63 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm a robotics researcher. My interests include cybersecurity, repeatable & reproducible research, as well as open source robotics and rust programing.

Image Transcription: Meme

A photo of an opened semi-trailer unloading a cargo van, with the cargo van rear door open revealing an even smaller blue smart car inside, with each vehicle captioned as "macOS", "Linux VM" and "Docker" respectively in decreasing font size. Onlookers in the foreground of the photo gawk as a worker opens each vehicle door, revealing a scene like that of russian dolls.

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!

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I think the comment that the_lego is replying to also highlights the false equivalency of calling the anti-WEI crowd as criminals, as was not a good look for Google.

They have apologized for using the word criminals & bullies in a broader context and I appreciate that. However, the initial part of the comment is very telling of how they view those who oppose.

scrambling to lock their doors

From a consumer perspective, it seems like all the FANG conglomerates are trying to shut the stable door after the AI horse has bolted, but perhaps from an industry perspective, their just trying to pull up the ladder behind themselves to curb competition, or stall any emerging upstarts, just like most FANGs where themselves only decades ago.

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Pro tip: If you check the conical URL ( first, the Lemmy web UI will help catch reposts before they are accidentally submitted.

I switched from using the short (e.g or external URL mirrors for that same reason, and just let the bots comment with privacy mirrors for those who prefer. Using the conical URL, aside from cross post detection, also ensures the thumbnail image and preview text get cached consistently.

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Do we have a community for computer architectures or computer science on this instance or anywhere else?

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This proposed standard raises my concerns about the ability to continue using the public internet with user-preferred hardware/software and custom extensions, and does not instill my confidence in maintaining the level of freedom and accessibility users currently enjoy:

Some examples of scenarios where users depend on client trust include:

  • Users like visiting websites that are expensive to create and maintain, but they often want or need to do it without paying directly. These websites fund themselves with ads, but the advertisers can only afford to pay for humans to see the ads, rather than robots. This creates a need for human users to prove to websites that they're human, sometimes through tasks like challenges or logins.

What information is in the signed attestation?

The proposal calls for at least the following information in the signed attestation:

  • The attester's identity, for example, "Google Play".
  • A verdict saying whether the attester considers the device trustworthy.

How does this affect browser modifications and extensions?

Web Environment Integrity attests the legitimacy of the underlying hardware and software stack, it does not restrict the indicated application’s functionality: E.g. if the browser allows extensions, the user may use extensions; if a browser is modified, the modified browser can still request Web Environment Integrity attestation.

Could go the other way though. Ask them nicely if they'd be willing to free up their heap of inventory, and if they return you a cart overflow, you know you've stumbled upon the ultimate zero day coupon.

Can you imagine the eye strain one would get programming on a translucent screen every day? One where your always having to keep your eyes focused on semi transparent text and graphical interfaces in the foreground, and not the distracting and ever changing background, continuously shifting in parallax as you adjust your head and viewing angle. Not having my display buttressed up against a wall, or having to deal with glare and screen reflections, or even low contrast monitors in general are all things I find infuriating already.

But I guess the Sci-Fi future of ergonomics is holograms. *You must have your migraines, and you must enjoy them.

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Yeah, I found the discussions on HN and the debates in the Google group mailing list ("Intent to Prototype: Web environment integrity API") much more interesting, but didn't hot link the latter in the OP post to limit brigading. Although that mail list archive is made publicly accessable.

Just need to put a JIT compiled language logo inside the blue car and caption it as "Containerise once, ship anywhere".

I was thinking of cross posting this to a Fortran community, but it looks like we don't yet have one.

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For anybody wondering what the Mastodon security issue is - CVE-2023-36460, you can send a toot which makes a webshell on instances that process said toot. #CVE202336460 #TootRoot

Please only post programming memes to ! .

Private Eye - essential for staying online 24/7

What was that device, an early cellular modem or 802.11 wireless bridge? The thing ontop of the briefcase looks like a head visor with an antenna. Google search keywords are just noise.

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Looks like they posted the video process timelapse of that artwork here:

I'll have to checkout their webcomic Pepper&Carrot. Thanks for the reference!

I thought this presentations humor was timely with recent events, given how for-profit ventures have been corralling open protocols and FOSS platforms, and may still be a reference that many old programmers would remember.

For a more serious discussion:

Woops, yep.

Found the full transcription for the video from OP author:

Note to self: use instead of
for better cross post detection and lemmy integration

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This was a funny talk wasn't it! Any others of his you'd recommend?

