
3 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This guy used violence and terrorism because he didn't want my vote to count simply because he didn't like the way I voted. Fuck this asshole. I hope he commits more felonies in prison and gets more time tacked on. 17 years isn't enough for this fascist asshole.

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Trump's attorney said it was "unfathomable" that Trump would be ready to balance his legal obligations with his campaigning.

I can't believe this stuff is even allowed in open court. Campaigning isn't even a job. It's a 100% optional thing somebody chooses to do in running for elected office. It can be stopped at any moment for any reason, completely and willingly.

A court date for multiple felonies is an obligation. It's much higher priority. There's no comparison.

If it is a fair excuse, then I guess we should all be campaigning.

Sorry boss, it's unfathomable to work today because I need to campaign. Sorry your honor, jury duty is unfathomable because I'm working the crowds. Sorry IRS, can't file my taxes this year because I'm busy raising money on social media.

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Just wait until she drops out:

"Trump is the leader we need, he's bigly strong, aced all his cognitive tests, he's super rich and therefore smart, Biden is too old, blah blah."

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Here's the arrest list so far. One more big one to add today; can't wait to edit this list.

Edit below! Editorial: These new numbers do not seem credible.

Cathy Latham, 5'2" 155 lbs

Scott Hall, 6'0" 235 lbs

John Eastman, 5'7" 160 lbs

David Shafer, 5'5" 150 lbs

Kenneth Chesebro, 5'11" 185 lbs

Ray Stallings Smith III, 5'11" 195 lbs

Rudolph Giuliani, 5'11" 230 lbs

Sidney Powell, 6'0" 170 lbs

Jenna Ellis, 5'7" 130 lbs

Mark Meadows, 6'1" 240 lbs

Harrison Floyd, 5'11" 210 lbs

Donald Trump, 6'3 215 lbs

7 8 more traitors to go, less than 24 hours left

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Potentially violates both of these conditions from the GA bond conditions.

The Defendant shall make no direct or indirect threat of any nature against any codefendant;

The Defendant shall not communicate in any way, directly or indirectly, about the facts of this case with any person known to him to be a codefendant in this case except through his or her counsel.

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5 days ago I was downvoted for saying this would happen. Yet here we are.

Expect this judgement to get appealed and tossed completely. They can't do it all in one go as that's too obvious. Doing a slow roll. Randomly extending the deadline and slashing the bond amount is just the first step. Expect more. Each time easing up even more on Trump.

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GOP senators say

Unfortunately, their word is meaningless. And to believe their statements is risky. I mean, I'm glad they are saying this. But we won't be able to see if it means shit until they actually do or do not block a new member of the committee.

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Biggs grew emotional as he talked about his daughter, swearing on her life that he intended Jan. 6 to be his last event with the Proud Boys.

“I’m done with it. I’m sick and tired of left versus right,” Biggs said. The only group he wants to be affiliated with, he said, is his daughter’s PTA.

He's an asshole. And he is sorry; sorry that he got caught. He's sick of it now, but wasn't then. He makes no statement about the victims of his violence. He makes no statements about the millions of nameless victims whose votes he wanted overturned.

Even if he had said he regretted acting on Trump's lies, it wouldn't mean a thing. He is just upset he got caught and punished. He's an asshole.

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And he's now also listed here: http://justice.fultoncountyga.gov/PAJailManager/default.aspx

6' tall, 235 lbs.

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This person, Rep. Matt Maddock, should never be allowed to speak in public again for being such an idiot. If he does attempt to speak, he should be mocked relentlessly until he shuts his mouth hole. Nothing he says should be taken seriously again. Because he's an idiot. Rep. Matt Maddock, the idiot.

While I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony too.

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Had to edit this comment. There's more!

Edit number 2 below!

Edit number 3 below!

