announced it was discontinuing its service for Miku."

this is why I have trust issues with proprietary software

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As a software dev who's participated in a couple of game jams and several group projects,

  • I'd say that anyone that claims to be a designer but has no programming experience is typically incompatible with any project
    • and it's due to the disconnect of understanding just how difficult it can be to translate certain design tasks into functional code
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Seriously what the fuck is going on at Intel

How did anyone look at this presentation and think "yeah that looks good to publish"

Intel's gotta get it together and focus on what matters the most: making chips people want to buy because the performance is good for the cost

absolute fools

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Restarting your phone once a week can help improve performance and security.

  • this is the same for routers and it's commonly known as a power refresh
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RFC, pull request to add git.

Reasoning: Having a built-in versioning system would allow humans to rollback roll back undesirable changes and advancements could be made more easily

please comment or downvote if this is a bad idea

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I wonder if this is where AI might be useful where it's used to filter out all of the megacorp ads, popups, and other random garbage?

  • train LLMs on megacorp content and use it to filter out results
    • sponsorblock adds this as a toggleable option just like the "skip segment" UI video overlay button
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This might be a good time to switch to using SearXNG

  • Free Open Source Search Aggregator
  • License: AGPL-3.0

SearXNG Instamces

I upvoted as soon as I saw the wall-e pic lol

oh huh

just had a moment where I realized that this is a real prelude to SOMA and maybe .hack//SIGN

  • although we're currently seeing the pros and cons for proprietary hardware+software

ooh this is a real bizarre feeling I'm currently having

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I wonder what's the probability that the current EV makers might unite to create an open source standard alternative now that this has happened?

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I ain't gonna double down on stupid mistakes


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turns out their reputation isn't the only thing blowing up

While I'd like to contribute to the survey, I'm not comfortable using a Microsoft form in addition to providing uniquely identifying info

I'm still willing to contribute in other ways tho🤗

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great for a healthy ecosystem

but keep the hell away from them

seems like it should be an opt-in setting in BIOS;

  • HP might want to learn from the other OEM vendors what to do for BIOS/UEFI configuration

fair comment +1, tbh I should've thought of a better post title as even though Intel's losing their minds it doesn't mean I should contribute to the garbage clickbait behavior

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For those who haven't yet bought a Honda:

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would you like to try some fish?

just finished the video

man what a mess, fuck the company and I really hope that vid reaches the employees that were screwed by upper management

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^me as I'm in the middle of editing and just about to add Gimp to the post when I see your comment😅

I'm kinda surprised that people don't say modding

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Lawyer to client: "final bill of $113,484 please".

Judge: "Why?"

Lawyer: "chatGPT said so"

Judge: "lmao no, new bill is now half"

for reasons that included the use of ChatGPT.

I am not a lawyer.
The judge may or may not have said lmao.

it's like a 2min short article,

  • I'd recommend reading it just in case I got something wrong.

I know about:

  • License: MPL-2.0

you might want to ask your doctor as it might be the fastest way to diagnose and find a solution cause a burning tailbone sounds really unpleasant✊️🍀

it's not offensive,

  • just something people wouldn't want to see if they've set NSFW disabled so it's just common courtesy in marking our posts properly

anyways thanks!

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Toxic managers or coworkers

pay/benefits don't trickle down
shit trickles down

what I've learned is that 2 week notices only gives time for corporations to replace you with another unsuspecting victim so I'm just gonna run as soon as I can tell my work environment is toxic

these toxic workplaces can crumble for all I care

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get fucked desantis

it's why I made the TLDW summary as I wanted to save everyone's time🤗

tbh it's the same here although I'm starting to see an upwards trend in positive and wholesome activity🌻

"No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen."

  • Epictetus

source available but not FOSS..
hmm even if this is made by Louis Rossmann not sure if I like that

tbh his app is def better than the default ytapp
I'm just a bit hesitant as newpipe+peertube already exists as a FOSS app + service

judging by the clickbait thumbails alone this guy screams of cringe

Turns out rusty chicken sword was actually optimal to execute a trick found by x069 that allows the player to skip areas B and C and this is how AlexSam did it