So ya'll been playing the game (life) so far, what did you do to make your character (you) unique? to – 61 points –

I have both put my penis in a vagina and had a penis put in my vagina before

Which was better?

Definitely the latter for me, but I had hangups with the former so it's probably not an entirely fair comparison

Fair point. It's a pretty stupid question, having thought about it for more than 5 seconds by now.

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Went with random creation. Unfortunately I skipped over the slider customizations. Stuck with a male character. Though the height slider was already cranked up.

Tried to go for a melee build, but stats favored int. So, I've been going with a Netrunner build (IT).

My character creation glitched and gave me a male body when I specifically chose female in the options. Devs made it really hard to fix this but some people have found some ways around it. Fortunately my skill build came out pretty good, high cha+int with average str and dex, so I'm a netrunner/bard multiclass and that's working pretty well.

My character for some reason gets extremely happy when there is either cats or coffee around 🤷

I keep a consistently low health bar. Wouldn't want to get too op.

I rolled all ones on my character creation and just went with it.

Have you tried the comic relief character? If you get good at it, you can sometimes get re-rolls on failing checks. This rarely helps with combat, though, so be careful.

Hmmm. I'd say for me, personally, it's less about what I did and more the stuff that happened to/around me. Most of them are common-ish on their own, but all of them together are a bit weird.

To name a few:

  • Divorced parnents

  • neglectful/abusive parents

  • Multiple childhood friends died via unrelated unnatural means right around the time they reached adulthood

  • Born and half-raised near the location ofTrinity test bomb explosion

  • moved to/ half-raised at one of the meeting locations for the MK Ultra experiments

  • Teenage son of close family friends when I was smol turned out to be a child molestor (dw, i was safe)

There's some more, but that's all i feel like writing

In context of the post I guess this would be considered "plot-driven character development"

Sounds like your difficulty settings are glitched. I'd recommend having a word with the devs but they don't tend to respond to user requests.

My man, you've been through a lot of difficult quests. You are at level 10000 🫡

Chose to make him happy and content

Create a fantasy world based on multiversal shenanigans and have a relatively healthy RP server to show for it

Also +20 to cold resist

There are way fewer pit traps with spikes than I was led to believe.

Spent way more time experimenting with the chems and social mechanics than most people. Switched class three times so I'm getting close to the level cap but haven't unlocked much endgame content.

Changed the gender. Kind a pain in the ass but totally worth it.

Hey, same! I'm still in the process, at least vendor prices are cheaper than they used to be. Kinda crazy that it's time gated too, devs are lazy

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I pulled aggro from the Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) and didn’t die

I failed at a lot of things that most people succeed at. In dealing with the aftermath of those failures, I have built competencies most people don’t have.

My justification of procrastination skill is maxed out.

Here’s a good one for ya: the future’s uncertain and the end is always near.

I actually speed ran some of the tutorial. Turns out you don't actually need all that much out of the 2nd grade level. Makes the college stage a little trickier because people unlock drinking before you but otherwise it was helpful

I am not proficient in deception and perception, bringing me into unique scenarios that force my creativity. Also forgot to choose the right beard option in character selection.