Think I posted this with the short code, so Limmy didn't match the cross post, but here are a couple more old comments here too:

I should open a ticket about fuzzy domain matching for cross posts on Lemmy. Should be useful for other things like stack overflow or other social media links.

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They can try and reinvent themselves all they'd like, but I can't be bothered to keep up with their rebrandings if they can't be bothered to commit and sell off the domain name. Something something sacrifice, something, law of Equivalent exchange. /s

I’m here to read about programming concepts that can be applied to any/most languages

Wouldn't ! already be a more appropriate community for content about programming concepts applied to languages? If that doesn't cover all the Computer Science concepts you'd like to read about, then it might be worth suggesting the creation of more specific CS communities, such as: (software) !architecture, !algorithms, !data_structures, etc. and then just subscribe to those to customize and curate your feed ?

10 C tricks experts don’t want you to know about (photo, video, neckbeard
typescript beta patch notes
not patch notes for 10 different Js frameworks posted by karma farming bots

I don't think your clickbait here is fair, as the original post you linked to doesn't really have a similarly sensationalized title, nor anything about neckbeards. Chauncey Rose, King of Neckbeards, would be sadly disappointed... :( You may be envisioning the term programming a bit narrower than most, as programmers often deal with dependency management, documentation lifecycles, passing down tribal knowledge, juggling infrastructures, things that go way beyond just language concepts. It should also be noted that there is no karma on Lemmy, as vote counts are attributed to post and comments, not individuals. AFAIK, there's no public API to query another user's total score of fake internet points.

how to x in python
should I x in Js
intellij and docker are eating my rams, pls help

That is a fair criticism, as generic or low quality questions should be discouraged from being blasted across the (main) !programming community. I don't mind when someone puts forth a well researched issue with an extensive write up and is merely probing or polling the community at large for insight or opinions, but if it's just a "How do I do X?" questions prompting "You should do Y!" answers, then those posts should be relegated to dedicated Q&A communities or appropriate stack exchange sites.

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I think if the local and remote instances are federated - for posts submitted to remote communities that have subscribers from the local instance - posts to the local instance can be annotated with cross-posted to: links, whenever the local instance is aware of other federated posts that have a matching URL in other OP posts.

A single OP can manually cross post to other communities using the cross-post button next to the title of a post, although that will auto populate the body text of the new post with quoted text from the original, as well as an embedded hyperlink to the original.

So coss-posts can be both auto detected by Lemmy, or manually created by OP(s).

If you already have a similarly sized tablet, you could just buy a dummy HDMI plug, a few dollars, to add a second virtual desktop and then simply cast that screen to the mobile device.

There are pretty nice Android tablets now with 2.5k 120 hz HDR OLD screens. You can just connect it directly to the computer via USB, enable USB network tethering, then use something like the Moonlight client app with Sunshine screen casting server. With the wired connection, and a high bit rate such as 150 Mbps, you can get single digit millisecond latency and hardly tell the difference from an native HDMI display.

Tablets like those might be on the high end, but at least you'd have nice secondary display that's a bit more multifunctional. Or just go with a cheaper LCD based tablet or old iPad, if color accuracy, refresh rate, or resolution isn't a priority.

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I'm surprised there isn't a community on this intense for this language already.
I'd suggest those who interested to make a post over on ! .

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Hope the SREs can get back to a quite workday soon.

Looks like you linked to the ! post directly. You can also use the cross-post button on the original post, just next to the star/save icon. That'll reuse the original URL that the original post used, then also auto populate the body with a link directly to the original post, along with quoted markdown of the original body text.

The nice thing about using the same URL for cross-posts is that Limmy-UI will also include hints below the title of posts with names of the communities cross posted to, allowing readers to discover even more cross-posted locations to jump into other threads, even from other instances.

Not sure if the Lemmy community has established a consistent etiquette for linking, as I think currently the URLs have to string match exactly for cross-posts to be highlighted. URL parameters and shorteners can throw a wrench into that feature. Would be nice to support aliasing across common variants, such as YouTube share and time parames.

For anybody wondering what the Mastodon security issue is - CVE-2023-36460, you can send a toot which makes a webshell on instances that process said toot. #CVE202336460 #TootRoot

This also ties well into 's recent post yesterday, about validating or verifying emails. Check this timestamp and yesterday's post:

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Also, be sure to checkout this community: !

