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Joined 1 years ago

Reddit is too big to die quickly (unless they suffer a catastrophic failure), but it's easy to see that it was an inflection point for them, that it's downhill from here. Remember: at one point, it looked like Yahoo Directory and Internet Explorer would be around forever too.

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Wait a moment....

"Work from home is here to stay, US data shows"

"Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O"

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A friend of mine has right-wing parents who were Trump boosters in 2016. He says that January 6th left them aghast, and they aren't supporting him now. That's just two people sure, and this is entirely anecdotal, but it might be indicative of how the wind is blowing.

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When I saw her name was Maryanne I was worried that she was "the good Trump," Mary, who has been very outspoken about her disdain for Donald. It appears that it wasn't.

Why is Microsoft even deciding what programs I can run on my computer in the first place? They're not malware, they shouldn't be doing this at all.

I used to work at a Dominos, and their side items have been ludicrously priced for a good while. There's usually a "coupon" in their app with a substantial discount on pizza, it's the only way I'd order from them.

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Now it's my turn to tell you basically what a lot of people here have already said, but maybe you can get something extra out of this telling.

Everyone who was mega-successful, in old age or young, has had a huge advantage somewhere that people rarely talk about. There are no exceptions to this, only cases where those advantages are lost to time or secrecy. And nearly every time, family wealth is involved in some way. Usually directly, but even if they never got a penny, being in a wealthy family brings you so many casual advantages.

You're comparing yourself to people who were dealt winning hands from the start. Like, a kid who gets a patent at a young age? Someone was coaching them, possibly someone with an agenda. Invents a new plastic? Uh-huh, at what age did they get into polymer chemistry? Who even told them polymer chemistry even existed? There's something else going on there. Don't let the media gaslight you into thinking you're "behind."

It's okay to be you! It's not a race, and even if it was, the people you're comparing yourself to had a gigantic head start.

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Showrunnners are never absolutely sure how many more seasons they'll get. If a show is popular, they could end up having to continue it after a conclusion. Or the show could be popular but corporate priority could be elsewhere, and they'll be forced to wrap up promising storylines quickly. Even for shows that announce they have plans for a beginning, middle and end, it's possible that they'll be cancelled before end planned ending, or else have to stretch after the ending has been reached. Safer is to try to just coast along, being non-committal about major plot elements, until something happens that pushes the show to resolve things.

Ed Zitron has a scathing piece about that (in the podcast version he's seething) entitled "The Man Who Killed Google Search." Worth checking out, it contains some quality righteous anger.

Note: article puts a rectangle in front of the article when you've read half of it.

Remember, Nate Silver predicted that Hillary Clinton would win in 2016, and when Trump won instead, it was chalked up to the fact that it really was a random chance.

Don't panic about this. Keep quiet and keep doing the work to get Trump thrown out. And charge your mental health bills to the Democrats, for putting up an old man up for election in 2020, one who's even older than Trump, in the first place.

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Doom is overstating things, especially with the fucking electoral college in the US and election shenanigans afoot in Georgia. Don't lose focus!

The videos you watch on Youtube influence the ones you're recommended. I once put in a couple of 8 hour cat videos for to entertain a feline friend while I was away, and for a while Youtube kept recommending them to me. I had convinced it that I was a cat.

Get her to watch other videos (or even watch them on her behalf using her account), and also mark the awful ones at Not Interested > I Don't Like This Video using the thumbnail menu. It'll take some concerted effort though.

So you see, a good reason to go to the polls (if you're a US citizen of course) is to make it so Musk and other billionaires will have wasted all that money.

Also, if you agree to this and your wife dies due to allergies in one of your theme parks, they may use the TOS on this trial to rule you agreed to binding arbitration in court.

It has. For the first time, it's risen to over 4% of market share of desktops:

Of course this doesn't count Android or Chromebooks, both of which run Linux on some level.

