11 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

In the darkest of nights, you won't be scared, UNTIL the red pigeon arrives

Isn't web scraping copying ?

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Product placements in it are terrible too

"Drake's coffee cakes ..."

The show has brought a lot of cringey memories to my life 🤢

I stopped using reddit after they dropped the bomb on the devs and I'm not a fan of the company.

I understand the hatred towards them, but this is definitely expected from a company like reddit, and any other social media for that matter. As users we must be aware that we don't own the content in their platform.

I wouldn't be surprised if the same story comes from Instagram tomorrow, though I suppose there will be a bigger outcry then.

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What's the point of this feature ? If it were not evil, what problem would it solve ? How often do you go to your PC and think "what was that thing I saw but never thought to create a bookmark or save the link/image".

Even if people use it, it would be for something they missed because they thought it was unimportant or didn't interest them, which is a very rare use case.

And still it is a highlight feature !

I wonder if it is lack of ideas or lack of commitment to create a good idea , given a technology, when these kinds of useless features are launched.

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Also one or a few people turning it off doesn't matter much. The tech giants still get their demographic statistics from the ones who haven't (which is the larger percentage of the population). You could be spending money on things based on targeted ads for your demographic.

In other words, you are creeped out about wondering what they could do with your personal data if you turn it on. But you should be even more creeped out about how your daily decisions are already influenced by them using others data

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Nowadays we are supposed to need AI everywhere. I'm waiting for my AI bidet so that I can chat with it when I do my business.

Stadia was destined to fail though. I still remember the key note in which it was introduced. The CEO started with the lines "I don't play many games, but ... ".

A wasted opportunity to natively support these features and make the user base happy.

Oh wow

Or just be clear about it - Porn mode.

Thanks. Any suggestions in particular ?

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Ok. I thought I'll clear things up. Yes I had received the relevant responses and I'm happy with the answers I got.

But I'd like to bring attention to comments like yours or the one prior to it, because I see such comments throughout lemmy. It assumes the worst from someone's post/comment and gives a negative spin for the discussion.

My question was genuine and if you must know it arose from my curiosity that if there will be a language that I cannot be 100% fluent in even if I try. Thought I'd ask with others.

But now I'm wondering if any of my comments were offensive and reading through them again I don't think I was (hence this response). Again since I'm a non native English speaker, I apologise if it were.

But the whole discussion has moved away from the original point. I had never heard of Eugenics, which from the little I read now, are deeply disturbing concepts. I'm sad that my question could be compared to it.

The point is to ask stupid questions here. And mine was stupid enough. I got my responses from others. But please stop this trend of putting words into people's mouths and negativistic spin on things. It doesn't brew a healthy community. People will fear asking questions here (or anywhere in Lemmy).

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I still don't understand. WTF are we talking about. This is tech news, not a celeb scandal. Why can't we just use simple words !

And if you have to go the other way, please only buy pure Android TVs and not those fancy Web OS craps. There are lots of side loaded app freedom on pure Android TVs.

It is funny to see comments like these trying to find creative ways of being pedantic lol

My man, you've been through a lot of difficult quests. You are at level 10000 🫡

Not sure if you are talking about your country or generalising all over the world. What you said is not true where I'm from, if the latter.

Sorry I don't understand your point. The question was about enlightenment. One doesn't necessarily need religion to walk towards it.

Also religion is a terrible way to deal with war. It's simply a form of groupism that just brews more conflict. But that's a separate discussion and off topic to the question I feel.

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Yes if it was intentionally and carefully planned according to the actors age. I understand it takes a lot of commitment, but wondering if there is such a movie out there where it is an important part of the plot as well.


Great thanks

I mostly subscribe to tech and news, which is mostly sad. I get suggestions to subscribe to Cyanide and Happiness which is supposed to be sad (I guess). Interesting suggestions, thanks 👍

"What is the greatest value a person should seek ?" and try to understand their point of view. Tell yours and see if they understand it. It doesn't have to be the same, just both need to accept each other's point of view.

My answer - humility

Ok. I understand what you mean now, but I disagree on the correlation.

If someone is not religious, they could still be morally advanced. In the modern world people are tending to prefer reason over faith. I would even argue it is way better now that people are directly discussing philosophies rather than following the constructs of religion around it.

If someone is religious in the true sense, their way of life following faith in God also advances them morally. How this works depends on the religion of course. But as I mentioned earlier this tends to create a form of groupism.

So a person being religious or not doesn't directly mean they are morally advanced or not. I'd say lack of moral advancements are due to other factors, like the evolution of society on top of technology.

Hello fellow netrunner

Ah interesting

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Oh no I didn't mean incapacity. I meant fluency. One could be mildly or extremely fluent. Was wondering if origin makes a difference.

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You are Luke, aren't you ?

I know. It is useful for laying some context though

Well if you can't tell the difference. There is nothing more to say.

Hope you can look at the world more positively and leave the rest of us alone.

Michael the Magic

Tshirt quote:

My dick made a difference in me

This answer is purely fictional:

Imagine all the rain drops forming a film of glass. Now this glass is curved like a cylinder since rain is basically water flowing from a pipe in the sky. So you are looking at the sun through a curved glass hence you see the curved bow. Now your eyes are spherical in shape, hence the light reflected off the cylinder will appear in colours. Go outside and look at any cylinder, you'll see rainbow colours.

No longer a minor, but still a kid for not understanding it !

Or they can just talk to each other and resolve the dispute

May be. Would things like facial structure impact the fluency of the language ?

But I'm wondering more about communities than ethnicity. For example, my native language is difficult (not impossible) for someone brought up outside the community to speak.

My question is are there languages that one cannot be fluent in even if you are brought up in that community.

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How do I know this kind of thing ? What app can I use to measure this for my devices at home ?

No idea what race theory is. But what you say does makes sense. As an adult, yes it is mostly dependent on not being used to. But as another user pointed out, there are some languages with clicks in it that are difficult for someone outside the community to speak.

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Come on. Stop reading the comments. Go check the article.