More than 1 million gallons of oil leaks into Gulf of Mexico, potentially putting endangered species at risk to World – 340 points –
More than 1 million gallons of oil leaks into Gulf of Mexico, potentially putting endangered species at risk


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I don't disagree with your sentiment.

I think it is bad enough though, without the news source twisting it for sensationalism.

*Edit. Hmm, I guess you people are ok with lies as long as they support the narrative you want. Is this suddenly a GoP sub?

Gotcha. Hey, how much oil has to be objectively confirmed to 7 significant figures before You're concerned? How much is okay for you?


Doesn't mean I'm going to lie about the amount to get clicks.

Let me ask you a similar question.

How much of a lie does it need to be before you are willing to call it a lie?

So you're concerned with how much oil leaked? Does it matter? This shouldn't be happening.