15 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like so far - relatively neutral admins, no weird stuff like disabling downvotes, you can create communities and post nsfw!

For a site filled with users who are more tech-savvy than the average person, I'm surprised there is such a big dichotomy in views here. Or maybe it's just one or two really vocal individuals.

I think everyone is agreed that the site is a cesspool that deserves to die. The issue is that getting ISPs to voluntarily block sites based on advocacy is bad. As the provider of a "digital human right", ISPs should NOT get to decide who gets their service and who doesn't.

The EFF isn't supporting hate groups. What they're saying is that an ISP block is a dangerous precedent.

would prefer free market solns where the state has to abide by the rules of the people

you mean like facebook? haha!

oh my god i love this. it would be a shame if all other subs followed suit...

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you can try selecting "don't recommend this channel" on some of the more radical ones!

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every time it lags, it's because youtube has to send someone down to the basement to retrieve the correct blu-ray disc from a storage room

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the odds are stacked against the mods and the users, but any little bit of resistance is useful.

Some people are worried that it may feel sexual.

I... did not know this was a concern? lol

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So basically, bosses can't deal with the fact that they can't step out of their room and yell at people, and therefore still want to inconvenience everyone.

hey you're the guy who didn't shit, how did that go!

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Interesting... I switched away from Samsung and actually hated stock Android!

  • I actually preferred One UI to the standard pixel, mainly because Google ruined the quick settings - they made each button unnecessarily big, and turning on/off the wifi requires two taps instead of one now (Internet > Wifi). That's something I can't change without rooting.
  • Some Samsung stock apps are actually a great alternative to the android ones (I use Samsung Notes a ton). The only downside is they force you to download it through their own app store.
  • Samsung doesn't really have much bloat now, and the few pieces of bloat i found could be uninstalled
  • Samsung is still the only phone manufacturer with triple camera setups in a small flagship phone

Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect, but the issues I had with Samsung were solvable (e.g. uninstalling bloat is a one-time thing) while the annoyances I've had with a Pixel aren't solvable (quick settings, no third camera).

I agree. I only know a few Sikhs but they really are nice people.

beehaw is kind of a weird oddity in the fediverse. Most of the other main instances are federated.

I personally just view beehaw as a separate thing - I block their communities so I don't accidentally participate, and I use as my home instance to browse everything else. works fine for me. I see you're on, which is also a low-drama instance that federates with everyone, so you don't really have any issues there :)

Youtube is past the growth phase, at this point it's about minimising cost and maximising revenue.

If you regularly use it with adblock but decide to stop using it because of this, then youtube would have succeeded. You weren't making them money and were costing them bandwidth, so good riddance.

If you really want to stick it to them, turn on adblock, find some long videos and play them on mute in the background at 4K/1080p60 resolution. Cost them even more bandwidth.

Even better, start randomly disliking videos or making nonsensical comments (not hateful or toxic ones, just comments that don't make sense). Enshittify it further.

That is a pathway that some consider...unnatural.

I mean, trump was crazy to suggest injecting bleach, but maybe eating it on a side salad helps with covid?

(please don't try this)

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Not a lawyer but I know a little bit!

So the Reddit user agreement (Effective June 19, 2023. Last Revised April 18, 2023) says:

  1. Your Content The Services may contain information, text, links, graphics, photos, videos, audio, streams, or other materials (“Content”), including Content created with or submitted to the Services by you or through your Account (“Your Content”). We take no responsibility for and we do not expressly or implicitly endorse, support, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any of Your Content.

By submitting Your Content to the Services, you represent and warrant that you have all rights, power, and authority necessary to grant the rights to Your Content contained within these Terms. Because you alone are responsible for Your Content, you may expose yourself to liability if you post or share Content without all necessary rights.

