Congregation to Lefty – 498 points –

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could be that the original applies to some small place with some different setup there, but news about their protests don't really seem to spread to the rest of us

.. what?

The posted image could refer to some place where libs aren't the one protesting, unlike the countries usually seen having these protests

some place

the United States. that’s where liberals and conservatives are counter-protesting anti-genocide movements.

there are more than two sides to this conflict. both major parties in the US are pro-Israel aparthied. you’re trying to add false nuance to this post that doesn’t exist and goes against the intent of OOP.

Nah it seems we're saying the same thing, no falsies. Reactionaries are mostly angry for libs protesting with all the rest but of course it's true that there aren't any clear cut lines. And as you pointed out, both major US parties are very conservative