Intel's Snake Oil & Completely Insane Anti-AMD Marketing

recursive_recursion [they/them] to – 214 points –
Intel's Snake Oil & Completely Insane Anti-AMD Marketing

Here's the latest news from Intel

Thanks Steve


Seriously what the fuck is going on at Intel

How did anyone look at this presentation and think "yeah that looks good to publish"

Intel's gotta get it together and focus on what matters the most: making chips people want to buy because the performance is good for the cost

absolute fools

2 more...

Intel Commits Sudoku

Making your own clickbait?

fair comment +1, tbh I should've thought of a better post title as even though Intel's losing their minds it doesn't mean I should contribute to the garbage clickbait behavior

The video title is:

Intel's Snake Oil & Completely Insane Anti-AMD Marketing

You can still edit the title if you'd like.

I ain't gonna double down on stupid mistakes


It's still refreshing that you can simply just edit a title now, lol

It's so weird for titles to finally not be this immutable thing anymore coming from reddit. No more is it "whoops, I fucked up, guess this is it for all eternity now". It's very nice and needed.

I bought a desktop and 2 laptops this weekend, and they were all Ryzens.

Intel can go fuck themselves. The whole "you need a server proc to run ECC ram" pissed me off enough to put them on my shitlist for a few more decades.

Meanwhile Der8auer is still sucking the intel cock.

2 faster!!!!!!! (At half the efficiency) BUT 2% FASTER!!!!!

For speed records, efficiency doesn't matter at all. Of course that's not applicable for average buyers, but still something to keep in mind.

Oh, interesting. I had to stop watching GN after they simped the shit out of Intel and it baffled me. Glad they're calling out some of the bullshit with this one.