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Joined 12 months ago

Pretty simple really: capitalism requires infinite growth. We have finite resources. The world is literally melting around us due to unsustainability.

The pet peeve of many people is the greed (of billionaires, politicians, global companies, etc) for wealth (paper, essentially) yet not giving a flying fuck about the anyone else or the rest of the planet.

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Wait, the white supremacists and Nazis that he caters to aren’t making up the ad revenue? Well I’ll be!

Hmm. I really am struggling trying to predict the outcome here.

On the one hand, we have a ubiquitous FREE interface that is mature and works via your phone (that 99% of people already have and are familiar with with their own custom music playlists) and is updated constantly.

On the other hand, we have a PAID interface that sucks donkey dick in usability with little to no customization or upgrade ability and will need to be managed completely separately from your phone.

The entire executive team should be escorted out of GM headquarters after receiving swirlies.

Legal counsel has to be blowing their brains out as well. How in the world can you defend your trademark when it's a letter? Good luck playing wack a mole with all the copycats.

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Would a black person be justified in not wanting to date a white supremacist? Or would you call the black person “the real bigot”?

I nominate ChatGPT to moderate every one of their shitty subs. Obligatory fuck you spez.

I deleted all my comments and years old accounts a month ago and haven't been back since. Reddit is dead to me, just like Digg before.

If he gets supermajority in senate and majority in house pretty sure you’ll get student loan relief, increased taxes for wealthy, expansion of ACA/Medicaid, and increased minimum wage. Otherwise, nothing will happen due to filibuster.

Most of the country is pretty strongly brainwashed against anything that helps reduce wealth inequality as socialism/communism/librul. If you want to improve your QOL your generation will have to vote as a uniform block and take what you deserve.

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Welcome to the United States, where consumers built the internet infrastructure that monopolies profit from and fight tooth and nail to prevent communities from providing high speed internet to its residents. Capitalism at its most corrupt: privatize profits and socialize capital costs and losses.

Examples of the Democrats getting "in power they do absolutely nothing"?

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Only as a hat.

Moving the goalposts is a lazy form of debate. Thank you for admitting you were wrong about Obama having a supermajority and should have codified abortion rights.

I will agree with you that they should have forced Ginsburg out and Feinstein should have been voted out a year ago. But that's not what you initially claimed (multiple times, I might add).

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The fact that they would put this in a hybrid means there’s something limiting it (ie poor discharge power, overheats easily, etc).

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You spent all that time typing a reply yet you didn't even read my source...

He never had 60 present to overcome the filibuster and only passed ACA because Joe fucking Lieberman was bribed by the insurance industry to remove the public option. You should edit your posts for factual accuracy.

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Personally I'd like to thank Steve Huffman. Without him I would not have discovered Lemmy and I really like it here!

Again with the goalposts. Facts are facts. Admit you were wrong about Obama having a supermajority. Unless you are just being a provocateur, you don't help your case when you clearly miss the truth and deflect from admitting it.

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It’s all about imagery for Republicans, not honesty or reality. Waiting for the introduction of phrases like “mutilation abortion”, “satanic abortion”, and “puppy killing abortion” when talking about liberal states.

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So in a twisted way he’s right? Florida’s is where insurance goes to die?

At this point, I’d vote for ChimpGPT over the orange dipshit.

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Do you really think regulatory agencies serve no purpose? Does not the FDA protect you from deadly medication side effects? Does not the government protect your water, air and ground? Do you think shit water is unsafe to drink?

TL/DR; have you no common sense?

Then you should just go ahead and vote for the Republicans if your tinfoil hat is on that tight.

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Thinly veiled thread from Russia to NATO. This “special military operation” is evolving into much worse.

I like the term representative democracy because it implies that politicians should represent their constituents. Getting elected is not a license to vote your personal opinion - it’s to represent every one of your constituents. So if you get elected by one vote margin, you should vote in the middle. I know that’s not reality but it should be.

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What if you had to PAY a subscription fee to NOT have Android Auto?

Go back to Reddit. I read through your post and you are a snowflake. I believe you’re looking for an echo chamber, which hopefully will not be found here.

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I would love to see a coal rolling bicycle. You know, to own the libs.

Does taking foreign money for your vote constitute high treason in your definition? Because in the US constitution it does.

I love that for you. While we have a 2 party system a vote for the socialists in this context is a vote for Republicans.

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I drove 2 hybrids until I got an EV. Will never go back. Concerns about EVs melt away once you've driven one. Charging is less of a hassle than you think.

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And he’s the guy that came up with the term “angertainment”, which could not be a better description of the Boebert wing.

Snarky answer: "yes, and when there's another hurricane the insurance can just claim bankruptcy and pass the bailout costs to taxpayers."

According to you?

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Just offer all the jobs to ChatGPT!

This is the exact opposite concept of a representative democracy. What we should be asking is that our representatives should be voting based upon their margin of victory. For example, if you win by one vote you need to REPRESENT your constituents 50/50.

One of the major problems with politics is that those elected think they should vote based solely on their own opinion, which is not representative.

Lol. Byrd was 91 and "out of commission". He wasn't present and your timeline means nothing. I'll say it again for the tenth time, Obama did not have a supermajority to override a Republican filibuster.

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You were never open to a discussion because you refused to admit you were wrong about the supermajority. And you’ve spent a lot of time deflecting from that fact.

At this point, we might as well vote in a supermajority for Republicans and let them cut Medicare/Medicaid/social Security by 100% and revel in the corporate profits. Isn’t that the primary goal?

60% of the US has empathy and 40% does not. I don’t give a shit about the opinion of those without because I already know what it is. Take your left/right paradigm bullshit away and talk about personality traits. I want an echo chamber of those with empathy. If you define that as “leftist” then yes.