Regardless, I still feel like each instance really needs a !main equivalent, a default space for general submissions where posts can be cross posted to or from more specialized communities, providing exposure to a wider audience, while also letting link aggregators do what they do best by allowing users to rank what they think is relevant for the particular community, or general to the instance at large in this case.

Instead of naming this kind of community explicitly as !main, I like how !programming has been used for this instance instead, giving it a familiar title that reflects the instance that is it's namesake, while still encouraging this catch-all like community to remain in scope. For example, !meta would be unsuitable for this given it is already reserved for self reflection of the instance, much like Meta Stack Exchange.

I'm using a recent 42" LG OLED TV as a large affordable PC monitor in order to support 4K@120Hz+HDR@10bit, which is great for gaming or content creation that can appreciate the screen real estate. Anything in the proper PC Monitor market similarly sized or even slightly smaller costs way more per screen area and feature parity.

Unfortunately such TVs rarely include anything other than HDMI for digital video input, regardless of the growing trend connecting gaming PCs in the living room, like with fiber optic HDMI cables. I actually went with a GPU with more than one HDMI output so I could display to both TVs in the house simultaneously.

Also, having an API as well as a remote to control my monitor is kind of nice. Enough folks are using LG TVs as monitors for this midsize range that there even open source projects to entirely mimic conventional display behaviors:

I also kind of like using the TV as simple KVMs with less cables. For example with audio, I can independently control volume and mux output to either speakers or multiple Bluetooth devices from the TV, without having fiddle around with repairing Bluetooth peripherals to each PC or gaming console. That's particularly nice when swapping from playing games on the PC to watching movies on a Chromecast with a friend over two pairs of headphones, while still keeping the house quite for the family. That kind of KVM functionality and connectivity is still kind of a premium feature for modest priced PC monitors. Of course others find their own use cases for hacking the TV remote APIs:

Tagging an image is simply associating a string value to an image pushed to a container registry, as a human readable identifier. Unlike an image ID or image digest sha, an image tag is only loosely associated, and can be remapped later to another image in the same registry repo, e.g latest. Untagging is simply removing the tag from the registry, but not necessarily the associated image itself.

I don't know of many recorded audio books, but you could also use a Text to Speech engine to listen to any technical blogs or articles. I use Android apps like Pocket or T2S to queue up a backlog of TODO read items, then when I'm out for a long walk, I can just press play and let the TTS do it's thing. Of course, I curate this list for longer pure text reads, devoid of code snippets, equations, or visual graphics that TTS would have a tough time conveying over audio.

Looks like I may need to find a successor to pocket. They do a great job scraping connect via readable mode, but I'd like to find a shelf hosted or mobile+offline app equivalent for queuing up web articles, just in case pocket gets cut from further development by Mozilla management.

I fell for it. It took me a minute into the game time to figure what was up and double check today's date.

Yep, I've seen reporting of Navy's using them for controlling periscopes on submarines (now that most are drive by wire), or Air forces using them for piloting drones, as well as for teleoperated robotic thoracic surgeries.

The widespread user familiarity and benefits in transferable hand coordination skills with common gaming based HID economics is hard to refute. Although, I'm guessing the market for safety certified joysticks will uptick.

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My order of thoughts/preferences:

  • I think people catching will transition well for us the best, especially once mods can migrate posts to better suited communities.
  • General discussion would nicely reduce junior help questions, and improve the SNR for real discussions.
  • Cross posting would really encourage growth of the long tale of smaller communities here, but Lemmy mods can't (yet) manual/auto merge threads over instance cross-posts (technical missing feature?) so keeping with a conventional main community is a bit better for now in avoiding too many duplicate posts across the instance, or splintering of discussions.
  • General topic only is a bit too restrictive, and could harm post traffic, while still making it difficult to moderate consistently.

Don't quote me, but I recall reading on GitHub that there are a few things to be refactored before Lemmy can support horizontal scaling approaches.

  1. move topic collection into a new community

I think it would be hard to concretely categorise what should go into a new hypothetical !main(?) vs !programming given such a !main should still fall under the scope of the theme of the instance's name, programming. It could worsen the indecision for first time posters, or those trying to understand the applicable nuance between the two. Perhaps the community could keep with the classic montra "I know it when I see it" to keep posts on brand.

Also, IMO, trying to change the general default community from !programming to something else would be like trying to close the barn door after the horse has bolted, or like trying to change horses in midstream, given !programming is already our largest community.