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Joined 12 months ago

he's an astroturfer though, is he really low enough to stoop to ddos? thankfully the fediverse is diverse and resilient to attacks to any one instance lol

2 more...

I know you are salty about how you are getting treated over at GitHub, but you should look at it objectively, Blaze is clearly advocating that people join top instances that's not or, not nobody instances that only have 1-2 users. They certainly aren't going offline as quickly as they come online.

19 more...

You want to defederate from the largest Lemmy instance, the poster child, and the mascot of Lemmy? Good luck. They are Lemmy now.

17 more...

How far do you see capable of scaling to? One thing I've been noticing is the centralisation of Lemmy users on a few top servers, surely that cannot be healthy for federation? What are your thoughts on this?

truly tragic, communities should have never centralised on the top instances.

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You don't have to jump to tiny < 100 user instances though, any instance within the top 10 is a good alternative to If everyone thinks the same as you do, then there would be no point in federation.

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Definitely dead according to some of the other posts I've seen

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They've not closed sign ups. Requiring approval of sign ups, is not closing sign ups. How am I wrong?

Sorry to tell you this, but you need to stop being overly obsessed over the Lemmy project. It is not healthy for you. Go do something better with your life. With the amount of enthusiasm you are showing, I bet you can find the cure for cancer.

12 more...

No, it's everything to do about your personal treatment, stop deceiving yourself. Just because you claim you have autism doesn't immediately grant you the right to be entitled. You don't get your way so you spam create multiple issues to call out the developers, and you expect people to believe it isn't personal for you?

If you aren't happy with the Lemmy developers, fork the project, run your own fork, convince others to use your fork. It's a FOSS world, no one has to do what you say, even if you claim to be autistic.

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Oh geez, why would the Lemmy developers want to do any kind of discussions with you over at the ! community, which you moderate?

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As long as it isn't actual credentials from reputable sites, it's almost definitely a scam lol

They've neither told people to create 1000 new instances, nor have they closed signups on

Again, you should really stop revolving your entire life over one GitHub issue, and go touch grass.

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The irony in you saying that, and posting second-hand recounts by other people. They aren't closed. If they are closed, you wouldn't even be able to submit a registration application.

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If the cure to cancer were found, like a virus to prevent deaths from COVID-19, sites like Twitter and Lemmy would spread lies and disinformation and tell people to avoid authentic facts and science.

Maybe, maybe not. It's up to the reader to differentiate between facts and tales. I don't see how that is relevant.

Is it the pro-China stance of the developers that gives you blind faith in how their SQL TRIGGER code works or Rust logic?

No, I believe the project is in need of a lot of polish. However, the way you act, makes me hope the polish does not come from you.

I doubt your sincerity and think this is a social tactic you use, lies. Insincerity.


The lies coming out of Elon Musk’s Twitter and the lies from Cambridge Analtica on Facebook make me ill. The constant people I meet in the USA who praise oil consumption and deny climate change science makes me sick. I didn’t stubble into Lemmy because I was healthy with crowds of people who flock to anything in “meme format” and praise authoritarian politicians and businessmen.

Have you considered turning off your computer, and looking out the window? Looks like the problems you are facing can be solved rather easily. There is neither Twitter nor Facebook out the window.

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Entitled to what? free money? discount at the car wash? I see you like claiming things that I never said, who talked about deserving things or being entitled?

No, I never claimed that you said you were entitled. I claimed that you like using your autism as an excuse.

perhaps you do not grasp that autism impacts my writing and the level of pain I have in communicating, even this very comment. It causes me huge pain and suffering to have my brain touch the keyboard and compose English sentences.

See? Why make yourself suffer?

Maybe you lack compassion for my suffering and you are a bully.

Why do you deserve my compassion? You are literally hurting yourself by participating in discussions even when you claim, in your own words, "autism impacts my writing and the level of pain I have in communicating, even this very comment. It causes me huge pain and suffering to have my brain touch the keyboard and compose English sentences.". If it hurts so much, get offline.

