0 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

How does that piece of shit cop sleep at night?

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We will absolutely have automation but the workers will just be fired and all profits will be absorbed by the stockholder.

No cost savings will be passed on the other consumer either.

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Article says Jill pulls $85k. So the rest is probably investments, which is pretty damn modest, considering their age.

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They are seriously trying to blame WSB for this?. LMAO, Fuck Spez.

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Jesus these guys are clowns. The people that vote for them are just... Sad.

"..., and then saw his knob gobbling support Israel during this conflict."

I'm not sure what you mean here. He has been opposing support of Israel for quite some time now.

I'm not sure if anybody DIDN'T support Israel immediately following Hamas' terror attack, but Israel's conduct quickly changed some hearts and minds.

I don't know what his stance was at the beginning of the conflict, but I'm not going to fault him him if he was supporting the victim of a terror attack.

But he has been calling for the U.S. to stop funding Israel's war for some time now.

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This article uses "nano" way too much for me to take it seriously. It is written like a marketing piece.

A rate charge increase targeting solar customers is fucking horseshit.

Should they pay for infrastructure? Absolutely, but the same flat rate that all customers pay, that are tied in.

That the rate scale was passed without any real review by the elected officials is fucking egregious. Can't even do their fucking jobs.

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I used to fly out here when practicing low-level desert flight (helicopters, I was an aircremwan).

We would land right next to the lake but not overfly it. At night, it was like a perfect mirror.

But man did it smell, it was eerie af, and the dust sometimes made all your gear stink for days.

I seem to recall an orange? grove that grew next to where we would land. I always wondered if it's proximity to the Salton Sea affected their taste.

It continually got worse and worse, and this was back in 2003-2012, while I was out there.

Edit: One of my favorite photos, of a sign, where we would land.

Yes, those are bullet holes, no not from us.

Here in Texas, we can vote all blue AND Allred, at the same time.

If the headline was the only thing you read, yes. The article actually says it still has a net loss every year.

It even says it still has a net 60k/year net loss to Texas alone.

The article's missing headline was driven from the single point that of the people moving to Califorinia, the largest percentage was from Texas.

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I use to agree with you but that metric sailed a long to me ago. All pricing, everywhere now, is based on how much they think people will pay, not cost plus a reasonable profit.

A $1300 iPhone probably cost around $200 to actually produce, and that covers development.

Any cost savings on production, or cheaper materials, is profit passed on to the stockholder. It does not go to workers and certainly does not go to a cheaper sales price.

No. You don't get frame a statement like that and then walk away from it. You said he gobbled Israel's knob and now he has to walk back his vile statements.

And now you just doubled down on it. So tell us, how did he "gobble the knob", and what was Bernie's vile statement, that he is now walking back?

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I am not an expert, but I went to BlueBell to watch themake the ice cream.

I don't see how this could have possibly happened either, unless it was done intentionally.

The whole process is sealed/controlled from start to finish. Now listeria, on the other hand...

I see your mom.

He's basically only forgiving interest or automatically forgiving debt for people who qualify and didn't apply for existing programs. Or people who have been paying for 20 years.

Anyone who could possibly have heartache about that can fuck right off.

I owe a lot but I can afford to pay and I do not fucking care if I have to pay and some someone else gets their loan forgiven. Good for them. Should have been free in the first place.

Because they were going to dump it themselves and were trying to lay the groundwork to blame WSB?

Certainly no place to act like the raging douchebag that China is being, for sure.

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I've been out of the loop. What did they do this time?

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That reporter/editor should be fined or charged with this blatant bullshit.

"The U S. Coast Guard said Monday that an estimated 1.1 million gallons of crude oil has leaked into the Gulf..." and linked the actual press release in that line.

When you actually read the press release, and then lower in the article, it says the amount is actually unknown.

They know how much oil the pipeline holds, which would be around that estimate. It could only be a couple hundred gallons that have actually leaked.

Also they are not even sure where the leak is, so it might not even be the named company's fault.

Yeah oil industry sucks, but this sounds like a fat nothing burger that CBS is pumping for clicks. No wonder no one trusts the media.

That reporter/editor should be fined or charged with this blatant bullshit.

"The U S. Coast Guard said Monday that an estimated 1.1 million gallons of crude oil has leaked into the Gulf..." and linked the actual press release in that line.

When you actually read the press release, and then lower in the article, it says the amount is actually unknown.

They know how much oil the pipeline holds, which would be around that estimate. It could only be a couple hundred gallons that have actually leaked.

Also they are not even sure where the leak is, so it might not even be the named company's fault.

Yeah oil industry sucks, but this sounds like a fat nothing burger that CBS is pumping for clicks. No wonder no one trusts the media.

(This is a reposted comment from when this bullshit article was posted earlier)

The OP of this repost didn't even have the decency to share the qualifications from inside the article.

They are just as terrible of an attention seeking whore as the writer of the article.