You retain any ownership rights you have in Your Content, but you grant Reddit the following license to use that Content:

When Your Content is created with or submitted to the Services, you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, and sublicensable license to use, copy, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, distribute, store, perform, and display Your Content and any name, username, voice, or likeness provided in connection with Your Content in all media formats and channels now known or later developed anywhere in the world. This license includes the right for us to make Your Content available for syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication by other companies, organizations, or individuals who partner with Reddit. You also agree that we may remove metadata associated with Your Content, and you irrevocably waive any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to Your Content.

What this means (I think) is that while reddit is forever allowed to use whatever you posted in any way, even selling and monetising it, the author retains copyright of their post/comments. So if you copy/paste something over from reddit, the author can claim copyright infringement, but not reddit.

Please don't treat this as legal advice!

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what are those things?

didn't spez want democracy? He said he was going to allow people to vote out mods lol. You want democracy, you get it!

because reddit was a firehose of low-effort posts. A lot of times if you don't reply quick enough your post gets buried under 100 other witty puns and nobody ever reads it.

Beans are an excellent source of vegetable protein and minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc. They are rich in folic acid, an element associated with the reduction of such birth defects as Spina Bifida, and they also protect against heart disease. Beans are also a good source of non-lactic calcium.

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yes, you can! you just have to search for "all" instead of "local" under Communities!

daily top means you get the same thing for like 24 hours though

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there's no real "approval" needed, being stuck on "subscribe pending" is a bug with federation, you'll still get new posts and comments!

It has its uses.

the only rule that matters now is John Oliver only.

yes, unfortunately finding, joining and linking to other communities across instances kinda blows now, but given how new lemmy is i think that will improve over time!

huh, i honestly didn't know this was an ADHD issue.

The only thing I did was use adblock to disable the red speech symbol for chat lol. Never even used it!

I do wanna hear what John Oliver has to say about this.

I'm liking it so far - bit of a learning curve but not too bad!

I do have a bone to pick with users - there are a lot of niche communities that have zero posts. If you start a community, try to add something to it! I'm not sure if people are trying to "claim" rights to as many communities as possible - i surely hope not - but if you're interested in a subject and want to start a community, surely you have something to say! It takes two hands to clap - if you don't start saying something, then whoever comes to your community is gonna move on.

damn, there are more top mods than i thought! I remember stumbling on one "powermod" but it turns out they aren't even on this list.

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We should all help grow communities.

If there are multiple communities (like technology) I would cross post amongst a few big ones.

is lemmy already fracturing so I can’t see stuff on beehaw? Doesn’t this kind of defeat the purpose?

I'd say it's both a feature and a bug of the Fediverse!

Everyone is free to start their own server, just as everyone is free to splinter off. This means no central authority deciding what you can see and can't see.

In the ideal state, there would be multiple servers with the same discussion topic (eg a few "news" communities would exist on beehaw,, etc). Each of them will slowly take a different direction. This is already kinda happening on reddit (news, worldnews, neutralnews, etc), but here it should happen across servers.

Beehaw is a bit of a weird animal, they don't like having so many users all at once because it leads to moderation issues. I think they should have just appointed more mods, but they decided on the last-resort option of splintering off temporarily. They really value having a small,close-knit community - they don't allow people to start their own communities (the subreddit equivalent), downvotes aren't allowed, etc, so discussion is only focused on a few main channels.

As a new user, i think it's fine for you to be on lemmyworld! It has the largest variety of content here, although the pace of new content is still slow because lemmy has 1% of 1% of reddit's userbase. Feel free to contribute!

The takeaway for now is, you can see beehaw posts but can't really participate. I personally found it useful to block beehaw communities so I can see the activity elsewhere. The current default lemmy sort isn't very good - I would try sorting by Hot or New.

oh my god that looks like a trip to the ER and a long recovery

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huh, interesting.

so... they're denying everyone water to stop some people from getting high? still doesn't seem right to me tbh.

reddit has what, 100M users? lemmy only has 1% of that for now. so things will be quieter at the start, but i've found that people are more engaged here!

Sorry, fixed!