Pray they don't alter it any further

The Picard to – 1186 points –

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There is yet one more alternative to pirating, and that is to simply not play the game. I’ve been so much happier since i stopped consuming mass media. No cable, no streaming.

Right? Like what do you even get for paying all that money? The next generic marvel movie? Cashgrab nostalgia-bait sequels like fucking happy gilmore 2?? Disney's next culturally diverse not-quite-princess movie???

Learn to paint. Plant some flowers or vegetables. Build something. Create instead of consume.

I'm luckily young enough i haven't finished my list of actually good "old" media, so yeah, seven seas all the way

Yes. Play old console games with emulators. No ads, no micro-transactions, entirely free.

Oh hacking a 2ds was one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. For starters, all 3ds to gbc games run natively, and that's already a lot more games I could play in a lifetime. Then i can emulate almost any retro console there and it's dead easy to find replacement batteries and such. 0 bullshit needed. Not an ad in sight.

There's enough good "old" media that I don't think any of us will exhaust the entire supply in a single lifetime.

Plus you never know what's gonna be on your list in the future. When I was 24, I would have never guessed that turn of the century anime would become my entire shit the very next year

Fascinating! My taste for it has kinda gone away as I've got older, to the point I can't imagine how I could sit my ass down for over an hour. Instead of doing literally anything else.

I do still watch some streaming stuff for video essayists, music, and tutorial/instruction videos (work or personal project related)