1 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Stop assuming they're stupid. They're not stupid. They're monsters, they know exactly what they're doing and they're doing it because they want people to suffer.

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It was one of the most woke movies I have ever seen

translation: as a straight white dude this is Ben's first experience not being the target audience for something

We've gone from "we're not corrupt" to "you can't do anything about it". He's not denying the corruption at all anymore.

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Came here to say this. How many times are we gonna watch one of them "accidentally" quote Hitler in a speech, or talk about the benefits of slavery, or talk about how they want to make women second-class citizens, then pretend that they didn't? They gathered under a banner at CPAC that said 'We are all domestic terrorists'. When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

What's neat about this is it's not going to help any children, they know it won't help any children, and they don't want it to. It's an excuse to put more people in prison for longer because a Fucking Lot of people make money every time someone goes to prison. It's an excuse to boost police budgets that are already inflated, and to erode our civil liberties even further than they already have. We joke that we're losing the drug war and we regular citizens are, but not to drugs. The drug war is a proxy war that the moneyed establishment is waging against the working class. That's who's winning the drug war that we're losing, and losing so many of our loved ones to.

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we pick from the menu for dinner tonight, and for future meals we fight to have more of a say in what's on the menu. there's too many people calling for my head right now for me to protest vote or sit out because the guy who doesn't want to kill me is problematic about some niche policy position. remember that a lot of trump's money in 2016 went toward campaigning for democrats to stay home, with reasons alternating between "clinton is an awful candidate" (she was) and "she's got this in the bag so your vote doesn't matter".

Dope! Let's do it in court where if you're right we can restore you to your rightful office and if you're lying you'll go to prison for the rest of your life.

Did y'all know that "nimrod" didn't mean idiot until Bugs Bunny said it? Nimrod was a biblical king who was supposed to be a mighty hunter. In an episode with Elmer Fudd Bugs was like 'What a Nimrod we got here' or some shit like that. Nobody got the reference, but everyone picked up on the fact that it was meant to be insulting, and so we all just assumed that nimrod meant idiot and now it does.

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is it impossible to have a balanced conversation about starfield in particular, or does the internet ad economy tend to exclude the middle of every conversation in favor of loud antagonism and engagement bait?

They told him to get fucked, so one of his chode toadies on xitter started a rumor that they added him to the game and then removed him in a patch.

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I have shot and killed a deer with a flintlock gun. They're not toys or props. He committed assault with a deadly weapon and the whole word is just like "Oh, that's just iron man. You know how he is."

holding the delusion that people are naturally good

Nope! Just recognizing the truth that I, within myself, can be better and that I can accept the idea of being taken advantage of by the occasional bad faith actor in exchange for being able to be part of a broader community of people who do the right thing most of the time.

Cynicism is laziness masquerading as intellectualism. It's the "step 1: give up!" of philosophies.

This recent cascade of drags bans and anti-trans laws being thrown out under the doctrine of "this is obviously unconstitutional and you knew it when you tried to do it" is refreshing

yo what am I missing with that edit? you tagged yourself and then engaged the Universal Reactionary Pushback Defense. What were you trying to do with that?

The issue with scaling in baking recipes is often that home bakers are measuring by volume and not mass. Any commercial baker is going to go by mass because with ingredients like flour the amount that's in 1 cup can vary wildly based on how firmly packed into the cup it is. There are also issues with how long you need to rest 10 pounds of dough vs 1 to ensure it properly hydrolyzes and the fact that pizza dough in pro pizza shops often undergoes a sort of accidental ferment just by nature of the fact that it's made in large batches then stored.

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The years have stopped coming.

and I'm testing Youtube Revanced on my phone for unlimited ad-free background play for nothing!

Watching dude get sucked into the trap where he thinks that dominating this conversation is what's important here is just 😙🤌so sweet. The only thing that could be more fun to watch is his face as what he said gets read back to him in a courtroom and he realizes that feeding his ego in this moment is gonna be what costs him his case.

Use coupon code CONVICTEDONALLCOUNTS to get 20% off a lumpy pillow that you can already get for 80% off at outlet and buyout stores nationwide.

Once the killers have done all the killing they want, peace becomes paramount. Once they've stolen everything they can steal, then theft becomes a crime. A man with a gun kicks in your door, starts eating the food from your fridge and fucks your wife. He's doing good peaceful things and if you resist you're a warmonger.

just one more thing she's wrong about

Go write a quick "hello world" in Java. Just get the IDE and SDK set up. Two weeks from the first time it actually works, a package will arrive with stripey thigh high socks and some cat ears. I donated mine, as is the decent thing to do.

doctors only have 10 minutes in America, too. They need to see as many patients as possible and make as much money as possible for the practice. The difference is that in American that 10 minutes costs you 12-20 hours worth of work to pay for.

