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Joined 12 months ago

I'll have to be the one who asks who those people are.

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I once turned that feature on thinking it was an actual backup (copies of my files in the cloud), I remember how angry I was when I found out it wasn't a backup after all and just removed your files from your computer and only made them accessible online.

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Ah yes, the classic Microsoft "what you really want is hidden behind a checkbox, otherwise you'll get shit".

Watch out, the 61 year old chess grandmaster is going to commit terrorism.

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How would it even occur to you to compare climate science to child molestation? Unless you just think that everything you don't like is child molestation.

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This picture isn't real.

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Early results suggest the effort is working. According to numbers from Reddit, free-form ads got 28% more clicks than all other types of ads on the site and saw a jump in community engagement.

Yeah, because users get tricked into clicking and then immediately leave.

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Oh god. My heart goes out to the civilians of Gaza.

Romeo and Juliet is the stupidest target for this when all of Shakespeare has been interpreted in wildly diverging ways, skin color would be the smallest of which (and where was it stated that Juliet was white?)

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I hope that someone at WhatsApp realizes their duty to leak that code to the public.

If he only said "I cleaned my shoes", they could be dirty again. Now you know the difference between present perfect and simple past. English grammar, it's weird (but every language's is, to be fair).

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Also it forwards your SMPT/IMAP data to Microsoft without your consent.

The actual argument on the death penalty - no matter if morally right or wrong, guilty or innocient, I sure as hell don't want the state to decide!

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I suppose it's all geopolitics.

Russia is allied with Iran, which means they have to support their ally Hamas.

Ukraine is dependent on Israel's closest ally - the US - for their weapons, so they won't condemn it either.

I doubt either of them really do this out of conviction.


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As a German, I have absolutely no fucking idea why the AfD is gaining traction right now of all times. Its platform is anti-immigration and also anti-progressivism, which the new government has been doing a bit of, but not much. Maybe it is because there's been a lot of hostility between the coalition's parties, but that doesn't really explain it either.

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Olvid is French and Signal isn't, which seems to be très important.

Dominating your friends honestly sounds fun, platonic BDSM could be a thing. It wouldn't even have to be sexual.

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This guy is a minor celebrity in Germany known for his cocaine use, wearing only white, being a right-winger, having contacts to Pakistani leaders and other insane behavior. And he makes his living reviewing perfumes.

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For me it was first VLC without really knowing what FOSS was, then KeePass while getting to know a bit about it, and finally Thunderbird. What did it for me was just how good and bullshit-free they were, especially in comparison to paid competitors. They really are the best products in their field, proving the quality often behind FOSS software.

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If media/publishing companies would just throw the exclusivity model in the trash where it belongs (and let DRM die too), then everyone could pay to see what they want on their platform of choice without this bullshit. As long as that's not the case, I don't see myself using these "services".

The office versions are so confusing and frustrating. I just wanna use the goddamn desktop program and not some web app.

Cry, because I'd have to redo every hard thing I've ever done. There are things I'd want to change but none are worth the things I'm incredibly grateful for.

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"Judicial" should be some kind of engorged, tumorously enlarged branch.

I dunno, there's dead Roman bones in it.

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Oh god I hope he wrote in reverse


To be pedantic that's not grammar but orthography (which in English is even weirder). English is just a mutant amalgamation of Germanic, Romance and Celtic languages and man, it shows.

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An underpaid White House intern.

I discovered what works with Youtube (for age verification) is sending a picture of an ID with everything redacted but the date of birth, so that the date was the one and only thing visible. That worked! Although it could've really been anyone's ID, lol.

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When the Church is dismantled, who gets Vatican City? What would be a fun choice?

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The definition for "ded" is bespoke:

Laughter and death as a combined concept has been present since Ancient Greece, where it is held that Zeuxis died from laughing at a portrait of an ugly woman he was painting. Ded stems from a folk etymology for dead reckoning. Emerged on the internet in the early 1990s as a representation for regional speech.

The more famous someone gets, the more power over people they have. And some people, once they have the opportunity, really like to abuse power.

Comes right before honeydew.

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Did they though?

He maybe should've known that it wouldn't work, but does he 'deserve' to be in a mental hospital? Absolutely not.

That's why we can't give it to Italy. Someone else gotta get it.

Damn, the photographer is kinda hot.

That would make more sense than whatever this is.

Burny Embers