Teen and mom plead guilty to abortion charges based on Facebook data

BrikoX@lemmy.zip to World News@lemmy.ml – 198 points –
Teen and mom plead guilty to abortion charges based on Facebook data

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Examples of the Democrats getting "in power they do absolutely nothing"?

Critics responded to Obama's tweets by arguing he had had the ability to codify Roe into federal law during his time as president but failed to do so despite Democrats controlling the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives from 2009 to 2011.

Source: https://www.newsweek.com/barack-obama-blasted-not-codifying-roe-v-wade-democrat-failure-1719156

Look why don't we just point this out, which is a pretty obvious hole in all this.

Do you really think the Affordable Care Act would be the way it is if they ever had the majority needed to codify Roe?

They spent literal years getting filibustered.

111th Congress (2009–2011)

Majority Party: Democrats (57 seats)
Minority Party: Republicans (41 seats)
Other Parties: 1 Independent; 1 Independent Democrat (both caucused with the Democrats)

Total Seats: 100

Note: Senator Arlen Specter was reelected in 2004 as a Republican, and became a Democrat on April 30, 2009. Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut was reelected in 2006 as an independent candidate, and became an Independent Democrat. Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont was elected in 2006 as an Independent.

Source: https://www.senate.gov/history/partydiv.htm

You spent all that time typing a reply yet you didn't even read my source...

He never had 60 present to overcome the filibuster and only passed ACA because Joe fucking Lieberman was bribed by the insurance industry to remove the public option. You should edit your posts for factual accuracy.

Oh I read it, written by Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm.

And if your party member is incapable of voting then he should have resigned a long fucking time ago. That's on them for not forcing him out. The same way Ruth Bader Ginsburg should have resigned due to her failing health instead of clinging to last vestiges of power.

I guess you are going to defend Sen. Dianne Feinstein now too, when she incapable of doing her job, but being forced to stay in her position because that's convientent for Adam Schiff to stay in power.

Moving the goalposts is a lazy form of debate. Thank you for admitting you were wrong about Obama having a supermajority and should have codified abortion rights.

I will agree with you that they should have forced Ginsburg out and Feinstein should have been voted out a year ago. But that's not what you initially claimed (multiple times, I might add).

But not Senator Byrd, right?

Again with the goalposts. Facts are facts. Admit you were wrong about Obama having a supermajority. Unless you are just being a provocateur, you don't help your case when you clearly miss the truth and deflect from admitting it.

Okay. I checked the timeline. It's shit.

Robert Byrd was relased from hospital in 2009-06-30 - https://rollcall.com/2009/06/30/byrd-released-from-hospital-2/
Al Franken's was sworn in 2009-07-07 - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna31778598
Robert Byrd was again only hospitalized in 2009-09-22 - https://www.politico.com/story/2009/09/byrd-admitted-to-hospital-after-fall-027429

Lol. Byrd was 91 and "out of commission". He wasn't present and your timeline means nothing. I'll say it again for the tenth time, Obama did not have a supermajority to override a Republican filibuster.

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Just gonna call you out for a sec.

He said Ginsburg and Fenstein, because you said Ginsburg and Feinstein. While the answer to this question could easily be a "yes", this wasn't part of the original message. You're expecting him to bring up things you yourself didn't.

And if your party member is incapable of voting then he should have resigned a long fucking time ago.

It was.

You're just arguing in bad faith. We can easily just say yes but if you don't explicitly bring it up then you're just trying to find a way to debase the argument. You shouldn't expect people to answer for people you only bring up after your first argument didn't give you the results you wanted.

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Your link literally discredits your own argument. Not enough people to overturn a filibuster....

59+vice president=60

EDIT: Actually I'm wrong here. Vice president only has tie breaker vote.

And you think every single one of them is going to come out to codify abortion. Even West Virginia?

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Is the ACA period the only time period y'all know how to cite? If that's your only example you've got, then it's 100% true that there haven't been any other opportunities. And getting the ACA through and properly implemented was its own massive battle.

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I mean they had both houses of congress and the presidency in 2009. They could have codified Roe v Wade. Obama even told Planned Parenthood it would be the first thing he’d want to do in office when he was running. Then once he was in office it changed to “not my highest legislative priority.”

I get there were political reasons for it and he was trying to pass Obama Care but it still sucks.

People like Sinema and Manchin are a feature of Dem politics, not a bug. They are there to slow everything down and take the heat of unpopularity so that the party can drag its feet on all of their promises.

Biden's cabinet split the huge infrastructure bill, ensuring that the parts they wanted would pass and the stuff they promised and didn't care about would tank.

I heard someone say that the means testing of student debt relief gave the GOP extra time to sink it in some way.

The basic playbook is: vote for us or some crazy fucks will be the alternative; we talk a great game, but republicans always find a way to sabotage us when we get there.

Then you should just go ahead and vote for the Republicans if your tinfoil hat is on that tight.

I'll do one better and vote for socialists.

I love that for you. While we have a 2 party system a vote for the socialists in this context is a vote for Republicans.

And that’s how change never happens. You’re forgetting that republicans were a third party who got off the ground because people cared deeply about abolition. We just need to get people aware of how to get Medicaid for all. Also, your snide tone isn’t useful.

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