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We're at the stage of capitalist indoctrination where even the games we play have to generate a sellable artifact of some sort or another. The number of games I see on the app store where you pretend to buy and sell land using real money has kinda become ridiculous.

yeah, I think comment OP got number of times indicted (I think twice so far?) confused with number of charges (37 or so for this indictment, more in the past and more forthcoming)

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These corrupt, lying fuckers also said they wouldn't overturn Roe. This court needs to be dissolved and anyone who so much as bummed a cig from someone with business before the court needs to be imprisoned. You want your word to be law and the only oversight to be literal death? You need to be absolutely flawless at all times. None of this "well technically it's not illegal" garbage.

The rule of law isn't a supernatural force, it's a bargain with the angry masses. If you don't honor the bargain, why would they?

Heartbreaking: Worst Person You Know Makes Really Good Point

Is it wrong to pirate movies...

...lemme stop you right there

Yes I absolutely am, because it won't help kids any at all. This model we follow where we wait until someone dies and then swoop in, designate someone else to be responsible and then hurt that person as much as possible just doesn't work. In fifty years it has not helped one addict get clean, it hasn't prevented one person becoming an addict, and it hadn't stopped one overdose death. We've doubled down so hard on this that there are people doing life for simple possession of marijuana. If this was a good idea that worked it would have had some measurable impact by now, but the numbers say that things are getting exponentially worse. I've buried 5 close friends and family members due to addiction. I'm sick of doing the same stupid thing over and over again and then when it inevitably doesn't work just doubling down again.

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It's just a wet mouth on a long arm that reaches down to hell

I haven't read penny arcade in years, but it brings me joy to see that the writing, at least, seems to be right where I left it. Now if you'll excuse me, I've a deep crow that needs feeding.

If defederation is censorship then refusing to take a pamphlet from someone handing them out on the street is censorship

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Love that this instance has decided to stick to its guns and take actions that support the mission as a first priority. The nature of the fediverse is such that anyone who wants the content can still go get it, it's as simple as another bookmark in your browser, and this space can remain bully-free. 100% support this decision, well done.

like every GOP accusation, saying that we wanted to murder babies turned out to be a confession

Sounds like assault with a deadly weapon

If charged as a felony, you could be facing a sentence of two to four years in State prison. Regular assault (Penal Code § 240), is always charged as a misdemeanor offense.

The instrument used includes any type of firearm, knife, bat, car, or anything other type of weapon that could produce significant harm to the victim.

In order to prove a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you assaulted another person and you used a deadly weapon or force that would likely result in great bodily injury.

An assault charge does not require that you actually make physical contact with or injure the person.,four%20years%20in%20State%20prison.

If this was in California he is absolutely guilty of assault with a deadly weapon based on what he has admitted to personally.

Oh balls if we're gonna get into the math for how many billions of yeast cells we're pitching and time/population curves and all that mess we're gonna need to take this over to the homebrewing community and talk to someone smarter than me. I just let my rises go until the volume of the loaf has doubled.

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we're gonna monitor all of your family's devices, including people who are not charged with or suspected of a crime. if any of them do anything we don't like, we'll assume it's you and charge you

we acknowledge that requests to forbidden sites can be made without the user's knowledge or consent, but we're still going to throw you in jail over it

Imagine you're legally banned from driving a car. Let's even make the hypothetical situation a little bit more cut and dry than the real one from the article and assume you've actually been convicted of something and aren't just charged. This is the equivalent of saying "we're going to put monitoring devices in every car in your driveway, if any of them start up we'll get an alert. If we get an alert, we'll assume you're driving and come arrest you for violating the ban. We also get an alert if the alarm goes off and even if it's because an acorn fell on your car we're going to come and arrest you."

This is truly an amazing violation of the rights of several people. Welcome to the panopticon, you're never sure you're not being surveilled so you have to always act like someone could be watching.

This is what happens when you're lenient with terrorists.

that's an intellectually dishonest way of quoting the person that you quote

"Religious exemptions" are just conservatives doing exactly what conservatives do: setting up one set of laws for one class of citizens and another set of laws for everyone else. Try denying two Christians their marriage certificate in the name of Lord Satan, or refusing to make a cake for Christians because you don't believe in Christianity, or any number of the other freedoms they've claimed for themselves. Not only will you not be offered the same rights the Christians have, but when they get violent you'll be told you brought it on yourself.

Left two jobs in the last 3 years because they offered remote and then tried to claw it back. If I ever set foot in an office again it'll be too soon.

I also tend to check in with myself on Sunday nights as I'm lying in bed. If I feel like I'm walking into a good situation the next morning, with good problems to solve and a decent chance of actually solving them, then I stick around. If I'm filled with dread awaiting the next off-hours disaster, I brush up my resume and flip the flag on LinkedIn.

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