Sapphiria 🏳️‍⚧️ [she/her]

@Sapphiria 🏳️‍⚧️ [she/her]
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Joined 1 years ago

Software dev, hobbyist programmer, and video game enjoyer. Socially anxious mess.

Pronouns: she/her


Guild Wars 2: Sapphiria.5643

Wait, discord is also doing this?

I didn't know Instagram was Canada's sole source of news. You learn something new every day.

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I found this blog post, titled The Null HypotheCis, to be pretty helpful when I was questioning. To summarize, basically it can be helpful to stop treating being cis as the default, and treat both cis and trans as equal possibilities. That can be a much better way to frame things, as it allows you to consider if you are cis in the same way you are trying to consider if you are trans. For me, that made it much clearer that I wasn't cis.

So to put it another way - you listed a few reasons you think you're trans, but it's worth asking yourself what reasons you have for thinking you're cis. And how do those two stack up against each other?

Why do this? Sorry if this is too harsh, but this is a downright terrible idea. AI in it's current state is just fancy word prediction. It isn't accurate enough to use for news.

Judging by your other comments, you also don't seem to understand what is left wing. The US Democratic party is not left wing. They support the capitalist class just like the right. So if you use news sources like that, your entire project will have a right wing bias.

And that's even besides the point. Why the centrist stance? It's incredibly stupid to think that both the left and the right are equal. One side wants people like me dead while the other doesn't. Where is the middle ground there? To only half kill us? To kill only half of us? Is my desire to live and be myself too extreme to support?

Rethink this.

I recently set up LineageOS on my rpi4 for this. With that setup, I think you'd be able to use the Android version of Moonlight. I haven't used Moonlight before though, so not sure how good of an experience that is on Android. Since the official images didn't support Android TV, I ended up using this version. Performance is a little slow in the menus (and very slow in the Twitch app, but that's also true on the fire stick). I'll probably give rpi5 a shot at some point in the near future to see if that offers better performance.

Bluetooth game controller works quite well (a little too well, the box notifies me when controllers are trying to sync), and works with apps like RetroArch and Jellyfin. I think it's supposed to support AirPlay or whatever the Android equivalent is too, but I haven't tried that. I also had to install gapps to sign into YouTube, but most other streaming apps I tried worked without it. Some of them require specific Android TV devices though, so a 3rd party app store or side loading may be needed for some of them.

I originally wanted to use Plasma Bigscreen with Waydroid, but I ran into the same problem of not being able to find an Android TV image. I did try building it myself, but that was taking too long so I eventually gave up.

I agree that enjoying her work doesn't necessarily make you a biggot, but it does mean you aren't an ally. Your money absolutely does make a difference. She sees continued support of her works as support of her anti-trans ideas.


Extremely predatory design that tries damn hard to force you into micro transactions. And once you do, you have to spend so many hours to get what you already payed for. On top of that, the endgame is almost a completely different game with a different target audience than the rest of it. I regret all the money and time I wasted on it. Had to hide it in my steam library to get myself to stop as well. That kind of predatory shit should be illegal imo.

Stay away from that game, especially if you have any past issues with impulse, micro transactions, and/or addictive tendencies.

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open_agb_firm is another option for GBA games. Seems to offer better performance, particularly when it comes to audio. I played through Pokemon Emerald with that recently, and it was the only way I could avoid the distracting sound issues.

I did this for about a year on a Steam Deck after my desktop broke down, though with the caveat that I still had my Manjaro laptop as a fallback as well. Had to write some scripts to reinstall packages after updates (since system is supposed to be read-only by default) which wasn't very fun, but it worked well enough for a while. Only reason I moved on was to get a better gaming rig for Baldur's Gate 3.

I was definitely like Kid B. My precalculus teacher once asked me, in front of the whole class, how many assignments I'd have done out of 10. To which I answered honestly with 2, making everyone laugh.

My trigonometry teacher was convinced I was cheating on tests since I barely did any homework, and had me take a test alone in front of her to prove I wasn't. I did well enough that she believed me and stopped questioning it, fortunately.

Also had a teacher scold me one on one in elementary school over not doing homework, making me cry. I'm sure she thought she was helping, but all that accomplished was making me feel bad.

Didn't figure out I had ADHD until my 30s. Hopefully things will keep getting better for kids as knowledge and awareness expand.

When I switched from Reddit to Lemmy, I started using Feeder for news to fill that gap. I think my podcast app on Linux also uses RSS.

I also used Feeder with Nitter for a while to keep up with friends posting on Twitter (I never really got into Twitter myself). Though that stopped working at some point.

So yeah, RSS definitely still has uses today.

Moonstone Island is similar to Stardew Valley, with some Pokemon and Slay the Spire sprinkled in.

Graveyard Keeper also fits in that genre, though it's more management than farming.

Or if you're looking for a cozy puzzle game: Cocoon, Unpacking, or A Little to the Left are some good ones.

If you're looking for something trans coded, there's some shorter games that are pretty good: Secret Little Haven, A Normal Lost Phone.

I'd describe Ikenfell as a cozy RPG. You save the game by finding a cat to pet.

And Iris and the Giant I think is the only relaxing deck builder I've seen. Very calming.

Life is Strange - At least the original, the sequels are not quite as unique. It's an interactive story (though still in 3D) where you can rewind time to redo conversations, effectively making "save scumming" a core mechanic. The designers use the fact that you deliberate on your own actions quite well. The story is also pretty unique, but unfortunately there isn't a good way to explain why without spoiling any of it.

Inscryption - On the surface, this seems like your run of the mill card game. But once you get familiar with the mechanics, some other genres start blending with it.

Edit: Should also add:

A Normal Lost Phone - The premise is that you find a phone that someone has lost, and you can use it to slowly uncover the story of the person who lost it and why.

Via the same agency that created Agent Orange.

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