Here's the arrest list so far:

Cathy Latham, 5'2" 155 lbs

Scott Hall, 6'0" 235 lbs

John Eastman, 5'7" 160 lbs

David Shafer, 5'5" 150 lbs

Kenneth Chesebro, 5'11" 185 lbs

Ray Stallings Smith III, 5'11" 195 lbs

Rudolph Giuliani, 5'11" 230 lbs

Sidney Powell, 6'0" 170 lbs

11 12 13 more traitors to go, less than 3 days left.

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Not just a tax bill, but insurance bills and attorney bills for the Carroll case.

But the rest apparently went to cover Trump’s mounting legal costs following a searing jury verdict in May that determined he sexually assaulted the journalist E. Jean Carroll—and slapped him with a $5 million penalty.

“I have also confirmed that the other transfers were for insurance premiums and to an attorney escrow account,” Jones wrote, referencing the Carroll case.

What a guy.

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Harrison Floyd also arrested today.

Here's the arrest list so far:

Cathy Latham, 5'2" 155 lbs

Scott Hall, 6'0" 235 lbs

John Eastman, 5'7" 160 lbs

David Shafer, 5'5" 150 lbs

Kenneth Chesebro, 5'11" 185 lbs

Ray Stallings Smith III, 5'11" 195 lbs

Rudolph Giuliani, 5'11" 230 lbs

Sidney Powell, 6'0" 170 lbs

Jenna Ellis, 5'7" 130 lbs

Mark Meadows, 6'1" 240 lbs

Harrison Floyd, 5'11" 210 lbs

8 more traitors to go, less than 24 hours left.

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She lost the right to critique anybody's job performance after giving out handies and vaping at a musical as a sitting member of Congress. It's all just air passing through her lungs making meaningless sounds at this point.

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He just made another false statement to officials. He won't be charged, but that's what this is. I would laugh my ass off if his indictment gets superceded with an additional charge for this.

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To be fair, if you turn on Trump, there is the very real threat of having millions of meal team six members' attention being directed your way by the cult leader. Death threats, doxxing, stalking, harassment, and other criminal behavior are a very real possibility.

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Edit: last traitor just got booked. All 19 beat the deadline.

Here's the arrest list so far.

Cathy Latham, 5'2" 155 lbs

Scott Hall, 6'0" 235 lbs

John Eastman, 5'7" 160 lbs

David Shafer, 5'5" 150 lbs

Kenneth Chesebro, 5'11" 185 lbs

Ray Stallings Smith III, 5'11" 195 lbs

Rudolph Giuliani, 5'11" 230 lbs

Sidney Powell, 6'0" 170 lbs

Jenna Ellis, 5'7" 130 lbs

Mark Meadows, 6'1" 240 lbs

Harrison Floyd, 5'11" 210 lbs

Donald Trump, 6'3 215 lbs

Jeffrey Clark, 5'3" 150 lbs

Robert Cheeley, 6'2" 290 lbs

Michael Roman, 5'5" 195 lbs

Shawn Still, 6'2" 200 lbs

Trevian Kutti, 5'3" 140 lbs

Misty Hampton, 5'3" 230 lbs

Stephen Lee, 6'1" 275 lbs

The Fulton County Jail has worked [ 0 ] days without processing traitors 1 more traitor to go, less than 2 hours left. Will we have a fugitive or not? Stephen Cliffgard Lee faces 5 felony counts.

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Was driving by Fort Walker the other day and they did a great job on all the exit signs, boundary markers, and what not. Didn't see a single "AP Hill" anywhere. Naming Army installations after quite literal traitors is absolutely insane.

John Eastman just surrendered too. 5'7", 160 lbs. That's n=2. If Trump's height and weight isn't posted by Fulton it's further evidence of a two-tier, rules for thee, justice system.

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All numbers come right off the Fulton Jails site. Just search for him (first name = Rudolph) and you can confirm. http://justice.fultoncountyga.gov/PAJailManager/default.aspx

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I was just thinking "rules for thee..." the other day when I almost got sideswiped by a F-250 with a big no-step-on-snek sticker on the tailgate. Was just sitting still in the middle lane at a light and this guy nearly hits me zipping by in the right turn lane. He, of course, doesn't stop on red and just immediately turns right.