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It's a great take and I hope they do continue to ban/block more controversial topics so people spread out more.

If you willingly hurt yourself, or your brain, conversing online, then you shouldn't be using it as an excuse to get your point across. The advice was given, if it hurts, stop doing it, is that really that hard to explain?

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Is it really federated social media now though? With how much .world has grown, they could disable federation and be their own walled garden.

instance active users monthly 34436 6716 4265

Like, they have nearly 5x more active users than .ml at this point, how ridiculous is that?

9 more...

That's not how federation works. You can still interact with and its users from another instance, but spreading out not only helps with's load, but also the fediverse.

None. Lmao. This is by design.

hopefully not, they do have a good portion of communities.

It can't make me pancakes.

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The instance that I created my alt on performs well too if anyone else is looking for an alternative :D

Matrix is a better discussion platform than Lemmy, as one is messaging focused, and the other is a message board. Why are you against Matrix? There's nothing to discuss on ! because as far as that community is concerned, it's dead.

You call me childish when you were the one that retaliated against the developers by creating rubbish issues? Ironic.

What's with you and your obsession with China? From how much are accusing people of being pro-china, you sure love being on, the instance run by the developers.

18 more...

It's actually really bad. With how big it is, it's now the default for even new mobile applications, which means it will now only grow bigger. 5x is just the start. We are just seeing the start of the centralised decentralised Lemmyverse.

Again, what's your point? Lemmy belongs to them, they can do whatever they want with it. Don't like it, fork it. What's your goal?

13 more...

The end game is to either run your own instance, or find an instance that is run by an admin with the same mindset as you might have.

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Y'know what, you're right, but in an ideal federated world, it is probably for the best if people branch out further than just the top 10 as well. The instance I'm on probably is not even within the top 50, but it's fast, performant, and has all my subscriptions. Not sure about the admins, but I also have alts on and in case this instance goes bust.

Which also makes... Matrix the better discussion platform? What's your issue against Matrix?

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Hmm, I guess it was sporadic errors, it's fine now.

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I agree, but it's too late now. Even Sync defaults to the .world instance, and at this rate, they'll only grow bigger.

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Getting server errors?

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Shit dude, you still going on about the GitHub issues?

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What? Did you mean 40Gbps for less than 10 dollars/mo? Or did you mean 40GB of traffic total monthly? Huh?

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If you don’t like hearing people you disagree with talk about those things, you should be going to do something else rather than rudely trying to make them shut up. Even from the perspective that you just want to challenge this user about the appropriateness of how they are expressing their opinions and frustrations,

I have nothing against anyone who wants to bring up issues, but the way one brings up the issues should be taken into account. Anyone who tries to get their point across by spamming GitHub issues automatically loses points in my book.

Is this acceptable in your book? Are you defending this action? It certainly is not acceptable in mine, and the reason why I called the user out on it.

I understand if you take offense at the way I came across the user in question, but when they repeatedly bring up their pain as a response, it is only logical that I ask them to refrain from actions that cause them pain. It's one thing to have to go through pain for basic life-sustaining tasks, like eating, drinking, or even physiotherapy, but if your brain hurts typing on a social media forum, which you repeatedly refuse to cease, then you have no sympathy from me. Lemmy, or even Reddit for that matter is not a basic living requirement.

you are going too far and behaving inappropriately yourself with all the personal attacks.

What personal attacks?

Just leave it alone and if they are saying things that you feel need to be addressed just report and move on.

Likewise, if you have an issue with what I said, go ahead, report and move on. If I broke any instance rules, I'm sure the responsible admins will be swift in delivering the appropriate response.

Wait till is up, and then run the tool?

So long as major instances continue to rely on blacklists rather than whitelists, that won't be a problem for the hundreds of small instances.

Well, it's their instance, they can do what they want with it. You should definitely save your $ and setup your own instance so you can federate with whatever you want.

That is still the 7th largest instance. I'm glad it still works out for you, but I'm still not a fan of how the entire fediverse can be summarised in the top few instances.