3 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I'm not a console owner, are PlayStation owners really giving Sony $60 a year to play online multiplayer? It shouldn't cost anything in the first place. If Valve or GoG or anyone else started trying to tell me I had to pay them extra to send certain packets through my router, I'd have a good laugh.

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What's left to decay? It's dust now. Remember when Eidos used a PR firm to strongarm websites into not publishing reviews of Tomb Raider: Underworld if they were less than an 8/10 till after launch?

"That's right. We're trying to manage the review scores at the request of Eidos." When asked why, the spokesperson said: "Just that we're trying to get the Metacritic rating to be high, and the brand manager in the US that's handling all of Tomb Raider has asked that we just manage the scores before the game is out, really, just to ensure that we don't put people off buying the game, basically."

That was 15 years ago, and despite the fact that Barrington Harvey went on to lie and pretend they never said that, everybody knew that kind of thing was old hat back then too. Mainstream gaming journalism is a captured industry.

This has been my weekly reminder that there are people who use Bing. Harrowing.

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One of the countless reasons we need to repeal the DMCA and change copyright expiration to set in after 25 years

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Not a single solid reason given

Well not to you, but that doesn't mean much considering you think spyware is fine as long as it's opt-in (and that being a furry is equivalent in severity to being homophobic, wtf). The fact that you think this article is bad is basically a ringing endorsement.

If your name was your mother's maiden name followed by your bank password, what would your new name be?

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Their motivation essentially boils down to "We have to separate them to protect women from the terrifying power of the superior male intellect".

Crypto will never be a thing. We'll be in a Star Trek style post-economy future where the concept of money is worthless before crypto will ever be a viable alternative to fiat currency, at least for anything aside from buying drugs online from dudes with roman statue avatars who talk like anime villains.

Post: Uses the word normies in a positive sense and literally says it's great that gaming is more accessible

Fediverse: Is this a neckbeard?

The reaction is a bit more like

"B-B-B-BUT THE CONNOTATIONS!!! Bro you just LITERALLY used a word that has PROBLEMATIC CONNOTATIONS because it's ALSO USED by PEOPLE I DON'T LIKE, and that makes you GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION!!! I am PROUD of how I combine purity testing and code switching into a DEFINITELY accurate litmus test, because I think I'm a character from Dune!! I don't know what the FUCK 'context' is but it SOUNDS like something the ALT-RIGHT would care about!!!!"

If I ever caught myself taking an obvious self-effacing remark seriously, I would be so ashamed. Anyone coming into this thread with hurt feelings about the word "normies" is a huge dork and needs go outside.

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The best part is, they already made a game with a gigantic world full of procedurally-generated content: Daggerfall, which is remembered fondly for a reason.

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It's become increasingly clear that Steve and his cronies are desperately trying to get Reddit to its IPO with value intact so they can cash out and leave someone else holding the bag. As I've said elsewhere, I wouldn't be surprised if he and others end up shorting Reddit.

No idea, HolyC is the only language we need.

When I was a kid, I was an internet troll. I would have been overjoyed by this, it's blood in the water.

Well for what it's worth, you can't be downvoted on Beehaw. Plus there are way more people here who aren't dicks than there are on reddit, which helps too.

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TempleOS's implementation is cooler though

It makes sense when you consider the fact that the Imperial system and the U.S. Customary Unit system are both descriptivized, using units based around specific real-world applications with no deliberate regard for interoperability. This mirrors how languages typically develop, except for French, and France is the cradle of the SI. Therefore if you support the metric system you also have to support linguistic prescriptivism or you're a hypocrite, thank you for coming to my TED talk, I am not taking questions.

This was the entire point. If you loan out money that immediately gets paid to construction firms you own, you're effectively just charging people (with interest) to be neocolonialized.

People who were actually there at the time say otherwise. And so do I, because I was there too. Slow frame rates look like shit, and they have always looked like shit. The first video game I actually enjoyed because it wasn't visually uncomfortable to look at was F-Zero X on the N64. Would you like to take a guess as to why?

