What video game have you played the most, that you think is garbage and no one else should ever play?

ericbomb@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 240 points –

I have played Eve Online so many hours, and it's a bad game. Don't do it. you will spend hundreds of hours dreaming about the cool thing you'll do later, but for 99% of players the cool thing will never happen. You will be part of the one percent's cool thing.

Do you have a similar game?


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Extremely predatory design that tries damn hard to force you into micro transactions. And once you do, you have to spend so many hours to get what you already payed for. On top of that, the endgame is almost a completely different game with a different target audience than the rest of it. I regret all the money and time I wasted on it. Had to hide it in my steam library to get myself to stop as well. That kind of predatory shit should be illegal imo.

Stay away from that game, especially if you have any past issues with impulse, micro transactions, and/or addictive tendencies.

Bro go play Nexomon extinction. It's a really good single player mon game. Best I've found. Really funny story, cool monsters, and SO many good quality of life changes pokemon should have implemented a decade ago.

EDIT: Oh and NO microtransactions if you play on switch/PC. The microtransactions on mobile are pointless and make no sense, so don't play on mobile.

Ugh, thats why it was on humble choice?

Ah, oof.... I just picked it up with the Humble Choice. Thanks for the heads up that it's filled with microtransactions :(

I have owned temtem for a few years and I haven't spent a dime beyond the initial purchase. I enjoy the more modern Pokemon type experience but I haven't played in about a year due to work and other interests. I had no idea ait had become so transaction focused.

It hasn't, it just has a cosmetic battle-pass now. They said it was going to have that back in the original Kickstarter.

Ooh thank you. It's on Humble Choice but I'm prone to microtransaction addictions so I think I'll skip this one.