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I feel like the South Park song, "Kyle's Mom is a Bitch" should be remade into "Putin is a Bitch".

This is a TERRIBLY written article.

Not really. It's only fine if it s being decommissioned.

They can't just shut the magnets off. They have to ramp it down, using a very expensive item that is rented and not purchased.

Then they have to test and then ramp back up.

Probably weeks out of commission, at the least.

I've started yelling at clouds too. Are you happy now?


I feel like I have to shout because either you are being deliberately obtuse or you are just stupid.



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Ooh, can I see a TV show, "based on a true story", where a Romanian Beth Dutton just humiliates and takes land away from rich, elitist assholes, to make up this European Yellowstone?

Edit: Bonus points if they are also played by Kelly Reilly.

It's hilariously laughable that you are trying to, somehow, put China on some moral high ground.

US is not a prize horse, I assure you, but to somehow put blinders on, for all of China's egregiousness, is particularly funny.

Is it because you are researching China behind their great Internet wall that scrubs all references of their atrocities?

My favorite was the recent blurring of two athlete's uniforms, because their numbers, next to each other, references Tiannamon Square, even though it was a random happenstance

Tibet, Taiwan, Uyghurs, Hong Kong, South China Sea... innumerable imprisonment of dissidents, with no legal recourse or contact with the outside world, and that's just in theast, what, 10 years? Shills like you give shills a bad name.

How about the flagrant disregard for IP or international environmental laws? The constant industrial espionage, the flooding of the market with cheap, inferior made products. Yet their own economy is a house of cards, since Winnie the Pooh started disregarding the long term consequences for short term gain.

There is no area where China is NOT a bad actor. I'm starting to think it's their culture and not just the latest administration.

This is such a stupid argument.

The whole point of force projection is to show them they can't just get away with the shit they are trying to pull!!

We are there because we are allies with the folks they are trying to bully.

The whole point of having large allied groups is to prevent the shit China is trying to pull.

I wish you were a tree because then you could still be this stupid but still have some positive benefit to the globe.

You're probably just a troll anyway.

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I think the commentor is implying "who cares who"s fault it is, just stop the war in Gaza."

I watched the show and I can provide some context.

He did make some jokes but they weren't about trans so much but about his relationship with the community.

The handicap jokes were about making fun of himself and his comedy and how he is viewed by the trans community. It was expressed for shock value too. Said in a way to show he doesn't care who he makes fun of, that no people are safe from his humor. It fell kind of flat for me but it did not "fill his routine" as the article states.

The punching down joke was clearly sarcasm.

That being said, I found his standup to be as you described. Kind of tired and old.

He told a story about meeting Jim Carrey, while he was filming Man in the Moon. Jim was immersed in his role and everyone was talking to him, as if he was Andy Kaufman, even off set. Dave compared that to trans. Like he knew he was talking to one gender but he had to pretend they were another gender. He didn't explicitly say it that way, but that is what I inferred.

I have been a huge Chappelle fan. I have seen him really highlight hypocrisy and double standards in a cutting, but hilarious and insightful way.

But, I felt this latest standup was not particularly witty or insightful. At least when his set invloved LGBTQ. I felt he was just poking the bear to have the last word kind of thing.

His Jim Carrey story just made me feel sad because it made me believe that he really doesn't understand. Jim Carrey was trying to become someone he truly wasn't. Someone, whom is trans, is trying to become the person they truly believe they are.

He had some good insight, for me, about what it meant to him, when Wil Smith hit Chris Rock and he segued that into people's dreams and the underlying theme of the show. But then he taked about them both being men and it just reminded me that toxic masculinity is a real thing, but his set did not address it.

He talked about Lil Nas X and even though it was meant to come across as supportive, it felt forced.

But overall, I felt the jokes that involved trans were low hanging at best, and baiting at worst.

However, this "article" and the response to it, is exactly why he told those jokes the way he did. The Independent doesn't care, they are just playing the game to get clicks.

The most passionate response to Dave's routine shouldn't be more than, "That was it?"

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Bring back the ability to dismiss individual app notifications by the app icon's long press menu!!!

The article itself doesn't even elaborate on the headline. It doesn't provide any real examples and just makes claims without allowing the reader any sort of useful information.

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Ok, that makes more sense. I must have had a stroke.

Man, you sound like the zen I wish I could harness and feel. I really appreciate your tone and presence.

You mean when I said wildlife?

A lot more wildlife than birds.

I don't really care what your feelings are, my comments aren't about you.

My comments are about morons blaming cat owners, that let their cats outside.

It is seriously stupid, like voting for Trump stupid.

"Sophisticated Iranian cruise missiles".


Anyone remember their "Stealth aircraft"?

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One of my all time favorite games.

Just a high res port of the original I can play on my PC would be enough for me.

I don't disagree with your sentiment.

I think it is bad enough though, without the news source twisting it for sensationalism.

*Edit. Hmm, I guess you people are ok with lies as long as they support the narrative you want. Is this suddenly a GoP sub?

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