2 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Asking someone their country of residence is privacy intruding? Lol

I am from Germany

If you were really from Germany, you'd never have given that much personal information up voluntarily!

Walter Masterson makes similar content sometimes which I've been enjoying instead. His channel is a lot more opinionated overall though, and he makes better use of the political platform imo.

Grammar aside, it's an odd choice to fill up half the page with 747s if you want to showcase the variety of commercial passenger airplanes.

It's not "considered trendy", your understanding of communism – an economic system – is just conflated with authoritarianism – a political system. You can advocate for one without advocating for the other.

That said, capitalism also leads to the deaths of millions, but somehow that's just an unquestionable fact of life.

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The train is using a week counter internally that overflowed. 17.11.2003 is exactly 1024 (2^(10)) weeks ago.

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As a second-year uni student I applied for a tutoring job at the university. I was still underage by a few weeks when the semester started, which caused them a bit of extra bureaucratic hassle when I was supposed to sign the contract.

After that, they've added a question "are you going to be at least 18 when starting the position" to the application form :D

At the risk of being ridiculed, as someone with decently severe anxiety, headlines around Russia tend to unsettle me quite a bit these days. Is there any community in the fediverse akin to r/UkraineAnxiety where particularly inflammatory or dramatic-sounding news headlines are put into context and relativized? Appreciate any pointers..

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How would they e2ee this without intercepting the messages? Also the irony of fighting against an exclusionary service by making your access tool also exclusionary ...

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My legs, the shower is small and I am tall so it's a lot of work to actually soap them up properly. Usually I only bother maybe every second or third shower.

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anyone who likes logical consistency

That's the neat part, they don't.

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Ok..? Why is this news?

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As a native German speaker I agree that ChatGPT is very English-flavored. I think it's just because the sheer amount of English training data is so much larger that the patterns it learned from that bleed over into other languages. Traditional machine translations are also often pretty obvious in German, but they are more fundamentally wrong in a way that ChatGPT isn't.

It's also somewhat cultural. The output you get from ChatGPT often sounds overly verbose and downright ass-kissing in German, even though I know I wouldn't get that impression from the same output in English, simply because the way you communicate in professional environments is vastly different. (There is no German equivalent to "I hope this email finds you well", for example.)

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The community is called "No Stupid Questions", maybe you could adjust the tone of your answer accordingly.

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Ah right, and here I thought the point of the protest was calling for peace. Silly me!

I generally like to know what's going on in the world, it's just this particular topic where I struggle with how it's portrayed in media. It's also not been on my mind a lot recently but with today's news I just thought I would seek out some other perspective to put these new events into context. I've also gotten a lot better over time at not letting it get to me, but I guess in your mind I have to be completely unfazed by everything before I can come back online.

I will not stop occasionally checking the news as I do now, because I do not want to completely isolate myself and become politically apathetic. Nevermind that you are in no place to tell me how often I do and should read them.

I'm not sure why you immediately jumped to calling me a "junkie", but I suspect that if that is how you feel the need to respond to my message, you aren't in a very good place either. Maybe you should take your own advice and step away from the internet for a while.

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could be that the original applies to some small place with some different setup there, but news about their protests don't really seem to spread to the rest of us

.. what?

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You wrote a whole essay speculating when it literally says in the article:

Nothing Chats then leverages Sunbird’s undisclosed number of Mac mini computers across Europe and North America as a waypoint for sending and receiving iMessage-compatible texts and media.

Here's a really small and easy to fix pet peeve of mine: graphics options that cycle through the levels of fidelity with inconsistent scales. I like to set my graphics to max, try it out, and then adjust down where needed. It's very annoying if a game doesn't stop where the max option is, so if it's currently at "High" I have no idea if the next option to the right is going to be "Very High" or "Low" again. So I often end up overshooting the highest setting and having to go back one, or purposefully going to the lowest setting and then one further.

