First Trump co-defendant surrenders to Fulton County jail to politics – 319 points –

CNN — Scott Hall, one of former President Donald Trump’s 18 co-defendants in Georgia, turned himself in to the Fulton County jail on Tuesday.

Hall, who works as a bail bondsman in Atlanta, was charged by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis with crimes related to his alleged involvement in the Coffee County, Georgia, voting systems breach.


And he's now also listed here:

6' tall, 235 lbs.

Haha wait. Are we going to find out Trump's true weight? Instead of whatever he's lied about? Lol! Can't wait

Bookies have already set the odds if you want want to place a bet.

Usually I would condemn this kind of behaviour as childish fat shaming.

But ffs I hate this cunt so much. I say 130kg. Which equals 286 gigglejuffs or whatever you Americans use.

As someone who is 6'2 and 130kgs, either Trump doesn't carry it well or he weighs more than that.

Gigglejuffs might not be a recognized American Freedom unit, but honestly I'm surprised Stones isn't, innit that strange?

I was ~285/130kg years ago and I'm 6ft tall, I was never as fat as dump. I'm going to guess over 300 pounds or 136kg.

I’m gonna go with 280+

With all the stress hamberders, I wouldn't be surprised if the fat sack weighed over 300

I would be surprised but... Yea. I'm putting my money on 310

Do you think the stress has made him eat more or less? I bet that he's been fluctuating the last couple months, I feel like the unde might be the way to go

oddsmakers are looking lovingly at that ass, those supple curves, the moist jowl, and they're coming in at around 275 today.. what a beauty..

John Eastman just surrendered too. 5'7", 160 lbs. That's n=2. If Trump's height and weight isn't posted by Fulton it's further evidence of a two-tier, rules for thee, justice system.

Eastman not on the site yet apparently.

Weird. He was there on the Fulton jails page when I checked before, but now it's gone. Probably just an administrative thing. Hopefully back up later.

His booking record also states his disposition as “Transfer to Another Agency with Pending Charges.” I wonder if they plan on moving them all to somewhere nicer, lol

Every last one of these traitors should have to spend the rest of their lives behind bars. They need to be made examples of so that coups are not attempted every time a republican loses from now on. Because the terrifying reality is it would only take one succeeding to permanently end democracy as we know it in the United States.

Unfortunately, I’m sure many of them will flip on Trump for lenient sentences. But I’m hopeful even in that scenario they will still at least face some considerable time in prison.

It's these third tier defendants that are going to cause Trump's lawyers headaches. They'll demand speedy trials. That or flip.