Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World" to – 126 points –

You'll probably find that a lot of planets in Starfield are pretty boring, but Bethesda says that's kind of the point.


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The best part is, they already made a game with a gigantic world full of procedurally-generated content: Daggerfall, which is remembered fondly for a reason.

Funny you say that, Daggerfall is fondly remembered but only in spite of it's procedurally generated overworld. Daggerfall's openworld is extraordinarily barren, remarkably so. You literally will get lost if you walk more than 5 minutes from a town, and not in a fun way but because every direction you look is literally the exact same three tree and rock sprites and you lose sense of direction. Daggerfall's overworld is so bare and empty and large it actively encourages you to engage in the fast travel system with fleshed out gameplay mechanics like camping supplies and vehicles.

Try walking everywhere in Daggerfall and you'll spend minutes seeing basically nothing, it's a huge part of why the map feels so huge, it actually is.