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You're arguing as if they had said Russia and the US are morally the same; what they actually said was that they are guilty of the same aforementioned crimes.

The [US] is actively and purposefully destabilising multiple countries and are basically terrorists at this point

Tell me how that sentence is wrong.

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I think you are misunderstanding. The state already processes your data in some ways (e.g. when you fill out online forms), and they are limiting where that data can go from there. They aren't introducing new data processing done by the state.

Well there's a couple interesting answers here already. Time to save this post so I can "come back to it" (aka forget...)

Cities Skylines for me. It's like building my own little world that I would want to live and work in

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Are you basing this rant on your personal (anecdotal) experience of it working out for you, or actual statistics?

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"Ha, you have nowhere else to go! We can do whatever we want"

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React, Vue, Solid, ... are a lot more complex than your average JavaScript library, because they contain so many abstractions and basically require a separate "way of thinking" in addition to what you know from JS itself. There's a separate state and UI model, hooks are a foreign concept at first, and component memoization and re-rendering takes some getting used to as well.

Now, I only have two years of experience with React, but ten in JavaScript overall, and I will say that using React/JSX required the biggest "mental model shift" for me. That's not to say that it's difficult to work with or particularly hard to learn, but it takes time to understand and really internalize this language-within-a-language library.

The way you're asking that question seems to imply that because the API of some Python libraries can be learned in two days, the same must be possible for React, and that seems rather dismissive.

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I set up my phone to auto-correct "?!" to the interrobang. That makes it so much easier to remember it's there!

TIL it's entitled to ask that software you use is either compliant with the law or clearly lets you know that it isn't, especially when the developers have no idea what the law is

While at the same time closing all PRs indiscriminately, even the ones that are just trying to update the repo from its decades old JavaScript syntax (and get support in the comments)

It does not compute for me that my medication is on a list of "highly addictive substances" in my country yet I actively have to set myself reminders to take it or I will just plain forget lmao

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This isn't about responsibility, it's about preventing suffering. If you could prevent a genocidal leader from being born, which you knew would save hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, why wouldn't you? Because it's that person's "responsibility" that all of those innocent people died after all?

Some people use "race" to mean that, but the word you'd be looking for is ethnicity.

Here in Germany everyone I know pronounces the letters individually – as German letters that is, which means the Q is pronounced "coo" rather than "cue". I don't mind it, it's not quite as clunky as in English.

I do say sequel when speaking English though.

As an educator who has only ever worked with Moodle,
I agree that Canvas has better UX. I can't imagine another platform being as terrible to use in 2023 as Moodle lmao

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Since at least some legitimate answers are already in, I will just say that I've noticed this as well from playing GeoGuessr, and it is definitely limited to only a few countries, I believe mostly in SEA.

I get that, but the original game wasn't intended to be nearly as big as it turned out to be, so I'm not faulting them too much for having to release some should-be-base-game stuff later on. A lot of that will be included from the start in CS2 at least, like trams, bike lanes and better ped paths, so that's something.

Well that's also quite reductionist.

the real breakthrough has been convincing everyone that they have some sort of mental health issue that requires pharmaceuticals. The entire country is taking something, and that's been a huge help in keeping people docile.

I was with you up until that point. You point out that the poor are made to fight each other and then you engage in a fight against the disadvantaged who need medical assistance? Fuck this science denying, ableist bullshit.

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It also says that in the linked article itself lmao

Someday we'll all be cruising in [...] SUVs.

God I hope not. These things are a nuisance in urban spaces and everyone would be worse off in your fantasy world, including the drivers.

I'm from Hamburg and I know the majority of these as well, but some are a bit different. Here's some variations on yours:

  • Das macht den Kohl auch nicht fett (that doesn't fatten up the cabbage)
  • Herr, lass Hirn vom Himmel regnen! (lord, let it rain brains!)
  • Wie ein Schluck Wasser in der Kurve (like a sip of water turning a corner) - sitting very lazily/not upright
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