
1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The entire sys admin column is so on point!

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This is far from a stupid question. I have a girl and a boy and it's surprisingly difficult to find movies/books/ shows with positive male role models. A lot of times they are presented as evil or incompetent as well. I try to find more balanced things for them to watch together.

As far as Disney fare there are Lucca and Tangled. Lucca is meh but Tangled is really funny and the kids like it, and it arguably has two protagonists with one of them being male. Peter pan is fun but definitely not cool in different ways, especially to native Americans.

There's a lot more than Disney though. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen might be a bit scary depending on their age but they both love it. As others mentioned The Dragon Prince is pretty great. If you haven't yet, you should try The Sound of Music, you'd be surprised how much they get into it.

I'll try to think of more examples but thanks for posting this, I think it's an important conversation to have

Jesus fucking Christ

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I did not view Bush at all like Trump. Really disliked his political takes on most things and thought he was embarrassingly dumb some times but it never ever even crossed my mind that he was a threat to the republic. And actually admired his composure and leadership after 9/11. They're not even remotely comparable.

Every night at bed time - "I'm huuuungry"

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I use asahi on a MacBook air, and love it. The battery life on sleep mode has been improving but it's nowhere near the voodoo Apple does to MacOs. I recently installed Linux on my Asus machine and found the process and community to be really helpful, so maybe that's an option for you. Check out https://asus-linux.org/

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Talk about too little too fucking late!

Dumb question, but are you using a monitor that supports HDR? And is set to display in HDR?

I'm not sure how KDE handles HDR but if you're looking at the SDR and HDR side by side, one of them is either displaying incorrectly or being converted on the fly to display in the other dynamic range.

I'm still having a hard time grasping this, probably because I don't understand OCI images. How would this be different than say using fedora with docker to spin up containers with stuff I need?

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Yes!! Super helpful. Thank you!

Computer Mormon is my new favorite thing to say

I had no idea he was sick. That's really sad.

WSL is great for me. Not as fast as being in native Linux but if you're stuck in windows it's a impressively seamless tool to just have available. I use it for convenience so I don't have to have a second machine next to me all day

My wife does this all the time. Multitasking on her phone, talking to multiple people at once, she'll often say something to me with zero context. She had the first part of the conversation in her head. Sometimes she will swear she told me something that she definitely hasn't as well.

I'm running the Asahi Fedora remix for personal use in multiple Mac workstations because it's what the Asahi folks are recommending/supporting right now, and I'm not too bothered. I figured if there are changes impacting Fedora later, Asahi will go back to Arch (which I actually really liked) .

At work I manage somewhere between 20-40 servers depending on workload, almost all running commercial software. More than 50% were running Centos, which is what the software manufacturers supported, when the RH announcement was made.

While I actually understand their reasoning and would happily move to a model where there's a reasonable cost for those licenses, the way they went about it was way too fast and careless, with huge impact to their potential customers. It ironically undermined my trust on them as a company, and I wouldn't want to bet my job on anything that's downstream from or owned by RH right now.

TLDR; Fine with Fedora as a daily driver, wouldn't touch it for work.

Thanks for sharing this, cool read

Ha, we were there at the same time! I worked at big thunder mountain railroad. Never had anyone poop in line but this guy did poop on his pants in the ride, and we have him plastic bag boots so he could walk to the bathroom and get into a different set of clothes!

Yeah, they are so expensive. I can't bring myself to spend that much on a phone these days

Can you describe how you are enabling it? In-game? Are you adjusting it in game after enabling it? Is your deck itself set to full brightness (you obviously won't get the full 1000 nits if not)

That was actually a really cool read, thanks for sharing


Goddamn, that was funny

Idk man, Usenet was solid for me for years but now everything is DMCAd in a flash.

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There are many good reasons to settle a lawsuit. It feels like you're mixing up going to trial for a crime with one party suing another.

Most of the time in the US a lawsuit is seeking damages, so the primary goal of the suing party is to receive compensation. If the parties can agree on terms why go through with the lawsuit?

Sometimes the party that feels victimized does not want to testify and relive whatever trauma they suffered.

There are of course exceptions like when a lawsuit is filed for a symbolic amount like $1 or to get a civil verdict where a criminal one failed. Those are designed to either get a victory in the courtroom or compel someone to take an action unrelated to compensation.

Criminal trials are the state charging a company or an individual for a criminal offense. Those trials can end on a plea deal. It's a mechanism to avoid a hugely expensive trial and the risk of losing altogether. Of course as a the accused party you have much better chances of a deal if you have a great defense that makes the prosecutor unsure they will get the result they want. So it's inherently unfair to the poor.

Just to add to the Asahi Linux chorus - I'm self hosting a bunch of things, not on VMs but installed on the actual OS, and it's been incredibly fast and reliable. I do have thorough offsite backups happening because one should, but loving it so far.

That's awesome. My Asus uses a bit more I think but I never measured it. The MacBook air used to die in one day in sleep mode and now it'll last almost two days, so progress!

So we watched it, and I had no idea what to expect. It was really awesome. My head cannon is that The Cat Returns is a polished version of her book. Thanks for the recommendation!!

If anyone stumbles upon this and was confused like me, I found this link to be a super clear explanation of OCI Linux delivery- https://universal-blue.org/introduction/

I've never seen Whisper and tonight is movie night for us !!

I did it from scratch following a guide from Linux Magazine from a few months ago. I had to do some modifying and it was a lot of work, but it runs pretty seamlessly now, so the effort was worth it. I'll see if I can find it and tell you which month's issue it was in.

That's not what HDR10 means at all, it's just a different data encoding standard. Like Blu rays vs HDDVDs. A properly encoded HDR10 looks just as bright/dark in a proper monitor

Go on...

Hahaha nice

Car returns is fantastic

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I use lightsail exactly for that purpose. I've had my firewall using wireguard connected to lightsail for over 2 years now. Will rarely run into a block or glitched captcha loop but it does happen. I also pay for express VPN as a backup and have that on my phone, and surprisingly that is virtually never blocked. Performance with wireguard / lightsail is more consistent for all day use though

Exactly. They are not affordable for most people right now.

If you're allowed to install it on your work computer, asahi Linux is my current daily driver and it works really well. Being able to use asahi-bless lets you switch back to the Mac without having to go to recovery. It's a really great project.

That's how punitive damages are supposed to work, according to John Grisham

Lol exactly