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120 Celsius is still fairly low for baking

As I understand this "question by proxy" can be even more effective because people are less likely to lie about Musk than about their political views

That's kind of a paradox - we can't stop reporting actions of assholes like him because they do things borderline dangerous to society, but that exact reporting gives them the popularity to do all that

Okay, but genuinely in what cases the borrow checker caused issues for you? Cause I use Rust for a few years now and have not yet encountered the infamous fight with the borrow checker.

Also, there's a "new" and "better" borrow checker coming in 2024 edition.

And capitalistic mass production with no respect for natural resources, aka intensive farming. Plants are grown in huge monocultures with little to no genetic diversity thus making them prone to what would naturally be limited issues like unfavourable weather or diseases

Okay, so I get the reason why NOWADAYS IRS can't tell you how much taxes you owe is lobbying. But how did it work BEFORE computers? Did you file your forms and IRS agents checked them one by one, and it was just most efficient to check taxes instead of calculating them? How did we get to the situation where the IRS checks the taxes instead of calculating them? I'm genuinely curious, because that's a recurring theme worldwide.

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Try reading some current information on it.

Oh no no no, we don't play that game here. If you're trying to convince someone of your argument, the burden of providing reputable and scientifically accurate evidence is on YOU and you only.

And only if the other side won't accept scientific evidence then you can blame them.

I'm not saying cats can't be vegan but to the best of my knowledge their diet must be meat based. As it is you who are trying to convince me (and others) cats can be vegan, it is also you who must provide the evidence.

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Does YouTube pay their content creators properly? No, they have to rely on external partnerships. Does YouTube help their creators solve issues with greedy companies making copyright claims on not their content? No, they close channels because of such claims and strip creators of income they deserve. Does YouTube keep their platform secure to protect its creators? No, hackers managed to get access to the biggest channels on the platform despite YouTube being aware of the issues for months. Does YouTube at least use their knowledge from spying its users to stop bots posting comments? No, bot comments are all over the place. And I could go like that for ages...

The fact is YouTube is a shitty platform and people use it because they have to not because they want to. Because they have a fucking monopoly! People are paying thousands of dollars directly to content creators through platforms like Patreon, because they like the content. But people are not willing to support financially the platform that openly don't give a fuck about their users and creators (which are the only reason this platform exists) and care only about their shareholders. Because why would they pay to make the rich richer while content creators struggle to earn money for rent!

It's the tragedy of our times that advocating for basic human rights is somehow "leftist"

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Just don't ask your kids to take the chicken out of freezer... just move to the fridge a night before and it's gonna be perfect next afternoon. Slow defrosting keeps the most juice inside and doesn't ruin the texture as much, so it's the best option anyway.

50$ ?! Wow, that's absurd! In my country, I'm paying 20$ a month for my 1Gbit connection without datacap, and that's considered an expensive plan

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It's not any court. It's a Supreme Administrative Court - highest court instance in Poland dealing with crimes of administration

Relevant XKCD for the OP

At this point I'm afraid we can look at Nazis (oh the irony...) to understand those Israelis. The similarities of soulless brutality are pretty obvious...

I am not quite sure buying a new laptop is better than Tor, unless you have a way to buy the laptops anonymously with cash and not being seen by any cameras. Then you would still need to connect to a different network every time.

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They try to spend less so aggressively that they end up actually spending more

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I know it has nothing to do with protecting the users, but how exactly is the app supposed to make viewing unreviewed content safer?

it's not hard to read

Until there's missing brace somewhere

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Relevant XKCD:

the fuckup in redefining the mole in 2019

What? It was necessary due to our observations of the universe (on every scale), not some arbitrary "fuckup"

This is from 14 years ago!

I hope you're just sarcastic...

Sorry mate, those figures with no meaningful captions are borderline incomprehensible. Like, what's the difference between first and second figure?

As I still see that didn't block Zuck, it seems that it's time to change instance

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How strong that cloth and attachment would need to be to survive gusts from a storm that's capable of generating such big hail?

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gun companies in America want to be as rich as they can be

That's the cause of most problems in this world

there isn't ever really a need to do raids in the first place

Exactly! There might be a reason to be ready for a raid, for example if there's a strong suspicion that someone's heavily armed and might attack. But you don't start acting offensively until you're 200% sure that someone poses an immediate and serious threat.

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Doesn't frequent cleaning of sinuses cause irritation? I believe healthy sinuses should be mostly self cleaning. Of course if you have some long-term condition then it's different

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I like Lemmy for exactly this - whenever someone incorrect makes a statement they're factchecked.

Thank you kind person for finding and sharing that source.

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I'm genuinely curious where their penny picking went? All of tech companies shove ads into our throats and steal our privacy justifying that by saying they operate at loss and need to increase income. But suddenly they can afford spending huge amounts on some shit that won't give them any more income. How do they justify it then?

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Ship of Theseus

Also if you're the one making photos usually make sure you appear in front of the camera sometimes!

And they probably did that because they have no other viable way of living, because they're exploited by the rich. There's no excuse for what they did, but there's never only one person to blame for a disaster of such scale.

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No more secrets.

Post-quantum cryptography enters the chat


You probably mean "special interest". Simplifying, hyperfixation is such a strong fixation on something that you absolutely can't think about anything else.

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Poland went through such populist policies and their only outcome was massive inflation

Exactly! Climate, audio, seats and mirrors controls also must be physical as they are more or less directly related to safety

Ummm, it's a long going story which John reported quite late actually

I know it was different times, but if my kid was so afraid of not doing homework to the point of breaking into the house through the basement window, I would consider it a huge failure on my side.

Driving a car is absurdly difficult, incredibly dangerous, takes only a second of distraction to kill yourself and others

Yes and no.

It seems that most people are falsely convinced (or even peer-pressured to some extent) that you must drive at the speed limit or even above it. But you actually don't have to. You must adjust your speed for weather conditions, road conditions, traffic intensity, surrounding safety infrastructure (or lack of it) and your skills and current condition.

It seems that learning how to choose your speed is missing from most driving courses worldwide. Sometimes, road maintenance provides some advice on that, for example in France you have different speed limits for wet/dry road. But in other cases drivers ignore that guidance - sometimes highway speed limit is lowered due to lack of hard shoulder or animal fences but very few people understand that and most just ignore the limit.

And then there's your own condition - if you're tired, slow down, your kids are crying in the back, slow down, you're on new road, slow down, have a gut feeling, slow down!

What you're describing is actually mostly a case for driving too fast for given conditions. Even if you're not speeding but you can't read and comprehend signs, road, other cars, pedestrians and navigation - you're driving too fast, slow down.

So I think both your and OP's comments boil down to attention. As long as you remember essential driving rules and pay attention to road, surroundings and those rules it's difficult to cause an accident. But if your attention is slipping then it's a slippery slope.

And if you observe that you often struggle to pay attention to one of those things, you should review your actions and skills and apply necessary corrections.

Driving is easy in a way that it's schematic and there are not many rules compared to say aviation. But it's not mindless! You must think about your skills, capabilities and your state of mind and act according to those. In aviation pilots do thorough risk assessment before and during flight, and drivers should do that as well. What makes driving easier than flying is that when you identify the risk as too high you can just slow down or stop.

So to summarise. For God's sake SLOW DOWN! It saves lives.

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Who would decide tho who can impeach Supreme Court Justice? Because it can't be SCOTUS as that would be deciding in your own case and you guys also don't have a separate constitutional tribunal