Wizardry inspired a lot of games, but the three games listed have greater influences elsewhere. (FF and DQ in particular are more like Ultima.) Sadly the games that were most inspired by Wizardry, sometimes called "blobbers," have mostly died out: The classic Bard's Tale games, Might & Magic, Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder. Etrian Odyssey and the Japanese Wizardry games hold the torch but are pretty niche these days.

The demise of the original Wizardry series is one of the greatest injustices in the history of computer gaming, up there with the closing of the original Atari.


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It's still easily possible that it's just a coincidence.


The fact that people are going to be very suspicious if whistleblowers die, even if it is purely accidental, is yet another reason not to do terrible corporate things. People will always wonder, and Boeing's management deserves the dark cloud that will now hang over their heads.

The Vice President can't do that without "a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide" on their side. That can't happen without either the aid of people that Trump would have to select (and he's notorious for picking toadies) or Congress passing a bill to create a body to evict him.

I think we're starting to see the beginning of the end of the Windows hegemony, for one reason: the success of the Steam Deck has made gaming on Linux mainstream. The two things that have always kept power users tied to Windows have been games and office, but GAMES were the big one. Suddenly, it starts to look like it might be possible to do without Windows for gaming, if not now, then soon.

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Also, even if you manage to get the recommendations out off of her front page generally, if one shows up and she clicks on it, it'll start recommending them again. Youtube's recommendation algorithm is really crappy, and assume you're all about the things you watch recently.

Once, I was asked if I wanted a special offer on Microsoft Office on boot up. Explorer freezes so often for me when I right-click a file and select Open With that it's made me twitchy. Frequently image icons stop displaying. For a long while, every time I've installed Windows on a computer, I've had to go through and disable all the awful misfeatures Windows tries to put in the taskbar. I also always have to set OneDrive so it doesn't redirect folders like Desktop and Documents into its cloud storage area. Now Windows 11 is threatening to put CoPilot on my desktop, and I'll have to disable it too.

I'm positively longing for Linux now.

Article puts a modal subscription box over the text.

There has always been a market for telling people what they want to hear.

Remember! You can't say "fiduciary duty" without saying "douche" and "doody."


Warning: this is secretly a Nethack thread!

So, the model was playing on average 2,000 points worse because the player was luckier? The things about werewolves and dogs is a factor but is statistically insignificant.

Nethack has a couple of other gotchas like this. They should be grateful they weren't playing on Friday the 13th....

CLOCK 2.0, coming soon, free with ads!

They also hate the idea of phone trees. Companies don't care unless we make them not care.

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What is the counterpoint elsewhere on the page? "Donald Trump Must Be Allowed To Destroy Us All?"

Saying "American people" the way the Beastie Boys would say "Another dimension"

I contribute $5 a month to Metafilter, and I use a paid VPN.

I saw pigeons at the Washington DC Amtrak station last year. Birds will bird.

The operator for ensuring something appeared in a search used to be "+", but they stopped using that for some ~?~^?^?mYsTeRiOuS rEaSoN^?^~?~?

What the heck is Dexerto?

It was made by Game Refuge, who also developed Rampage for Midway! They went back into arcade gaming, and still have a website:

While the "recent troubles" put energy to my leaving, I have always been uncomfortable with Reddit, Twitter, Discord, Stack Overflow, Quora and Fandom, as corporate-owned repositories who work by, in one way or other, profiting off of freely contributed work.

It used to be that if someone wanted to help people with freely-given information, they'd offer it in a forum, on Usenet, or on a website they started and hosted themselves, or if it fit in there, put it on Wikipedia. Now, people add it to a freaking pile that corporations monetize. Don't just hand them value! Put it somewhere that won't beg you to install an app, or beg you to "upgrade" to "Nitro," or force you to watch intrusive ads, or force people to create an account to see it, or track you! Your volunteer labor should not be a profit center!

G'bye! So long! Bon voyage! Don't forget to not write!

Strange Adventures in Infinite Space