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Joined 12 months ago

Malls were just a way to privatize mainstreet and allow the ownership class of capitalists to extract more money from a local economy through large chain stores and to give them private control over what used to be public space.

Now the middle class is worth a fraction of what it used to be, their purpose has dissolved.

People use Amazon instead of the mall because they can still afford the Temu-level garbage Amazon sells.

I mean, some things are just fine when they are the cheapest?

Electric cars are still a 3 ton object you'll needlessly try to dispose of in 5 years.

Electric cars are here to save the car companies, not the environment.

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I assume you are American, and probably not Hispanic?

Because these assumptions are extremely cultural.

Anyways, for white Americans "Self-sufficiency" (or Self-reliance as Ralph Waldo Emmerson called an extreme version of it) is an old Puritan value, like hardwork and lifelong monogamy.

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Non-utilitized internet service.

Internet providers ARE UTILITIES. Regulate them like one.

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This is high-schooler thinking.

This is dumbass level name calling.

The rich have continually asked the middle and working class to surrender everything over the past 40 years in the name of "economy" and continue to rob them blind.

Wake the fuck up.

God will not reward you in the future for your pittance, even if his name is "economy".

Most of us out here are one traffic accident or slip and fall from complete financial ruin and it's absolute bullshit.

Is this a boilerplate comment?

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It's 4am and I just woke up because a pack of coyotes were screaming and sounding like the Halloween score.

I get on Lemmy. I read this.


Poverty in Kentucky and wider Appalachia is still a very real and very serious problem.

It's very hopeless feeling and was hit extremely hard by the opioid crisis.

I'm sure it was bad 100 years ago, too--although alcoholism was usually the drug of choice back then.

Lots of systematic suffering. Children growing up in the nightmares their parents created for them.

But it's not slavery, lol.

Also, there was 3-4 months where nothing grew.

So it was normal to work everyday, all-day, for long stretches, and then do little in the winter other than try and stay warm.

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Musk is not a tech leader, lol.

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Because linux runs on an incredible amount of platforms with an incredible amount of hardware targets and platform goals.

It runs on every supercomputer and every raspberry pi and every android phone, as well as most web servers and almost every steamdeck.

Use cases are so dramatically different there will always be multiple distributions with their own needs for package managers.

"Don't shit where you eat"

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Steam is a store.

Why would they try and sell you someone else's goods?


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Windows is not a serious OS anymore.

You could say that domestic cats are only our friends because of size. 😂

On-demand (or surge) power generation like this is much different then base power generation like you get from solar, wind or nuclear (or theoretically fusion).

Long story short, any functional power grid needs both because generation has to match demand, and demand is uneven and wonky.

The most common surge power source is small natural gas plants. This is a replacement for those.

It presumes there will be extra electricity.

There's always extra electricity. Eg. Solar generates power during the day, charges this "battery" and then powers lighting at night when demand is higher and people need to be able to see.

You absolutely can't let perfect be the enemy of good.

Hip to Be Square, of course.

Marx encouraged fascist dictatorships as a method to bring about the proletariat revolution.

And this is why dictators love the, "give me just a little more power and once it's secured I'll hand it all back to the people, pinky swear" schtick.

Simply mentioning china or any ethnicity at all is seen as racism to them because grounding reality in anything other than communist propaganda is seen as a threat.

You can't just rant about java.

You have to pick a timeslot, get at least 5 signups, get a building assignment, get department signoff from the department head, write a syllabus, assign a TA...

Thats right, even a rant about java has to be a class.

Caffeine pills

Every conspiracy theory comes back to covering for oil money and the political party they run (Republicans).

Watergate proven to happen? "Yeah, but aliens..." worked so well to distract and muddle the public that Reagan was elected in another landslide six years later.

Normal in the modern era.

In the 1800s they'd run as senators after their presidential terms if they were young enough.

Sounds like an inheritance problem.

Any hassle they can create to manufacture a reason to deny coverage.

It's not "beyond belief" it's disgustingly evil.

Because oil money

I still can't believe twitter made Donald Trump a Potus. It has to be one of the wildest stories in our country's history.

American Robins are not the same as European Robins.

American Robins were named so because they vaguely reminded British settlers of their robins "from home".

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It's mostly just making sure you move your mouse like a human.

The test and the answer as proposed is irrelevant.

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Hyperbole is a rhetorical device.

Accept its existence or die.

Keeping their grid only in Texas allows their energy sector to skirt federal regulations since it doesn't fall under the Interstate Commerce Clause.

Skipping federal environmental and Safety regulations allows texas energy Corporations to be more profitable.

Dimetrodon is my favorite dinosaur.

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The Clan of the Cave Bear

Yeah, Reddit was like that about a decade or more ago.

The current level of bot activity there is actually insane.

Robert E. Peetapes

Linux gives you the ability to be your own system admin.

Most people don't want or need that and have been steadily handing over more and more admin duties of their systems to Microsoft, Apple and Google since smartphones have become widely adopted.

But Linux is totally usable to anyone who had enough admin skills to run Windows XP and not get totally wrecked by malware. It's just a matter of learning.

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Oh, bother.