Couldn't care less that his 10,000 lbs, lifted, moron dozor was sticking a foot and a half out of his lane.

Anywhoo, I know that's a stupid, odd story. But that's just an example of how these assholes live their lives. Everything, even the smallest and most common sense rules, like staying in your lane, are for suckers, not them.

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N=1 case study from a radically biased individual or multiple rigorous studies by people who understand public health. I just don't know what to believe!

Right before they lower it, in 10 days time, to $50M which will be due in an extra 30 days.

Instead, they'll admit that securing a proper $175M bond is just too difficult for Trump. So how about $17.5M, due in another 15 days.

Similar, yeah. More modern construction and side-by-side seating instead of tandem. But otherwise, similar size and weight.

He has to pay $175M in 10 days. For now. That could get extended. Or reduced. Or both. No reason to assume he'll be held to that now. All evidence points to it being reduced or extended again.

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Ha, why was this downvoted? Sketchy website "reports" proprietary Chinese research firm's accomplishment by rehashing the firm's press release about an unbelievable claim with no other evidence. This got more red flags than the beach before a hurricane.

At best, this is something they actually did approximate in some kind of lab setting that might be years and years away from being some kind of marketable product.

The (translated) press release even has a stench all on its own:

It is expected to fundamentally solve the battery life and safety anxiety of traditional lithium-ion batteries.

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What the hell is "natural drinking water?" That's not a thing.

If you mean water from a spring or creek, that's "spring water." If by "natural" you mean untreated, unfiltered, untested, it might be okay but can also kill you depending on bacteria levels, parasites, or other pollutants or contaminates.

Don't drink random water out of the ground.

As a total lay person, I have no clue what the technical definition of jury tampering is. I looked up NY law:

S 215.25 Tampering with a juror in the first degree. A person is guilty of tampering with a juror in the first degree when, with intent to influence the outcome of an action or proceeding, he communicates with a juror in such action or proceeding, except as authorized by law.

I guess "communicates with" is the key part. He's shouting publicly at any potential juror and doing so prior to the jury being selected. So I'd guess not in this case?

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He also was not released on bond today. Meaning, he's sitting in a cell for the foreseeable future in Fulton. Unclear if he was not offered a bail deal (because of his prior FBI experience) or what. He does seem to be a danger to the public. But the 18 other people do as well.

That seems to be true for Trump; unclear about the others unless I missed reporting on this. Did anybody follow-up with the Sheriff to see if others were weighed versus self-reported?

Is Trump getting special treatment? Did Trump, or others here, make false statements to officials about their height or weight? I don't think it's trivial.

It's also fun to do this about somebody so vain about their own appearance and who has spent a lifetime making fun of others for their appearance or weight.

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What gag order? If it's not enforced, and won't be enforced, it's just a meaningless piece of paper.

Who is the handler in the video? She's more of an enabler.

She shares a ton of the blame.

We should write and call her because she's effectively serving as an unelected senior Senator now.

If it can give hugs too, you basically got a whole gramma there.

Nope. They've been updated real-time, and accurately, as the arrests came in. I've been tracking all of these. I would be surprised if these change.

So what? It's not a gag order. Gag orders are enforced when violated. This won't be enforced. So it's not a gag order. It only looks like one.

Seems like you've been manipulated by propaganda. Your response is regurgitating talking points. It's not a thoughtful, meaningful response to the questions posed to you.

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This guy's name shows up all over the GA indictment, including lots of calls and emails to a bunch of people. This guy knows stuff. Interesting that they think he's a reliable witness. If I was one of the other co-defendents, my nervousness level would be going from 99.9 to 99.9999.

Wakes up, sips coffee, makes loud, proud declarations against the Geneva Conventions. Yep, this is the modern GOP.

Many, if not all, of the charges he faces across all three indictments have a punishment of a fine or jail time or both. So no, he doesn't need just one for prison time. He could easily get a slap on the wrist and pay a fine.