Thanks for correcting that, my browser rejects most redirects so I didn't know there was an issue.

During these formative years of the Web, web pages could only be static, lacking the capability for dynamic behavior after the page was loaded in the browser.

And it was better. Frankly, http was a mistake, humanity would be healthier and happier if we stopped at gopher.

My understanding is that the problem with and was that their hateful vitriol was spreading over here too. While that particular admin’s politics are reprehensible, I’m not sure that justifies defederating from them.

The only way for a platform which is hoping to exist as an explicitly nice place online to avoid taking sides in a situation like this is to withdraw from the quandary entirely. This kind of nuanced political and philosophical discussion is just simply not meant for Beehaw

That's a bit uncharitable, don't you think?

So is Holocaust denial.

Maybe this issue isn’t quite as clear cut as you make it seem?

It is as clear as pure water. Only weird free speech absolutists would insist on staying federated with an instance that was designed to stay as a lifeline for a den of subversive hate speech.

Having a seat at the Lemmy table is not important to me.

So you guys made this community on the Fediverse because...? It sounds like what you want is to be your own traditional phpBB forum. Of course, you'd lose out on the user base that other instances have fed to you—I've seen how dead this place was before the reddit blackout. This really smells like you guys just want to eat your cake and have it too.

I feel like we should be saying McLore

West Taiwan isn't going to love you, give it up

I hope they bring him in using the exact some methods they would use for a homeless black man.

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I can answer that: the Sun going supernova would most likely trigger a mass-extinction event on Earth. Time to start writing grant letters

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Can I pay you in the self-assessed cash value of my foot pic NFTs?

Fun fact, when interacting with Beehaw, users from other instances can indeed click downvote, but it only updates on the client side, no downvote ever actually gets cast. if you're on Android, the newest version of Jerboa no longer shows the downvote button in (most of) the places where it's disabled.

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Good monetization: giving people tote bags, pens, t-shirts, stickers, coffee mugs, or window clings "in exchange for a donation" like PBS does.
Bad monetization: selling the ability to downvote posts, selling avatars, selling the ability to have your post stickied, and all the other ways shitty forums sell prestige

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Does that really matter? The admins of Beehaw have made it clear that they would rather take a principled approach than make concessions in the name of growth. They've said so explicitly.

Hopefully Tubular updates soon too

From the Beehaw sidebar:

As a news aggregator and a social media outlet, with a focus on being a safe and accepting space, we strive to create a positive social impact. We will, also, help to connect underprivileged and minority individuals with education and civic participation by promoting a healthier online experience.

Yeah I know that guy is a Nazi and all, but it's not really a big deal. We're not gonna uncouple from his community. You'll probably be fine.

Am I the only one seeing an issue here? You can't provide a safe place for marginaziled people and then also sit down to dinner with a Nazi out of convenience. It's mutually exclusive.

Röyksopp has been one of my standbys since the original Ghostly Swim introduced me, and they've just gotten better.

Yeah that's the other side of it for sure, it's going to be a lazy port with ham-sized icons, grandma-approved giant text, and menus that can only be navigated with the arrow keys and spacebar.

Starfield on PC will probably be great after modders finish nhe game for them though. Sucks that the physics are almost certainly going to be tied to the 30fps framerate, hopefully SFSE (starfield script extender) is out not too long after launch

It probably just executes "qqq" in the console, which was occasionally the only way to unfuck their prior games.

No, they're just going to say gamers are entitled for complaining about the bugs. They've already got the "guys we're doing our best, please stop sending us death threats" PR statement ready, and they probably already registered the throwaway Twitter and Reddit accounts that will post the manufactured hate they can victimize themselves with.

IGN and its consequences have been a disaster for video game journalism.

"This game barely works. I had multiple game-breaking bugs during the tutorial. The art style is ugly, the music is annoying, the gameplay is generic and not fun at all, the graphics stutter constantly, and it tried to make me drink a can of mountain dew on camera to verify my purchase. We give it a 7... point 1."