4 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The label is in Chinese (simplified characters common in China) and translates as “100 rainbow chrysanthemum seeds”. I have no idea whether the contents are what the label claims.

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I have this theory that Americans suck at math because they insist on sticking with the imperial measurement system and so nothing makes mathematical sense - Americans intuitively just think in every day units qualitatively. Whereas the rest of the world uses metric, so base 10 math just comes naturally.

Source: I am a US STEM professor. Our students suck at math.

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I don't know if this sort of thing is allowed, but if outsiders can donate money to his prison commissary account, I will definitely donate.

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Isn’t part of the charm of memes the shitty compression artifacts?

There is yet one more alternative to pirating, and that is to simply not play the game. I’ve been so much happier since i stopped consuming mass media. No cable, no streaming.

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Yeah but Customs is at point of entry whereas Security is at point of departure. So Security would not have caught contraband rotten fish.

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Geez, has this dude never watched a crime drama before? If you’re gonna be doing bad shit at LEAST get a burner phone. 🙄🙄🙄

I read the post title as “Busey”, then opened the post, and got really confused as to what Gary Busey had to do with any of this.

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Ikr? I fucking love fried chicken and watermelon but they had to go and ruin it for the rest of us.

It is somewhat interesting that this is coming from Chinese and not American (geographic, not country) scientists. In Asia the staple crop is rice, not corn. Still a cool project.

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I am not a fan of Taylor Swift’s music but I am absolutely a fan of Taylor Swift the person.

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There was a recent story on NPR that addressed this. I can’t find it now but basically it said that all these studies in isolation have issues but now there appears to be a trend that transcends national boundaries and cultures.

According to his legal defense, the president has total immunity anyway so what do you care?

It's not weird at all, once you realize it's all about a team sport mentality (and I'm being REALLY generous here) and not about integrity and honor.

This reminds me of r/shittyaskscience

三小 in Taiwanese literally translates as “what sperm?” But it means “what the fuck”.

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Ok that’s enough internet for today

If SCOTUS rules like you worry they will, Dark Brandon better start taking the nuclear option with some shit. After all, he would be above the law.

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Reminds me of when my university put up “stop sexual violence training” posters all over campus.

The mob is also competent

Related question: are there sign language specific dad jokes? That is, corny jokes that work in sign language but not in spoken language?

I can’t believe that “Secretary of State John Kerry” passed editorial review in 2023. In Nature. Makes you wonder why academic institutions are paying these journals exorbitant subscription fees for alleged editorial rigor.

Assuming you are pro KMT, the irony of that accusation coming from the same party that carried out anti-communist witch hunts vis-a-vis the White Terror is just delicious.

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Can someone explain from a technical standpoint how they can block OpenVPN running on port 443? my admittedly limited understanding is that port 443 is the common port for https. If they blocked that port wouldn't that mean that they would be blocking nearly the entire internet?

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Free air conditioning!

Typical Microsoft. For awhile Teams was working. Maybe it wasn’t anyone’s idea of superstar software but it worked well enough, and integration with O365 made it tolerable. Then they decide to push their updated app to everyone and now it sucks donkey balls.

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People are already doing this. Example: the band Vulfpeck has been doing this since at least 5-6 years ago.

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agreed! If there were ever a linux distro that Just Works, it would be Linux Mint.

Toss a 90 kg insurrectionist over 300 meters.

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If watching One Piece has taught me anything, it’s that if you try and kill a pirate all that happens is you make better pirates.

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Guys, why are you posting this here? Google isn’t paying lemmy $60m a year. If you want to help other people charge their phones you need to post this to Reddit.

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I am a Chinese American. I can’t speak for the pope (in fact I’m atheist so I could not care less about the pope). But I can tell you that many recent immigrants who speak English as a second language are very bad at nuances in English. If someone hears the word “fag” in the context of talking about gay men, they’re not all going to pick up that it’s a slur, depending on where and how they’ve heard the term. Many of them will associate fag=gay as a matter of vocabulary. And my experience is that first gen immigrants tend to ignore or avoid pop culture so their overall exposure to language trends and usage are usually poor.

When ID.4 came out in the US in 2021, VW had a decent buying experience modeled (presumably) after Tesla and Europe. You could go to a dealership to test drive, then order your desired configuration online for a guaranteed sale price. Sure there were some glitches and it took awhile for them to deliver, but fundamentally it was a great buying experience for me. We went to pick up the car, the dealer only tried minimally to upsell warranties, and we were out the door in 30 minutes. Of course, we can't have nice things so VW is back to the old "dealership fucks with you" model now.

Doom, Portal, and Half Life 2.

Idk about that. I’ve met “Native Americans” who prefer the term Indian over Native American.

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I’m not a woman but that looks painful for her boobs.

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Like, ok, everyone has their kinks. Who am I to judge. But using, of all things, TWITTER to share porn? Wtf

Edit: ok it was child porn, much worse than incest. But my point generally stands. Why tf would anyone use twitter of all things to share illegal files?

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Easy fix: marriage will become mandatory. Checkmate, libtards!